View Full Version : A skunk????

07-01-2004, 12:37 AM
I was leaving work pretty late tonight, the gates were closed and the guard had to open them for me.

I thought for a second that a black cat was passing between my car and the gate and was wondering why it wasn't moving 'right' -- for a cat at least. Then I realized that the snout/face was wrong, the gait was lumbering, and there was a white stripe running from the snout to the tip of the tail!

A skunk!!! In downtown (well, almost) San Jose! :eek: :cool: :eek:

I asked the guard if that had been a skunk as soon as I got my jaw working again -- he hadn't seen a thing, drat the luck.

But I thought it was cool. Startling, but cool. :p :cool:

So now I know what will perk my attention quickly: skunks! ;)

07-01-2004, 03:25 AM
There are skunks and raccoons here in Berkeley too. Once my neighbor told me my chickens were yelling so my dad and I went to go check out what happened. We smelled skunk so I was too scared to go in the chicken coop to put the chickens in bed (so the skunk couldn't get to them). Somehow, I got skunked!!! :eek: When we came back into the house, I smelled sooo bad (I was almost gagging because of the smell of myself haha) but my dad didn't smell at all!! He was only 5 feet away from me the whole time. Weird, huh? I just thought it was funny that I got skunked :rolleyes: :p I took one long shower and the smell totally went away after that (I just used regular shampoo too). My clothes and even my necklace smelled really bad though! >.<

07-01-2004, 06:36 AM
He he he - brings back a great memory.

When Diane came over to USA to be a counsellour at Camp America - she was warned about avoiding skunks like the devil!!

So of course - second week there - she got skunked!!! The kids thought it was the most hysterical thing ever! She stunk to high heaven (her words) and burnt all her clothes and showered about 5 times!:D :D
The kids had a wonderful time for days after - walking up to her and sniffing very loudly - LOL!
Course we don't have skunks here so it was a real shock to her - smell wise!!!:eek: :eek:


Cinder & Smoke
07-01-2004, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by lynnestankard

Course we don't have skunks here ...
so it was a real shock to her - smell wise!!!:eek: :eek:

NO Skunques??

No Skunks around / near you;
or NO Skunks anywhere in England?? :confused:

I thought the Whole World got to :eek: *enjoy* those lil
B&W "Woods Kitties"! :p

/s/ Phred

07-01-2004, 10:44 AM
Oh, Pauline! Glad you didn't get sprayed trying to "save" the black and white kitty!!!!! :p Hehehe!!!!

On a similar topic, I heard that there was a black bear in downtown Easley, SC this morning!!!! I feel so horrible for these wild animals that end up in the wrong place.


07-01-2004, 11:02 AM
Oh, Pauline, you are so lucky! Yes, "eau du Skunk" you never, ever forget that fragrance:D

07-01-2004, 11:39 AM
Phred - completley skunkless!!:D :D Don't even think of transporting those little blighters over here!!! :D :D


07-01-2004, 11:40 AM
There are Skunks, in Hamilton, and I know that My Brothers Dog, got sprayrd pretty good, when he got Too Close!

Cinder & Smoke
07-01-2004, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by lynnestankard

Phred - completley skunkless!!:D :D
Don't even think of transporting
those little blighters over here!!! :D :D

We missed a Golden Opportunity to "share"...

After the Boston Tea Party...

We shudda packed up a Pair in the empty Tea Trunks
and shipped em back over! :p


07-01-2004, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by AmberLee
... I thought for a second that a black cat was passing between my car and the gate and was wondering why it wasn't moving 'right' -- for a cat at least.
Originally posted by AmberLee Amblin' cats ....02-06-2002
.... As I pulled up to a stop sign along the way, I saw two white-ish cats scampering along just on the far side of the crosswalk, approaching the car. .....The more I stared at them the wierder they looked. I finally realized there were no cats at all; I was looking at a guy dressed in charcoal grey sweats and white sneakers. ....I would've SWORN those white things flickering at the edge of my vision were sweet little kitties. Sigh.

Hey, Pauline, how are your eyes?! ;) I had to chuckle at this one because it made me remember your Amblin Cats... thread.:D

First time I saw a skunk up close it was dusk at the beach. At least you didn't try to get out and pet the Black & White Kitty Cat... :rolleyes: :o .... RULE #1 Do NOT... Repeat DO NOT pet the pretty skunk! :eek: Pepe Le PEEE EEEW!

