View Full Version : Missed Zoey and Moose Thread

06-28-2004, 09:12 PM
This is how the post was done. MY APLOGIES to the real ownders of these dogs. I swear, I don't know why people feel the need to come here and do this.
Some pictures ...
I have quite a few ... but I'm only going to post a few right now.

Before I show ya them though, I apologize for the poor quality. I had a friend of mine scan them and well, his scanner isn't the best...and after uploading them some of them only got worse.

So, as if you guys haven't waited long enough, here ya go.

Zoey and her toy...

Cutie pie...

Chewing something...

Zoey and MooseDawg...

Handsome pup...

Bestest buddies...

So sweet...

...few more coming.


Thanks, Di, for the awesome blinkie!

...and LOOK! I made one myself!

"A dog is not 'almost human,' and I know of no greater insult to the canine race than to describe it as such."
--John Holmes

06-28-2004, 09:18 PM
06-28-2004 07:57 PM

Currently moving to ...

... Huntington Beach, CA
Posts: 1926

Hogging the bed...

Sooo cute...

She has a tennis ball fetish...


Handsome blonde...


Hope you liked.


Thanks, Di, for the awesome blinkie!

...and LOOK! I made one myself!

"A dog is not 'almost human,' and I know of no greater insult to the canine race than to describe it as such."
--John Holmes

06-28-2004, 09:21 PM
and here are the replies:
06-28-2004 08:07 PM

... Trying to figure out

... this life of mine.
Posts: 5445
It IS about time! Even though I saw them already.

They're sooooooo adorable, Brooke. I think Moosey-boy is my favorite. We need to plan a date so we could meet in person.

Great pictures!


Thanks for the great sig, Ashley!
Thanks for the awesome blinkie, Di!

Last edited by GoldenRetrLuver on 06-28-2004 at 08:29 PM

IP: Logged

06-28-2004 08:28 PM

Just plain crazy.

Posts: 5562
Yes, of course I liked! I loved!

I love, love, love Moosey-boy, as I already told you. In some of the pictures, he reminds me of Malone:

This one especially.

Wonderful pictures, Brooke. Glad you shared them.

Emma, Chubby, Otis, Prince, Digger, Soda, and Cracker

And mine before it was erased:
They're so cute together! What's that on Zoey?? :eek:

Got deleted almost immediately after that.

06-28-2004, 09:21 PM
Oh Moose how cute, do you always need to sleep with your paw around Zoey or your Teddy? I know I can't sleep without my Sadie. Cute pictures!

06-28-2004, 09:24 PM
Thanks for taking the time & effort to repost this Val.

That's really sad. I hope that Brooke (if that is who it really is) will find the peace that she needs in her life, so she doesn't have to make up stories. :(

06-28-2004, 10:33 PM
Ok, I just seen the thread "About the Some Pictures thread" and now this.
What happened Val:confused:

06-28-2004, 10:37 PM
What did I miss, Val?

I have to admit that I have wondered if she really had dogs. I was just talking to someone about it last night.

How did this all come about?


06-28-2004, 10:42 PM
I think it's pretty funny that now she is 'OUT' whoever she is. I didn't believe much of what she said anyway.

06-28-2004, 10:59 PM
There's no *real* proof that Moose or Zoey do not exist.

All that was pointed out was the fact that in the first pic of "Zoey" it looks like she has well...male parts....and "Zoey" is supposed to be a girl. If it is what it looks like in that pic that would prove that these pics do not belong to Brooke...or, I guess she could have just been lying for some odd reason about "Zoey's" gender...yeah right haha.

Look at the pic and decide for yourself....

06-28-2004, 11:01 PM
WHAT?!?! I am so confused! What happened!? *gone off to search for threads that will explain*

Edit: ok, a little less confused, but still searching for threads

06-28-2004, 11:08 PM
I, along with many others I have talked to, were never fooled by the deception. I think its disturbing and am glad there's finally proof of the dishonesty.

06-28-2004, 11:57 PM
Wow, this is sad. You know though, the internet is crawling with people like this. Ashame they have do it here at PT.

06-29-2004, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by aly
I, along with many others I have talked to, were never fooled by the deception. I think its disturbing and am glad there's finally proof of the dishonesty.

ditto :rolleyes:

I'm glad it's finally out in the open.

