View Full Version : What precautions did you consider when a new arrival was imminant?

08-18-2001, 11:06 AM
Hi all!
I'm asking the question as a cat owner, lover, adorer and slave, who will be bringing home a baby next Spring :D !
(A human Baby!)
My mother is doing my head in, she's not keen on cats, and is in a panic over our large animal family. Now, I have contacted two different Doctors and our vet all of which think we are doing everything right and therefore there should be no problem.
Regarding Toxiplasmosis: I don't do the litter tray anyhow, Dh does. The medical consenses is that because I've been exposed to animals from all backgrounds for most of my life it is likely that I already had Toxiplasmosis and now have the antibodies. All our critters are wormed ever three months, washed often and Sprayed w/ Frontline. None are allowed upstairs anymore. I do know I have to be vigilant regarding any critters wanting to sleep near baby. I feel this is my bogie actually.
Am I forgetting anything? Do you have any ideas regarding what I should be doing? let me know! This should be interesting.....

Gina >^..^< !( Rescues Rule :cool: !)

4 feline house
08-18-2001, 02:19 PM
Gina, I think you should just relax. There is no proof that cats do any harm to babies - it's all superstition and old wives tales. The only real, proven danger has already been addressed by you - toxoplasmosis. In fact, I didn't even try to keep the cats away from Alan-they slept in the crib with him! As I nursed Alan I held him in the crook of one arm and held a cat in the crook of the other arm (no, the cat didn't nurse, so get that picture out of your mind! :rolleyes: :D But I know that would make most new mothers uncomfortable. I might be more concerned about dogs since they tend to be more protective and territorial.

Congratulations on the newest addition, yet-to-arrive! Are you hoping for a boy or girl?

08-18-2001, 04:18 PM
My two cats and I shared a house with a growing family for 3 years. During that time, the only cat-related behavior even remotely remarkable had to do with protection - of the baby! One day, as the 3 month old baby and my big tabby were lounging on a blanket on the floor, an adult swooped in to pick up the baby, and my cat didn't like it AT ALL! He let everyone know that HIS baby was not to be messed with! No damage was done, but everyone was reminded that the protection instinct is very very strong!

As far as I have ever heard, the worst problem is one you've already described: listening to well-meaning family and friends telling old-wives tales. Scrambling your brain with distressing messages is NOT a good way to help you through a healthy happy pre-baby time!

Best wishes to ALL your family!
- Pam, Murf the super-sitter cat, and Winston

08-18-2001, 04:18 PM
Gina, that is terrific news! And I agree with Leah completely. Properly watched, your new baby and your cats will be just fine. My goodness, you go way above and beyond to keep your cats healthy!

If I had a scanner, I would love to share a picture of the first few moments after I arrived home with my baby Helen (almost 11 years ago). I had missed Mimi so much, and I sat down in my husband's recliner with the baby, and guess who immediately jumped up and went to sleep on my lap? Mimi! And she and Helen were fast friends from then on, and still are!

My sister had two cats when her first child was born. To keep Esther and Sam out of the baby's room, they installed an inexpensive screen door on the baby's room. That way the cats could sniff and look, but couldn't get in, plus they didn't have to close the baby's door. It was a wonderful solution!

As I said, I had zero problems with Mimi, or with Chuck, the Yellow Labrador. But my sister's older cat did take a dislike to the baby's things, like blankets left on the floor, etc. and starting wetting on them. My sister learned to pick things up, and that they needed to give Esther plenty of individual attention. She and Emily did fine together after that.

I'm so happy for you. There is nothing quite like becoming a mother. I wouldn't trade that experience for the world.