07-01-2004, 01:15 PM
The WORST smell on the planet is warm dead skunk...

I drive a route that takes me past a huge park just a little ways from downtown L.A.

A few summers ago, the weather was about 103 degrees, and lo and behold, there was a dead skunk off a residential street, after about three days you had to OPEN the windows as ypu passed, otherwise the stench would not leave the car for about 1/2 mile......:eek:

07-01-2004, 04:20 PM
Loud Lou,

*snicker* I agonized over whether I should start this thread wondering if anyone would remember my mistake of a few years ago... and draw conclusions about my sight or my sanity! "No, no one would remember that!" I finally convinced myself. You have got a memory and a half, {{{LoudLou}}}!

For what it's worth (and it's almost spooky) when I went in for my annual eye exam I tested fine -- don't even need them. (Unless there are cats around, of course.) :rolleyes: ;) :D

P.S. I was intrigued by the skunk, but had NO interest whatsoever in petting the little 'dear'.

P.P.S. Someone once told me that there was a close relative of the skunk in England, but it was called a polecat. Or was my leg being pulled?

Cinder & Smoke
07-01-2004, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by AmberLee

P.P.S. Someone once told me that there was a
close relative of the skunk in England,
but it was called a polecat.
Or was my leg being pulled?

The European (England) POLECAT is a relative of
the Domestic Ferret...

According to this site >>>

What is a Ferret (http://home-1.tiscali.nl/~wfu/ferret.html)

Cinder & Smoke
07-01-2004, 04:50 PM

Reference: the AmberLee "Amblin' cats" Tail >>>

da *LINK* >>

AmberLees's Amblin' cats Tail :D (http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/showthreadAmblin Cats.php?s=&threadid=8115)


07-01-2004, 05:28 PM
Poor Pauline, I just went into Google and typed in "Polecat" and up came a site that says they are related to skunks too. I forwarded the link to her.

She will be inundated with more information than she ever wanted to know about skunks and their close relatives.:D

07-01-2004, 05:30 PM
We don't have skunks in NZ either, can someone tell me just how bad the smell is, what would you compare it to, I have heard all about them before, how can anything so cute smell so BAD.!! lol:)

07-01-2004, 05:38 PM
It's a fairly ghastly sulfery-rotten-eggy-but-with-more-stick-to-itiveness sort of smell. Perhaps the others can describe it better.

07-01-2004, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
:D..Reference: the AmberLee "Amblin' cats" Tail >>>

da *LINK* ....

Thanks, Phred. Should've known one can't live down what's published on the internet. One of my moments of fame ... or was that infamy? :o :rolleyes: :p

07-01-2004, 05:42 PM
This post does not condone any type of illegal behavior or activites.

Years ago there was a type of pot that smelled like skunk.....it was called, Skunk Weed.

Not kidding!

Cinder & Smoke
07-01-2004, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by gini
Poor Pauline...

She will be inundated with more information than she ever wanted to know about skunks and their close relatives. :D

Da *plot* thickens...

Well, we're ALL sorta right!

According to THIS site >>
Encyclopedia.com ~ Polecat (http://www.encyclopedia.com/html/p1/polecat.asp)

The Polecat AND the Shunk are BOTH related to the Weasel...

" The Skunk, a New World member of the Weasel family,
is called polecat in some regions.
Polecats are classified in the phylum Chordata ,
subphylum Vertebrata, class Mammalia,
order Carnivora, family Mustelidae."

QUIZZ at da end of da Class! :p

"And Skunks ARE called "Polecats" in some areas..."

I alluz KNEW there was a *reason* I didn't ever take Biology!

07-01-2004, 08:10 PM
Right , well is sounds like the city of Rotorua and Taupo, both these places smell just like that , sulphur rotten egg smell, they reckon when you live there you don't notice it. hmmm. Guess no-one notices too much if you pass gas there lol.

07-02-2004, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
This post does not condone any type of illegal behavior or activites.

Years ago there was a type of pot that smelled like skunk.....it was called, Skunk Weed.

Not kidding!

There still is!!!:eek:

Phred - I insist - we don't want 'em here :D :D

Pauline - this is just too funny :D :D