06-29-2004, 10:55 AM
I think I've missed the thread....I'm still kinda confused as to what's happening

Canis Amicus
06-29-2004, 12:29 PM
OMG OMG Only today I saw this "Moose" thing! I missed everything! I wished I had more time to read everything here LOL And the "detail" on Zoey is an "aberration" ROFL.

But at the same time I think only a sick mind could go at this extend, and this is serious, because here we bare our souls, we show what is inside our hearts, even in our homes.


06-29-2004, 05:03 PM
It's so sad:(:(:( You know, when things like this happen, we vent our outrage, disappointment, disbelief, confusion and then, after everything settles down, we move on. The sad thing is, that Brooke, or whomever she is, is obviously burdened with a great deal of insecurity and lonliness; a need to be needed. Unlike us, that is a weight she will continue to bear long after we've forgotten her name. I hope and pray that her Dad really didn't die. I remember when she wrote the thread about his illness; when she left to probably, say her last goodbyes. As someone whose father is also battling cancer and who wasn't given much chance of surviving the year, I felt such an affinity for her, a true empathy. I know the reality of that pain and it is my most heartfelt wish that she never really experienced that horror, that her Dad is still alive; that it too was just a plea for attention. Brooke, I wish you welll and hope that somewhere, somehow, someday, you find someone who help fill that empty space in your heart.

06-29-2004, 05:11 PM
Wow! This is kinda pitiful! Why would you lie about your pets. We`ll accept you anyways..this makes me not want to accept new members...

06-29-2004, 05:17 PM
Sandra you put it so beautifully, that is exactly how I feel, I can understand others outrage etc, but for me I just feel sympathy for her, I don't think this is a sick devious mind working here, but a very lonely soul, reaching out, and to me this is very sad. I think we need to put it into perspective and see it for what it really is., a cry for help.!!

I too can only wish Brooke the best in her life, and one must look into our hearts and forgive, maybe if we all do that she will come clean and continue to be part of PT, and share her real self, its not an evil person here, just a very distraught one I think.

06-29-2004, 05:21 PM
I recently learned something that makes me think differently. I have no sympathy for someone like this. None at all.

06-29-2004, 05:35 PM
I am confused too?

06-29-2004, 06:03 PM
Dukesdogsmom,if you have learned something, I think it is only fair that you share this with us, we only have the facts as produced before us, we cannot judge Brooke any differently if we donot know the full facts, if you make a statement like that you should tell us, otherwise we are left up in mid-air not knowing the truth., perhaps ignorance is bliss then.

06-29-2004, 06:49 PM
It personally applies to someone here and I don't want to say because of that. I learned of it from someone else.

Aspen and Misty
06-29-2004, 07:01 PM

When will the lieing stop???????????

:( :(


06-29-2004, 07:07 PM
If anyone thought of Brooke differently before this they were completely wrong, I tell you.

Um wow, I've just recently learned that she made a website about me, making fun of me with MY pictures on it, saying " I Hate Kay" LMFAO... how freaking lame can one person get? I can't believe I was firends with her, or anyone was ever friends with her.

Then she says I need to grow up? How old does she claime to be.. in her 20's?

06-29-2004, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Um wow, I've just recently learned that she made a website about me, making fun of me with MY pictures on it, saying " I Hate Kay"

She made a web site making fun of your pictures????? LMOL What about how good your pictures are, because thats all anyone could say!! I have a feeling that maybe she was jealous of you and all the wonderful things people have to say about your pup's pictures. Somehow making a site might have made here feel better. :confused: :rolleyes:

In my mind I see people like this, kind of like my one of my sister-in-law's It's a illness, that they can't help but lie. Sometimes even in their own mind it become the truth, after awhile. Some where alone the way, their life got so bad or lonely that they learned the only way to get attention is to tell stories. It worked so well for them that it became normal to do. After awhile they belive that's the only way they will be liked or noticed. And for the longest time it works for them. Once caught they move on to someone else and start it over again and they get a little smarter at it next time. It's sick and sad at the same time.

I don't feel it's right though to take the few bad apples that have lied here and let it affect how we treat the new members. It's not fair to them as we wouldn't want someone to do it to us. I think it's better to belive till proven other wises, if not we take a risk of running off the truly good people.

