View Full Version : Another Horribly Sick Pair of Kittens....

06-27-2004, 07:01 PM
I just returned from the place where the six, sick kittens came from. I have two kittens around six weeks old, with eyes that are close to rupturing from the severe infection. :mad: I took the mom cat too, and she's going to the shelter, so I can't take the babies out without risking losing her in the house. They are flea infested beyond belief, along with the poor dog these cretins own. The dog is elderly and has no fur on his back from the constant chewing on fleas, poor old thing. I also have two young females in laundry bags in the car, that are going to the shelter as well. The kittens are then going into foster care, and I can only hope the eyes aren't ulcerated under all the swelling. I'm taking the digital camera along to take pics of this sorry looking bunch. :( :( :( These people are at least going to surrender the majority of the cats to me (but not a shelter...they will kill them). Little do they know the adults are going to the shelter, and no they won't be killed. Heaven forbid the cats get any much needed medical treatment! :rolleyes: :mad: :(

Laura's Babies
06-27-2004, 07:06 PM
OH MY God!! I want to ask how this could happen in todays world but sad to say, I know.... It is such a sorry thing that unwanted babies can be born into such a cruel world and left neglected when they all deserve so much better. Thank God she is letting you get them out of there and maybe some of them can have a decent life.. Poor babies... Thank you so much for caring for Gods little helpless creatures!

leslie flenner
06-27-2004, 07:12 PM
You have had 6 sick kittens for over a week and just got the last 3 sick kittens!? what about the dog? Can you get him/her some advantage at low cost? what exactly happened today?

06-27-2004, 07:48 PM
:mad: :mad: :( Thank you for all you are doing. Sure hope these tiny ones can make it! :(

06-27-2004, 07:59 PM
This just breaks my heart. Can't anything be done about this person. My God, she should be prevented from having ANY animal since she obviously cannot take care of them properly. It just sickens me.:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

I hope and pray that these little ones are going to be okay and something is done for that poor dog.
Jan, you are a true angel for helping all these precious babies.
I take my hat off to you and thank you.

06-27-2004, 08:24 PM

I would LOVE nothing better than to take a nice 2x4 and whack those hillbillies silly. I hope they don't have children. I am so sick and tired of these kinds of people. Absolutely no regard for life (human or otherwise).

Isn't there some way you and Leslie can file charges against these a$$holes for neglect and abuse??? I'd look into it if I were you.

I pray these babies and their mama make it. They, along with you and Louise ;) will be in my thoughts and prayers.

(((((((((lots and LOTS of hugs))))))))))))))))

06-27-2004, 09:34 PM
Are you going to rescue the dog too?:confused:

06-27-2004, 09:47 PM
Can't you take pictures and press animal abuse charges against her? I know Donna's already asked that... but I had to too. Bles you for saving them!

06-27-2004, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by leslie flenner
You have had 6 sick kittens for over a week and just got the last 3 sick kittens!? what about the dog? Can you get him/her some advantage at low cost? what exactly happened today? No Leslie, Two sick flea infested kittens (one died). Idiots have the sick babies in the yard nursing off mom cat (who I also got) and with all the rain the last few days, no wonder they're so sick. Pictures coming soon! I took several pictures of their eyes, which look like raw meat. Advantage put in a small amount on both.The fleas were dropping by the dozens...so I'm sure the lethargy has a lot to do with flea anemia. I'll bring some for that poor dog who is a pitiful sight. All three female adults settled into shelter....I'm pooped! :rolleyes:

06-27-2004, 10:03 PM
My plan is to get the cats they're willing to relinquish, put Advantage on that poor antique dog, wait a few weeks and then call MSPCA etc. The problem is (and I can thank RUTH for this) is that this woman knows where I live! GRRR!!! So if she suspects I did the calling on her, God only knows what will happen around here! I jsut have to bite my tongue and be Miss Nicey Nice to them and get these poor animals away while they're still alive. :mad: :(

06-28-2004, 06:17 AM
Stories like this just break my heart. I, personally, believe that in some cases, abused, ill animals deserve a chance to live, for sure, but also have the option to be put down. I cannot think that it would be possible to save them all, at the expense of infecting others and putting the animal through more discomfort etc. There needs to be a call made early in the animals life. I guess the person(s) making the calls should take many things in to consideration.

