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Bandit's mom
06-27-2004, 10:16 PM
:) It's been a long time since I posted a thread. Bandit heard firecrackers tonight and he is very unhappy. He barked and now he is staying close to me. Does anybody have this problem with there dogs?:confused:

06-27-2004, 10:44 PM
I don't know yet.

Someone was letting off a few firecrackers today, but the girls seemed fine.

I'm the one that gets mad. I don't mind firecrackers and stuff that stay on the ground. I HATE bottle rockets though. I am so afraid that they are going to land on my roof and catch the house on fire. Last year I saw two of them land on the neighbors roof and it made me so mad. Thankfully they were no longer burning.

06-27-2004, 10:50 PM
Oh yeah we have that problem here.

Cannilla will try to eat her way into the house or another room, is she thinks that will get her away from the sounds.

Mooch, just shakes in fear, for an hour, it seem like. There was this one day we went to a craft fair and a balloon poped. Mooch was in my arms scared to death. People would stop me and ask me if she was cold, her body was shaking that bad. Mind you it was in May, in FLORIDA!!! Not cold.

Tuffy justs run away and hides and Odie crys.

The other dogs don't like it, but they get over it fast. Brandy just has to bark at the sound like she going to stop it. :rolleyes:

06-28-2004, 12:06 PM
Murph and Oz seem to be fine with firecrackers as long as they're inside. They really don't care much for being outside while they're going off though. Course I've no doubt that has to do with the fact that the firecrackers are being shot off in the field right next to my house, so the debree is falling into my yard. They must feel like Chicken Little. Can't say I blame them, so I try to get'em to go potty right before nightfall and the festivities start.

This fourth of July will be Gully's first firecracker experience. I've a feeling he'll be fine though. He's gotten almost a daily dose of Thunder and Lightening storms since he's been with me these last 2 mos and was perfectly fine. So he's already use to big booms and flashes of light.


06-28-2004, 05:47 PM
We have that problem here.

Roxey for some unknown reason fears any fireworks and guns. The first time she heard them she had no problem, but over the last two years she has become terrified of sounds like that.

And the one I thought would always fear those noises (Huney) doesn't seem to care about them at all...go figure!

06-28-2004, 06:05 PM
My dogs aren't afraid of noises, thank goodness, sometimes they do bark at them depending on their mood. My one cat does run and hide. People have already started with all the firecrackers and rockets that whistle. After awhile it gets on my nerves!

06-28-2004, 06:32 PM
Duke doesn't go crazy but he doesn't like them, either. He doesn't like thunderstorms. My best advice is to keep him in one room when the noise is happening. Maybe you could stay with them. I know that you're not supposed to make a big deal out of it because that gives them a reason to fear the noise and might make them react worse to the noise. Hopefully, there won't be too much of that around here. We've got a pretty good neighborhood, thank goodness.