06-29-2004, 08:35 PM

Brooke or whoever you are, I always had a DIFFERENT feeling in my gut that you were a liar. How COULD YOU? Lying that your pets aren't even REAL? Good god woman, your what in your 20s? who knows...you could be a man. :rolleyes:

And Brooke you should be awful ashamed of yourself to be making a website to just make fun of someone? Gosh, give me a break. You should know better. :rolleyes:

I wonder what Julie and amber have to say about this...they were her/his friend.

06-29-2004, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
If anyone thought of Brooke differently before this they were completely wrong, I tell you.

Um wow, I've just recently learned that she made a website about me, making fun of me with MY pictures on it, saying " I Hate Kay" LMFAO... how freaking lame can one person get? I can't believe I was firends with her, or anyone was ever friends with her.

Then she says I need to grow up? How old does she claime to be.. in her 20's?

W:eek:W! That is really SAD! All the more reason to feel sorry for her. She really needs to get a life.

06-29-2004, 08:42 PM
Thank you Kay for putting me in the picture, I never realised this had been going on, I really have no feelings of kindness towards anyone who would be so immature and nasty to do that to you.

She really is pathetic and I can only feel sorry for her, in the sense she has so little in her life to behave in such an atrocious manner.

She claimed to be in her 20's but I Doubt it somehow,whatever her age ,she sure lacks honesty, caring, maturity,and much more.

PS Dukedogsmom, I understand what you were saying and admire your loyalty to the other person.

06-29-2004, 08:46 PM
I don't know if anyone ever noticed, or whether you noticed Kay, but for a long time, she seem to just follow you all over PT. If you posted, then she would post right behind you. Like she was stalking you!

I just can't figure out why she turned on you like that, Kay. I didn't know she had started acting so ugly to you until the deal with Cayter. Making a website and making fun of you and your pictures is just shameful.

I still can't believe I was so blind and didn't even notice the thing about the dogs, until a good friend pointed it out to me.


06-29-2004, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by Amber
I wonder what Julie and amber have to say about this...they were her/his friend.

I've been avoiding this thread soley for that reason. I don't even know what to say or think. I'm still quite in shock with everything.

As many of you know, Moose/"Brooke" was one of my better friends on here. We talked all the time, PM'd each other, talked on AIM, etc. Then, when she told me she was moving to California, I got even more excited because we would finally be able to meet up.

This is the PM she sent me yesterday when she was supposedly "on the plane" flying to California from Florida.

Moose wrote on 06-28-2004 12:01 PM:
haha, thank God for DSL. :D I'm on the plane right now, I'm bored out of my mind, and thought I'd see if I could get the internet to work at all. Ahha, it does! lol. We have some network that allows you to connect from anywhere or something, thank God. lol :p

Anyway, I've been debating about whether or not I want to post these on PT ... since, quite frankly, I don't think a good majority of people on there deserve to see these. Granted, I'd prove to all the 'non-believers' that I'm not fake, but hey ... whatever. I'm still not sure if I want to bother with it, but I figured you deserved to since we'll be California buddies in a few hours and since you'll get to meet my pups in person anyway. lol.

She than attached the pictures of "Moose" and "Zoey" the exact same way she posted them. Keep in mind, this was all happening "on the plane".

I have many more responses after that, which include her getting off the plane, and how she was staying at her brother's house and was going to be moving into her new house up here the next day.

I really thought of her as a good friend. I did not suspect anything until towards the end, when things didn't start to add up. After she deleted her picture thread in Dog General yesterday, I PM'd her and asked her to please tell me if anything she ever told me was fake; some of you know about that. Her response came back as "Nothing was fake", and that's the last time we ever talked.

Lots of emotions are running through my mind. Confusion, anger, sadness, disappointment. I'm mostly disappointed. It just makes me warey of people on here now, even though I'm pretty sure I can trust most of you here, and the close friends I've made. I really do feel stupid and blind for ever talking to her, and ever becoming her friend. I was warned numerous times to be careful with her, and I ignored them all.

Moose, Brooke, whoever you are.. you must really need the attention if you were willing to do something this low. You could have been a great addition to Pet Talk, even if you were pet-less. Please, just spare us and leave us be from now on.

