View Full Version : You'll NEVER guess who I was talking to tonight !!!!!!!!!!

06-29-2004, 10:26 PM
Goran Visnjic, Dr. Luka Kovac on ER. YES, REALLY. In person. But that's not all, also his TWO DOGS !!!!!:D OMG, they are so cute. Bugsly as boy pug and Roma a boy Pekinese with a puppy cut, he has a big fluffy tail like Nina's. He and his wife came into my work, and I couldn’t believe it when I saw him, and then the dogs got out of the car. It's "always' a good day at work then there is dogs involved. She had them and was taking them to their room and I talked to her (Ivana) first. Later he was by himself and I told him I had seen his pups and how cute they were. He liked that !!!;) And I asked their names. He was just waking around like a regular guy. OMG, he is far from regular !!! :D :D :D

06-29-2004, 10:30 PM
Wow! Cool to know he's a dog person! :)

06-29-2004, 10:33 PM
Awesome!!! How fun getting to meet a celebrity AND his dogs!!! Proof you should have a camera on you 24/7!!!

06-29-2004, 11:25 PM
why why WHYYYY didn't i stay at work late today?? well, maybe i'll get to 'run into' them tomorrow!!

06-29-2004, 11:27 PM

06-30-2004, 12:08 AM
Wow, that is so cool! Lucky you!


06-30-2004, 12:14 AM
Dog person .............. knew I liked him!!!! :D

Lucky you!!!

06-30-2004, 12:18 AM
I don't watch ER so I don't know who that is, but thats VERY cool!! :D

06-30-2004, 01:37 AM
How awesome!! :)

06-30-2004, 08:07 AM
I don't watch ER either but how neat... And yes, people should have their cameras with them 24/7. :p

06-30-2004, 08:23 AM
That's so cool! My mom was born in the former Yugoslavia (Slovenia actually) & her dad's family is from Serbia. Goran is a rare Slavic (Croatian) celebrity, and my mom has the hugest crush on him!! She will be so excited when I read her this thread!

Woohoo Luka is HOT! :D :D :D :D

Kona & Oreo's mom
06-30-2004, 09:11 AM
That is very cool! At what type of place do you work? (It sounds like maybe a hotel?)

06-30-2004, 09:26 AM
Wow! That is just awesome. I'm jealous!

Canis Amicus
06-30-2004, 09:47 AM
WAW! Meeting a celebrity lifts the spirits at work!!!

06-30-2004, 10:02 AM
That's really cool!

My co-worker is Tim Innes, Laura Innes' brother. She plays Dr. Weaver on ER. :D

06-30-2004, 12:14 PM
Yes, I work at the Marriott Hotel. I hope he is there today, but I'm sure they checked out. They were driving a RangeRover, but probably rented it. If he is there I will ask him if I can take a picture of his dogs, and then if he said yes, I'd say you can be in it too if you want ;)
We see lots of celeb's there, but this is so much better because of the pups !!!!