View Full Version : Nicknames of nicknames?

06-27-2004, 07:06 PM
Do any of you have a nickname for your dog(s), which actually derived from another nickname?

I call Simba Tinky Boy, which came from Stinky Boy..... but now, Tinky Boy has turned into Tink Tink, which is often said "Teen-Tea" instead.

Another of his nicknames is FatFat.... Which has turned into FaFa Boy.

One of Nala's is Floppy, because she flops all over the place. Which Floppy has turned into FlopFlop, which turned into FlaFlop

Atleast THEY know who i'm talking about, while others may not. :p

Does anyone else do this, or am I just crazy? :p

06-27-2004, 07:09 PM
I sometimes call Duke Slug dog at night because when it's bedtime, it's hard to get him to move. I've never shortened his nicknames though. He's got a lot. Sweet baby dog, Duke a roni, roni dog(that's shortened) monster dog, and just DUKE!!! when he's barking like crazy at the critters outside.

06-27-2004, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
and just DUKE!!! when he's barking like crazy at the critters outside.

Or trying to get Simba! :o :p :p

(Love the blinkies, btw! Great job!!)

06-27-2004, 07:15 PM
Hey, thanks! I figured I might as well make one for Flair too. I should have sharpened them up before I animated them but forgot.

06-27-2004, 07:16 PM
My furkids have all kinds of nicknames! Not sure if any were derived from another nickname.Sassy's nickname is sass a frass, Missy is Missykin, Lacey is Lacey Lulu(sometimes I add belle on the end!) and Mandy started out as Mandy pandy but now I call her Mandy moo! Ususally I call her my little moo.When she was little I also remember calling her pee baby(she was little harder than Lacey to housebreak) and for awhile we called her porky pig cos she was kind of chubby. Oh and one more, I think Lacey might think her name is 'move' cos she's always under my feet. Makes you wonder why we give them names at all doesn't it?:D

06-27-2004, 07:54 PM
nope, I don't think at least...

Elvis's nicknames are Elvy, monkey butt (lol) and punkie

Katie's are kk, kate

06-27-2004, 08:05 PM
That is exactly how Nikki got all of her nicknames! LOL! We first started calling her Nikki Doo, because she was in love with Scooby Doo. It has now morphed into:
Nikki Poo
Poopy Doo
Pooper Doo
Poopy Puppy
Snicker Doodle
and just plain Doo.
We also call her Boxer Girl and Pretty Puppy.
It is hilarious because people come over and we call her all these names and they give us the strangest looks. I have no idea how we ended up with so many, ecspecially the ones involving poop. :D

06-27-2004, 08:05 PM
I call Kai: Kai, Kaina, Bobby, Buggsy (which came from Bobby), Kaina-diva (came from Kaina), Kai-kee..

Kaedyn's most used nickname is Drama Queen..haha. I also call him Kae, Kaebutt, and Kaebum.

We started calling Kaedyn "Baby's baby" and Kai "Baby". No reason really.. just random names. :p

06-27-2004, 08:30 PM
Methos, my puppy, we call him Milk Toast, or Meath, but more than the others, we call him M.T.

06-27-2004, 08:48 PM
What is it with the name Doo?
I "do" the exact same thing!:D
"Wicket"......turned into- Wicka Doo.....Wicker
Doo.....Wick.....Doo.....ok, Handsome Boy come here!!!! heehee

I think I just call "Waffles" by her name unless I say....pretty girl or princess!

06-27-2004, 08:50 PM
I forgot another..

I call Nala -- Bala... which has turned into "Baaaah girl", sometimes "Baha" or "Baha Baby" :p

06-27-2004, 09:06 PM
chewie is chew chew
little bit is guber butt
roxey is rox

and they all at some time get called a little buger!;)

06-27-2004, 09:46 PM
Chloe has been called Clo-clo by my ex's neices and nephews, Chloe Bear, Chloe girl, Baby Girl, Miss Thang, Princess...

Charlie's real name is Charlie Brown, so when he's in trouble it's Mr Brown. He's also called Charlie Bear, Mr Man and most recently, Butthead.

I always call Arthur "Bubba", which has developed into Papa or papas, stinky boy, tinky boy, tinky puppy, and Sludge after he's eaten. ;)

I had a cat once who's name was Trixie... for some reason it turned to Tricky, Ticky and finally Icky. She was Icky til she died. No one ever understood it. :)

06-27-2004, 11:21 PM
Tuffy started out as Knot head....then hard head and now he's just THE HEAD. Then there BooBoo, from there it became Boo and now some how, it's became BooBa. He's answers to BooBa now. LOL

Brandy was ding dong to dingy and now batty! :confused: Then there Pogo stick to now just Po.

Mooch use to have the name Moon beamer (long story there) and now she Mooners.

Of course at one time or another they all have gone from silly to dummy to nut job, but thats my husband doing. He swears if there's a dog out there thats a little off, we get em.

06-28-2004, 01:24 PM
My friend does that too. Her dog's name is Zoe. Which went from Zoe to Zoe-ella to wee-ella to wee-wee to wee-wee-ella.
Her other dog, Darcy changed to Darcy-doo to doodie to dude.

I don't do that with my dogs names though.

06-28-2004, 02:12 PM
My parents' dog is named Dixie. We call her Dixie Doodle for a nickname. Other nicknames derived from that are: Dixie Doodlebug, Doodlebug, Doodle, and Doodle Roodle. I wish my scanner worked so I sould upload a pic of her! I will do that soon. I think she looks like Nala. ;)

06-28-2004, 02:24 PM
Digger's nickname is Hog Dog which goes to just Hog. We sometimes also call him Hoggie Doggie, etc.

Chubby is nicknamed ChubChubChuberuski. LOL, we shortened that to Chubruski, Ruskiboy, Chubs, ChubChub, and just Chub. When he had to go to the vet when he got shot, the vet just put Chubs on his medications.

As some of you may know, Otis is partly deaf. He can hear high-pitched noises the best, so we nicknamed him "Little Buddy." When we want him to come, we say (in a high-pitched voice) "Come here, Little Buddy!" We call him 'Lil bud, and buddy. He is also called Odie. My little cousin couldn't say Otis so instead he called him Todis. I call him Toad, toad-boy, etc. :p

Prince is called Princey-pie, so that shortened to Princey. I also call him Pirnce. :p

06-28-2004, 02:28 PM
6 Degrees of Separation to Boo

McMurphy... Murph... Murpher Moo... Mooie... Moo Boo... Boo

Madison... Maddie... Maddie Roo... Rooie... Roo... Boo...

Whizzer of Oz... Oz... Ozzy Woo... Wooie... Woo... Boo...

Gully seems to have stopped this trend though... For some unknown reason he ended up Bub vs Boo.

Gulliver... Gully... Gully Buddy... Gull Bub... Bub...


Buddy Blaze Lover
06-28-2004, 03:19 PM
Hmmm...I call "Blaze" all sorts of things: Blazer, Chevy Blazer (from Blazer, just for the heck of it!) :) Blazaroni, Blazie, Buddy Boy, Hyperbolic, Mr. Hyper, and a few others...my dad'll call him knucklehead every once in a while when Blaze makes him mad...but of course they always forgive each other. ;)