06-30-2004, 12:15 AM
I wasn't hurt by her lies at all since I had suspected them from the beginning, so I've just felt relief that this is out in the open. Now that I've read about poor Julie's feelings and that awful website about Kay, I am heartbroken for you guys that got hurt. I know I felt really betrayed with the Jessica situation and I wasn't even as close to her as Julie was to "Brooke".

Julie and Kay - Keep your heads up and don't let that person hurt you. Julie, I am so sorry "she" fooled you like that :( You're a very sweet girl and I hope you don't lose trust in people. Kay, she did a TERRIBLE terrible thing to you and you're being so mature about it. Just let it slide off your back because her opinion means nothing.

06-30-2004, 01:07 AM
guster girl here. what a sad heart this person must have.

06-30-2004, 01:46 AM
Oh boy. Another lie. Julie, I don't believe its even possible to have DSL access from an airplane. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I truely don't believe its possible. Maybe there's a way to connect your laptop to an air phone and get connection, but DSL? Nope.....no way. I travel often, and if there were DSL on airplanes, I would be on PT the whole flight. I really don't believe it exists.

Julie, what time did she PM you saying that? When she PM'd me the pics, she told me she was already in CA. She said the dogs were there too. The way she said it seemed so fake and made-up for some reason.

06-30-2004, 01:56 AM
I think its impossible to be on DSL on an airplane as well. I also know she couldn't be sending messages as she's landing because they make you turn off all electronics before landing. Not to mention the whole deal of gathering up your laptop and belongings in enough time to exit the plane.

06-30-2004, 07:38 AM
Yeah, and since when does someone go on the internet so often while moving? :p

Thanks Aly, to be honest all of this has made me "LMAO" to say the least. It is rather sad, but I had no idea she didn't like me THAT much. I never even did anything to her or said anything to her. It was all over and argument between her friend and I. It's probably bad that I laugh over it all, but I can't help it. ;x

06-30-2004, 08:01 AM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Yeah, and since when does someone go on the internet so often while moving? :p

I just moved 1 street down and I couldn't come online for days! She's *supposedly* moving from Florida to California, and she can come online all the time with no problem.......even from the plane. LOL!

06-30-2004, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by popcornbird
Julie, what time did she PM you saying that? When she PM'd me the pics, she told me she was already in CA. She said the dogs were there too. The way she said it seemed so fake and made-up for some reason.

If you look on top of the PM, it says 12:01. So, around noontime.

I also have this one, for those of you who were talking about the landing issue:

Moose wrote on 06-28-2004 01:33 PM:
We're about 15 minutes from landing, which means that I probably should be turning off my computer right now. Of course, that also means that I'll be whipping it out again as soon as we get in the rental car, lol.

Yeah, the pups are in cargo right now. :(:( I'm worried sick, but I'm hoping they're fine. :( I told Josh we could drive since we'll need our cars out there anyway, but he said there was no way he was going to drive that far for that long with two wild pups. :rolleyes: So, instead, he had the cars brought out there with our stuff. :rolleyes: Whatever, it's his money ... I made him pay for it. haha.

Well I should probably go but I'll be PMing ya ASAP!! :D

So, this was about an hour and a half after sending the first one. Like I said, between the one I first posted, and this one, we were chatting back and forth.

Thanks, Aly. Live and learn I guess.

06-30-2004, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by Amber
I wonder what Julie and amber have to say about this...they were her/his friend.

I wasn't sure if i was going to even post or not.. But after considering it, i decided that i should voice my opinion to get everything that's inside out..

I have been away and haven't been able computer for about 3 or 4 days. I just had julie explain the whole thing to me. And, to tell you the truth im completley appauled.. In the beginning, i did feel that brooke was a little fishy.. But of course, i gave her the benefit of the doubt.. We talked more and more and i thought that just maybe she wasn't a fake. And that she truly was the person who she told us she was. After having looked over this thread and reading the pms everyone got, i figured that brooke and I were really good friends, so there should be a pm for me. So i went to the bottom "Private Messages CamCamPup33 - You have 0 new message(s) since your last visit. (You have 0 unread messages and 35 total messages in all your folders.)" I wondered why she never sent that to me, and then saw a *READ* pm from her titled 'Weeeell'. First of all i haven't even been on the computer or checked my pm's so im wondering why it said it was read, -off subject-.. Anyway this is what the pm read..

