View Full Version : Cat Fever

06-30-2004, 04:34 PM
What is it like when a cat has a fever? I think that Chuck has one before. His ears weree really hot and his nose was hot and dry. The fur on his belly was just totally sweaty where he was laying on it and very warm. I could not pet him anywhere or he would bite. He was not lethargic thought and his eyes were not glassy. This was about 4 months ago. He is usually plastered to my side everywhere I go but this time was on my bed. He was there even when I was making and eating dinner. Very strange for him not to be begging. He didn't snuggle me that night either. The next morning he was fine. Wet nose, normal ears. Wierd huh? I was planning on taking him in to the Dr. the next morning, and he was running around and playing like nothing ever happened.

06-30-2004, 04:36 PM
It's hard to say ... but sure sounds like it could have been. Guess you will never know now ... but I'm glad he seems all better!;)

06-30-2004, 09:09 PM
I've noticed that at times when i pet my kitties, they're head or ears or even pads on their paws feel warm to touch. Ive always assumed it was b/c they had just woken up. I thought maybe they're body temperature decreases like humans while they sleep. I dunno?