View Full Version : 25k signature size limit?

07-01-2004, 12:41 AM
Does everyone know about that rule? Does it still apply Karen?

I'm just wondering because lately (it seems after everyone started putting in all these animated sigs/blinkies) I can't even see pics on Pet Talk and it's very frustrating. I know I have a 56k connection which is not good, but the time to load pics has never been as bad as it has been recently. I'll be sitting here waiting 10 minutes just for the sigs and avatars to load so the pictures can just *start* loading....

I'm aware that I can turn off the signatures. I really do enjoy seeing them, though. Is anyone else having these problems? If it's just me then you can just continue with all the animations and blinkies, but if others are having problems, maybe cutting down is something to consider...

07-01-2004, 12:46 AM
I was just thinking about how much I wanted a blinkie. Now that you mention them causing you trouble, I'm not sure I want one. I have DSL so it doesn't bother me at all, but I would hate to have a blinkie if its going to contribute to the *slow loading* problem for members with slower connections.

I personally always make my signatures 25k or under though. Not sure if its still the rule though. :confused:

07-01-2004, 12:50 AM
Whenever I make blinkies/siggies/animations I make them to follow the 25 KB limit. I do believe it still applies.
I'm not sure if some know of the rule/follow it, but I always try to when making one for myself or someone else.

I have never had a problem loading signatures, but for some reason everytime I go into a thread with someone's signature (I'm not going to say that person's name, because i'm not necessarily sure if that's why it's happening) my computer completely slows down and NO pictures/graphics/ including the PT buttons for replying, sending PM's ect.. will show. It's ALWAYS been that specific person's signature in a thread i've opened. It will never show either.

Whenever I reply alot to one thread, I normally turn off my signature every so often while replying, so that my signature doesnt show up on the same page 5345983475932535 times.

07-01-2004, 12:54 AM
Yeah one blinkie/sig may be within the 25k limit but some people have several different pictures in one signature.

Maybe it's just my computer but even if the animation is small it takes twice the time to load than as just a regular pic.

It could just be Pet Talk in general (though I haven't had this problem before recently) because I can go to other websites and they do not load freakishly slow.

I feel bad that I haven't been able to see any of the pics posted, I love seeing pics of everyones pets. :(

07-01-2004, 01:00 AM
Yeah, but when I make a siggy/blinkie, I make them both so that they add up under 25k. Since 25k is the rule overall -- for all of the graphics put together. Not just 25k for each graphic.