Moose wrote on 06-28-2004 06:23 PM:
Well, I've been debating about posting these since I know a few people think I'm a 'fraud' and quite frankly, I don't want to start a picture thread of my pups and get some smartass comment from someone. Soooo ... I've decided to send these to the few people I feel haven't completely doubted me ...as stupid as that sounds. lol. You're on the 'good list' so I sent 'em to ya. lol.

Sorry for the poor quality, I got a friend to scan them in for me and well ... his scanner isn't too great. And after uploading them, it only made some of them worse. :rolleyes:

I have quite a few more, so if you'd like to see 'em, just let me know.

Yep, so here ya go ----->

Like I said, I have a few more but I didn't want to flood the message, lol.

Hope you liked! :D

Very simalar to most of the ones everyone else got.. I just really can't believe she did this. I thought i knew her well enough to trust her.. This happened with Jessica and ChiRen too.. It just so happen, julie, kay and i were the ones drilling chiRen with the questions and got it out of her that she never had that dog.. -Off topic again-.. I just don't know what to say.. That really is a sad thing for her to just lie about whether or not she had dogs..

-Sigh- Im just really upset, i thought she and i were good friends, and i never thought she would just do that to me, or for that matter anyone else.. I really believed she wasn't lying after getting to know her.. I kind of wish i didn't get to know her, then i wouldn't be so hurt.. Like julie said, you just don't know who to trust anymore..


06-30-2004, 01:34 PM
I missed the thread completely on ChiRen, that just came as a shock to me too.

Brooke sent me the same pm, Amber. I had already heard from a friend that there was a possibilty that she was faking. What did she do, go into your pm boxes somehow? If she did that, then how did she get your passwords? The more I hear about HER, the more confused I become. There is so much I just don't understand.

How long was she a member here? Why didn't I suspect anything? I just have so many questions, I am confused on which ones to ask.

On chiRen, I just noticed she had stopped posting, and wondered where she went. I just don't know anything! I am still thinking I must be the stupidest person on the face of this earth, not to have seen anything, but I didn't know what eveybody was looking for! I think everybody on this board is just so much smarter than me!

I would even pm her and ask her how she was doing after her dad died! I mean I know what its like to lose a dad. And I felt so sorry for her that she had lost her dad!

I wish somebody would explain all this to me, I am slow in understanding what was going on, how do you recognize a fraud?

Why did she hate Kay so much that she would actually do a sick thing like put up a website that would hurt Kay. How old was this person. Is she the one that deleted some of Kays threads, that Kay had started? And how? God I am so confused, and feel really dumb, that I didn't see. But then I didn't know what to look for. I thought she was well like by everybody! When did it all start?


06-30-2004, 01:55 PM

Who knows how old that person is. We only know "her" lies and have no clue of the true person behind "Brooke".

The frauds have been pretty easy for me to spot. The only one I was fooled by was ChinookCrazy and that was because I didn't pay much attention to her.

You asked how to tell if its a fraud. Well, Brooke was a member here for a really long time and had managed to only post one pic of "Moose" and none of Zoey. In this day and age, that is really weird because she could have gotten a disposable camera and developed the pics on CD. A few people suggested it to her and she said she'd do it, but never did. Also, she kept saying she would go to meet PT people in Florida and California, but she'd come up with some excuse at the last minute. She never really talked about her dogs much, she mainly posted in controversial threads. She joined this board looking for fights like a heat seeking missle. I remember being shocked at how eager she was to jump to a fight when she barely had 10 posts! Also, all of her stories about being married in Greece, her parents buying her an expensive house in the Hamptons, etc etc etc .. all that sounded like a bunch of bologna. If she had that much money, yet didn't have the money to "fix" her "broken" digital camera, that's just too weird. There were a lot of other things that didn't add up at all. Also, the Lab she posted in those pics is not the same Lab she claimed was Moose (that one pic that was in her sig for awhile).

