View Full Version : Hanna is breaking my heart

07-01-2004, 12:34 PM
She wants to go outside so bad. She is always sitting by the door and watching the dogs go out. Just a few minutes ago I was outside and I saw her sitting in front of the glass patio doors so I scooped her up as I came in and gave her a hug and put her on the couch - the look on her face was so sad.

I have a harness, but she won't sit still long enough for me to put it on, and the one time I did put it on she looked very unhappy. I did manage to put it on and take her out, and she freaked and ran back to the door. This is an older nylon harness, should I try a different type? It is a hassle to get on.

She has managed to sneak out the door a few times, but she never gets any farther than the ramp out the door (for Bandit, the old dog, we have a ramp) before I catch her and bring her back in. Once in awhile I hold her in my arms and go out, but I'm way too paranoid to let her down - she can move fast and I don't want to take any chances.

Any suggestions on harnesses and training?

07-01-2004, 12:38 PM
Well, I think Pamela Johnson-Bennett has an entire chapter on harness training in her book. If you like, I can scan it for you and email it to you... Maybe it helps!

Poor Hanna!! (But of course it's better to be on the safe side...)


07-01-2004, 12:42 PM
How about taking her outside in your arms - then sitting down with her and very gently try to put a harness on her. If you keep in sight of the door and she panics it's only a very short walk back indoors.
Keep her very close to you at all times.
Good Luck - I hope Hanna manages to get a feel of the great outdoors.


07-01-2004, 12:53 PM
Thanks, both of you. I have to go to Petsmart tonight so I think I'll take a look around for a new harness. I'll look for that book over there Kristen, so you don't have to go through the hassle of scanning it. I might even have somthing like that in one of the books I already own.

I'm just worried about something scaring her when we're out - the A/C coming on, the neighbor's dog barking, my own dogs barking, a loud truck - if she ran and went up a tree I don't know what I'd do - call the fire department? Lol. we have a big fence around our yard but she could easily get under it at the gates.

07-01-2004, 03:30 PM
I know my Calivn bolts for the door at every opportunity. I feel bad but also see the outdoor kitties that don't look as good as he does and the thought of anything happening to him woud kill me! My boys won't even wear collars much less harnesses. I tried to teach Calvin when he was only weeks old and I'd find him naked in minutes:eek: :rolleyes: So I figure it's in his best interest to be inside only. When I let him on the porch, I'm also afraid of him freaking out about an odd noise and not being able to contain him. Too much stress. He just has to live with being a safe, long living kit!

07-01-2004, 03:41 PM
Hmmmm. What about building an outdoor enclosure? Or getting one of those kitty strollers that are closed up? lol, look!



I agree that it is too risky to let her out there without some protection - either a harness or enclosure of some kind.

07-01-2004, 04:10 PM
Abbey & Bo go outside don't they ? So the surounding area must be safe for cats, introducing her on a harness is a good idea to start with.

Here is my guide to introducing cats to the outside world.

07-01-2004, 04:11 PM
boscibo, the book is called "Think like a cat" by Pamela Johnson-Bennett, it's a very good one; I've learned a lot from it. It has 4 pages about leash training, so if you won't get the book, I will gladly scan them for you. :)


07-01-2004, 04:17 PM
Maybe she would do well with a Walking Jacket like this:
You can order them from www.metpet.com
Eddie and Edwina introduced them to us and my Julie does very well outside with hers. It took a couple of weeks for her to really get comfy with it...but they adjust to them. It comes with instructions for introducing them to the cats and training them to walk on a leash.

07-01-2004, 04:43 PM
Thanks for all the great ideas! Abby and Bo stay inside too, but they don't seem to mind. They're both older - Abby has always been an indoor cat, but when I lived in the country Bo was allowed out (he was a great hunter). Since I live in town now I keep them in. The other two seem perfectly content and never run towards the door, or look so longingly at me to be let out.

I did get the harness on her and took her out for a little bit this afternoon, all was fine until some idiot in the neighborhood set off a firecracker. She got agitated so I brought her back inside.

I'll look at Petsmart and see what I can find, thanks!

07-02-2004, 02:50 AM
all was fine until some idiot in the neighborhood set off a firecracker.

What a jerk!!! Poor kitty!!! :(


07-02-2004, 07:48 AM
Hey Boscibo

I have the same situation with my boy,Thor. He cries, mournfully, to get outside. The only time I allow him out is when I go out with him and just sit on the steps. He just loves to go out and roll around on the concrete...and he's happy. He doesn't wander off so I can't see him. I do this mostly on nice days. When I come home from work, he starts crying right away because he knows Mommy will take him out or at least might :) So, if Hanna is a kitty who stays close to you when she goes out, then maybe you can do this. It gives her freedom but yet you are there to watch over her...rather then having a harness or leash attached to her. She'll be happy then. But, I never leave him out alone!

07-02-2004, 08:06 AM
I feel the same way with Pouncer. He wants to go out so badly! He just gave me the loud, pitiful MEOW to go out on the balcony (A DEFINATE NO-NO since the time he fell) He has a little harness and we'll go outside, but whenever we are outside, something everytime scares him: car car driving by, a person walking by, a sudden move on Nicki's part... something! Then he runs as fast as his legs will allow to the back door and scratch to go back in! He's turning out to be a major scardy cat! :rolleyes: So, he sits and gazes longinly at the outside world, but whenever he has the opportunity to go out.... he runs right back on!

I am fine with him being a scardy cat like Allen. Allen will go outside but won't venture more than 5 feet away from the porch. In time I'll come to trust Pouncer like that, but for now, he's still too young and eager to explore... like your Hanna!

07-02-2004, 08:49 AM
Its sad,when The Found cats want out, and I am afraid,as two cats have been killed,on my Front Yard,not on the road! But The Factory has closed off thier laneway,so there isntas much traffic rippihng through, as there used to be,good news for The Starys!