View Full Version : Ack! My first "real" speech tonight!!

06-30-2004, 06:05 PM
:eek: :eek: :eek:

I hate being nervous like this! You'd think that with my Toastmaster's experience I'd be over the utter terror by now...yea, not so much...

I'm giving my speech tonight on "How to be a crazy cat lady" in my speech class at 6:30 (in 2 1/2 hours!). I'm praying I'll get to go tonight and be one of the first to go...I hate sitting there like that.

I'm bringing Micah with me, as my "attention getter". I'm praying he'll be good and just sit there. If not, I'm putting him on a harnass and lead, so he'll be able to wander. I know he'll be fine, I just worry he may get vocal...eeep!!!

Please wish me luck and say some prayers...

OK, off to go do some deep breathing...Anyone got any Xanax????? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

06-30-2004, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Please wish me luck and say some prayers...

OK, off to go do some deep breathing...Anyone got any Xanax????? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

It's far worse thinking about it than actually doing it.

There are a bunch of tips people have for speaking but the one I have found most effective is

Start off with a joke...that always loosens up the crowd.

Good Luck....and smile.

06-30-2004, 06:39 PM
You know what they say, picture the audience naked :eek:

06-30-2004, 07:06 PM
I just finished my speech class a few weeks ago. I am very nervous about speaking in front of people, but I ended up with an A in the class.

If you are bringing Micah, just be careful you don't look at him too much while you are speaking - look at your audience! Are you using cards? I would write "slow down" and "relax" multiple times on the cards to remind me to slow down and relax.

I know it is a little late, but my best advice is practice, practice, practice! The times I got in trouble were the times I hadn't practiced enough and I ended up doing the 'err" and "umm" things too much while thinking of what I wanted to say. Remember everyone in the class is just as nervous as you are, slow down and relax!

06-30-2004, 11:02 PM
How'd it go, Kelly?

06-30-2004, 11:32 PM
Keep Us Posted!!
Kind of like Show and Tell!!!

07-01-2004, 12:00 AM
Thank goodness that's over!! :)

I actually did really well...I guess I remember my Toastmasters skills because I got a really good grade and everyone said I looked calm and confident.

Micah was a SUPER STAR!! He did so well and didn't cry the entire time! When it was time for my speech, he saw the dog another student brought, he DID NOT want out of the carrier. But that went pretty well. :)

The only thing I was told to improve on was my projection. I tend to speak a bit quietly.

Now I have one or two classes to listen to everyone else until our next speech.

Thanks for the support. :)

07-01-2004, 11:59 AM
Just think, that these people, should be priveleged,to hear you speak, and I woyuld think, that I have The Cat Angels, in my corner, and that nothing can go wrong!