It was easy to tell with Chiren as well. But this isn't about her so I won't go into that. We also caught someone else (forgot their name), but they posted pics of their dog and every picture was a different size and different quality. When you looked closer, you could tell it wasn't even the same dog. That person was kind of lazy because we searched on Google and found all those pics. I think Brooke at least was smarter. She looked long and hard for pics she could pass off as her own, and I'm pretty sure she wasn't dumb enough to get them off Google.

IF she lied about her father dying, I have no sympathy for her and I think that is one of the most evil things a person can do. You do not lie or joke about death. That is WRONG.

06-30-2004, 02:04 PM
Just another one to add to the growing list of trolls.

06-30-2004, 02:10 PM
The dogs also might have actually been someone's dogs she knew, like a neighbor's, but then why not present "Zoey" as a male then... I just don't know. I can't really try to think like how she or he did. I actually didn't really see the pictures until after her nature was revealed, but I DO remember thinking that the lab in those pictures looked different from the signature lab I had seen. It looked smaller with a more slender head, maybe even a lab mix.

I just wish people would not feel stupid because they didn't catch it. Sure I see a lot of things now that were tell tale signs, but I just wasn't looking for it before, had never imagined someone would do it.

I feel the worst for those whom she made her friends and who trusted her and felt something for her. How horribly cruel, to destroy someone's trust and friendship that way :(. It is worse, in a way, then just being outwardly hateful to someone.

06-30-2004, 02:13 PM
Thanks Aly, I was about to say all this.


Is she the one that deleted some of Kays threads, that Kay had started?

I seriously doubt this since only Kay or a PT administrator can delete her threads. (correct me if I'm wrong, someone :)) And I don't believe there was a thread about ChiRen. She was caught so just disappeared from the board.

I think we should do our best and "not feed the trolls". Who wants to help me bury these threads and not give "Brooke" or these other past members any more attention. :D

06-30-2004, 02:15 PM
Aly, I know what you mean about not lieing about death. I really felt for her, because I knew what it was like to lose somebody like that. I still haven't got over my dad death and he has been gone since 97. I cried for her!

I know that I am a lazybones about posting pictures myself, so I guess I just figured she was lazy like me. So I just didn't look for that I suppose.

I still feel very foolish, the only thing I really noticed was that she seem to follow Kay around. I always wondered why she seem to just stalk Kay, and thought she really liked Kay, and then she started following Kay around and just start diagreements with Kay. I don't know, I guess, well, I'm just speechless and now depressed. To make light of the death of one's dad, just hurts. She made a fool out of me too! I am 51 years old, and should be smarter than that.


06-30-2004, 02:43 PM
All I can say is... wow... Zoey is a Xander!!!


06-30-2004, 03:00 PM
Willie, don't feel bad that you didn't suspect her. A bunch of us are just cautious now, after having so many trolls here. It's quite sad that we even worry about new members.. it shouldn't be like that.

06-30-2004, 04:49 PM
Yeah Willie don't feel bad you did not spot anything, because neither did I , I guess we are just two trusting souls, too much so maybe.

One still has to feel sadness that any human being, has such little going on in their lives, that they can actually be bothered to go to all this trouble to invent these stories.

Kay you have taken a great attitude about this nasty deed Brooke did to you, that a girl, let it roll of your back, like water off a duck's back, she is not worth your time of day, still I reckon it hurts when someone is so nasty like that for no reason, just remember you are a way better person in every way that she will ever be.

We live and learn don't we, another Troll to the garbage can, let us just be thankful for all the genuine, cool people on PT.

06-30-2004, 05:21 PM
Carole I agree, Kay is a much better person than "Brooke" could ever even dream of being! Thank the lord for Kay!

It really bothers me that she was so jeolous of Kay, because I guess, she seen Kay had such a talent for photography!

Kay, I am sorry she treated you like she did, we all feel angry with her for that! She is not fit to wipe your feet on!


06-30-2004, 05:27 PM
Yes Willie I know Kay already knew this, it goes without saying, but I just wanted her to know that we here all think that way too, Brooke is a vicious person to do such a thing,My feelings of empathy for her are just not there anymore, on this discovery, I felt repulsed to know she was capable of such an act.

She does however in MO need some serious professional help., so there is still a degree of pity for someone like her.

And Willie you are such a sweetheart, you would never suspect ill-will of anyone, its just not in your makeup , you are a good person with a kind heart is all.:) so don't you go a changing ok.:)