Logan :)

08-18-2001, 06:49 PM
Gina what wonderful news! You must be just thrilled. My daughter is expecting her first baby in about 3 weeks. They have one cat, a ragdoll named Gabe. I have written about him before because he is not the friendliest guy in the world. In fact, my daughter and son-in-law are the only two people on the planet who are allowed to pick him up or even approach him without being batted at or, when he is particularly stressed, he will bite. :eek: For this reason she has been concerned through the whole pregnancy about how Gabe will be. For the time being we all have our fingers crossed. The crib is set up and he has made no attempt to go in it, but then again the little occupant hasn't arrived yet. Hopefully by the time the baby begins crawling and walking Gabe will have decided to let him into the "inner circle" of people he will be nice to. We will wait and see. In the meantime, enjoy your pregnancy and again CONGRATULATIONS and keep us posted! :)

08-18-2001, 06:57 PM
Cats and dogs are so different and you have thought about this so carefully. Cats are not going to fall victim to their instincts with a human baby the way a dog might. Even a small dog could take on a baby and win. A cat is going to see a baby as too big to have a go at. Keep an eye on things, especially as baby gets mobile!! If the baby is asleep or you are hanging the washing out, just don't take a chance. Close doors and use the baby monitor. There will be times when you are soooooo tired you will think, "Just for a couple of seconds they will be fine." The risk is not worth the couple of seconds, more because babies change from day to day and when they couldn't grab the cat yesterday they can today than the cat hurting the baby.
I can almost garuntee that once baby is here and animals and baby have no conflicts then your Mum, eventually ( probably not 'till the baby is six years old!) will be saying that it was lucky you had THOSE animals. If you are planning a large family it will be the same every time!
My mother still thinks it is a miracle that my kids (10 and 6) have survived!

08-18-2001, 07:08 PM
It's too much for me to resist!! I am really sorry if I offend ....just think thicky Brit... but when you look at the heading for this and then realise it is a human baby on the way.....

Q. "What precautions did you consider when a new arrival was imminant?"

A. When a new arrival is imminent it is too late to use precautions.

I know, I know, bad taste. Please try to remember that I am a Brit and was brought up on Carry On films!

One more thought, the more you can relax when cat and baby are in the same room the better - this may mean removing cat when Mum appears.
Big changes coming your way, make sure you get loads of photos of newborn and you as soon as possible! Biggest feelings you will ever have and the greatest thing you will ever do - it's magic!

4 feline house
08-18-2001, 07:59 PM
Logan's story reminds me of coming home - at the time there was Zebo, my cat, and my brother and sister-in-law's cats Cleo, Mewsette, and Peyote (sorry, my bro and sis-in-law are loving folks but they are druggies). We all shared a house. I was hospitalized for quite some time at the end of my pregnancy, and poor Zebo really missed me. When I finally came home, he kept nipping my calf (his way of saying hello) over and over he was so happy. Then I laid my bundle down on the couch, Zebo jumped up to sniff, then rared his ears back, ran into the bedroom, and was not seen again for three days! The other cats took to him immediately, and a later addition, Sleeper, did too, but Zebo never really liked Alan until he was about five!

08-18-2001, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by carrie:
<STRONG>...make sure you get loads of photos of newborn and you as soon as possible! </STRONG>

And make sure you get some pictures of ALL your babies together... that will win every heart here at PetTalk! After all, this isn't Baby of the Day! ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

08-22-2001, 10:14 PM
Well Thats great! ;) Thanks guys for your wonderful stories, and kind words. So, I'm not forgetting anything....great!
Carrie "Thick Brit" LOL! I love your sense of humour! I never thought about it when I wrote it! :o :D
This is a great topic, with truly lovely stories, I hope more people post their similiar experiences!
4 Feline house: well I'm due on March 3rd, and other than completely healthy, I kinda would like, well it would be nice if I had a girl. I suppose either way, a baby would be good! LOL!

A great read! Thanks you guys...keep 'em comin'! :cool:

[ August 22, 2001: Message edited by: Gina ]

08-23-2001, 10:59 AM
Gina! Congratulations!! :D :D :D
Great news!
I have no human children of my own so I don't have experience with pets and babies, but I'm sure that your fur babies and your human baby will grow to love each other and develop a wonderful friendship!
All the best!
Thelma, Yertle
Danny and Elvis :) :)

08-23-2001, 04:34 PM

Congratulations! That's great. Keep us posted on progress.

A pet loving friend some time ago was looking for a tape of baby's crying to acustom her furbabies to upcoming change, but it seems this was considered overkill by most on that board. Just a thought (and probably not a good one, at that...).

Best wishes and we'll hold you and your family in our prayers.