View Full Version : Cataholic ... How is Dakky?

07-01-2004, 06:32 AM
Just wondering how our Dakky is doing today? Is he still hoarse? I hope we didn't make your concerns sound silly .... I know that we ALL really do love Dakky and hope that his lack of meows is something minor! Nonetheless, we are praying for him and you! How about an update!!!;)

07-01-2004, 09:38 AM
{{Hugs}}! Did you guys start making fun of us in the last thread? I will have to go look. Not that I would have taken offense. Working on a rating system...I would say yesterday, Dakky had about 10% volumne. Lots of times, no sound came out at all. :( A few times, a raspy sound came out.

Today, I would put him at 20% volumne, maybe. He was still silent sometimes, which is SO sad, but, he did have some more noise. I called the vet yesterday, and the tech told me to just watch him til today. They have 'late' hours tonight. He is eating normal, acting normal, affectionate, etc. I wonder if I could open his mouth and look for anything? And, now I realize I should have palpated his throat. Dern it. So, I don't know what to do or think. I might give it one more day. It is just the strangest thing.

Thanks for asking, Kim.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-01-2004, 10:13 AM
Glad to hear the volume has gone up by 10%. :D

It is the strangest thing because you would think if he had a sore throat he'd be lethargic and generally not feeling well like Pepper Jack. But I know you'll watch him good and if you feel a visit to the white coats is necessary, then off he'll go.

Come on Dakky, we know you can turn up the volume! ;) :D

07-01-2004, 10:22 AM
Debbie: if the volume was 10% and is 20% now, then the increase is 100% (because the volume has doubled).

Cataholic as long as he is eating and not unusually quiet I wouldn't worry too much:)

07-01-2004, 10:33 AM
I was picking on you yesterday but I'm glad to hear that he is increasing in volume. I wonder why that is happening? Is it possible he could have a sore throat like Pepper Jack? I realize that Pepper Jack got really sick but his gland in his throat was the size of a golf ball so he had a lot of infection.
It is just kind of wierd that Dakky seems ok but can't meow very loud.
Keep us posted on what and how he is doing.

07-01-2004, 11:05 AM
He is quiet, at the Partee Too, and I wouldnt worry as my Cats, sometimes, have times, when they are Quiet! Although if JJJ3, was quiet, I would worry , a LOT!

07-01-2004, 12:33 PM
Glad he seems a tiny bit better today. :)

Keep us updated...what a strange thing to happen.

07-01-2004, 12:41 PM
Johanna .... I didn't really mean that anyone was making fun... just wanted to be sure you knew how concerned we all REALLY are!!! ;)

Poor Dakky .... it is strange if he is normally a really vocal cat, to be so quiet. But as long as he seems to be swallowing his food and water with no problem, then I wouldn't think it would be too serious. I guess just try to actually watch his swallowing to see if he looks like it is painful or difficult to do. :confused:

Please keep us updated ... and continued prayers and (((HUGS)) to you!


07-02-2004, 12:53 PM
Poor Dakky! Do cats get sore throats like we do, and lose their voices? *Still praying for Dakky*