My rabbit Cinnamon came from a confisication of cats in Mass. The rescuers went to the basement, just by chance and found the rabbit. The took over 25 cats from a family at the same time. As it turned out, Cinnamon was in good shape. She was unspayed (3 years) and needed to be groomed, but other than that, she was lucky to have survived a dirt basement with no lights.

I wonder how mentally ill some of these people are and wonder if they could be fined? Many do not have money to pay a fine or get a lawyer.

I think some animals are not meant to spend another day of life on this earth, to be treated poorly and that they are better off being put to sleep, where they can finally find peace. Bless their little hearts.

I hope these cats finally find a place to live out their lives - a place that is safe and kind. Is there a no-kill shelter you could involve in this mess?

You are so kind to take on such a situation. Please let us know if we can help in any way.

Sas and her brats

06-28-2004, 07:16 AM
What a horrible story! I pray that all these poor animals will soon have the love and care that they deserve.
Thank you Jan for al lthe great work that you do! I think you should be on "Animal Cops"! You would make a great one!

06-28-2004, 10:41 AM
If I were an Animal Cop...I think I'd be inclined to use my billy club on a lot of so called humans! :D I want a stun gun too while I'm at it....then I can do a quick TNR on them so they won't reproduce any offspring! :rolleyes: ;) I mean just what sort of message/ lessons are they teaching their children? :mad:

06-28-2004, 10:51 AM
People are far more concerned, with themselves,and have no appreciation,for other species!Poor Kittens,we pray that you can help them!

06-28-2004, 11:18 AM
I would definately try to get charges filed on these idiots! They have no right having any animals at all. Poor dog, too. I would take it away from them, as well. Of course, all they'd get is a slap on the wrist. Until we can somehow get the laws changed, this is what will happen. It's sickening.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-28-2004, 12:06 PM
So am I getting this right, these people don't want the cats taken to a shelter because they might be killed? Just what do they think they are doing to them?!!?!:mad: At least at the shelter it would be a quick painless death and not the slow horrible death of neglect. Sheesh, some people.....and these people have kids? So sad. :(

However, I know this is not what you needed right now, but at least they have found you and now they can look forward to real lives.

06-28-2004, 12:12 PM
It's heartbreaking... and GOD, it makes me so angry!!! I hope these people will get what they deserve - eventually!!

Thanks for taking care of these poor creatures!! Good they have a chance for a better life now!


06-28-2004, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by QueenScoopalot
If I were an Animal Cop...I think I'd be inclined to use my billy club on a lot of so called humans! :D I want a stun gun too while I'm at it....then I can do a quick TNR on them so they won't reproduce any offspring! :rolleyes: ;) I mean just what sort of message/ lessons are they teaching their children? :mad:

I voulenteer to be a pet-abuser TNR officer :D Gads, some things people do are sickening!!! I am glad you are helping these poor dears, and I tell you what if that lady gave me any guff for helping her pets...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Some people should NOT be alowed to breed.

06-28-2004, 12:21 PM
This is just so awful :( :mad: . I'm glad you are there to offer these poor animals some help. You know I just can't fathom why people do some of the bad things they do.

leslie flenner
07-10-2004, 08:13 PM
How are they doing?

07-10-2004, 09:29 PM
I rarely like to use the "H" word, but what these people have done to these poor precious animals, I HATE and I do mean HATE them for what they've done.

I hope their Karma is a million times worse than what they put those poor babies through.

07-10-2004, 09:42 PM

Probably in another thread! The kittens are 100% better!

07-10-2004, 09:56 PM
:( :( This is the saddest sight and situation. How oh how could a real person look at these babies and not DO something? I feel so sad I can't even be angry. You say they are 100% better?? Do you have some pictures of them? Are they with you now or at the shelter? What has happened to the people and to the dog? I am sorry but I did not open this thread earlier - sometimes I just don't have the heart to look at what I know will make me cry. I am not heartless - just trying to protect myself a little where I can...
I hate to go to bed now with this very sad image in my mind. Poor little creatures and so helpless. Thank you so much for waht you do Jan!

07-10-2004, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
:( :( This is the saddest sight and situation. How oh how could a real person look at these babies and not DO something? I feel so sad I can't even be angry. You say they are 100% better?? Do you have some pictures of them? Are they with you now or at the shelter? What has happened to the people and to the dog? I am sorry but I did not open this thread earlier - sometimes I just don't have the heart to look at what I know will make me cry. I am not heartless - just trying to protect myself a little where I can...
I hate to go to bed now with this very sad image in my mind. Poor little creatures and so helpless. Thank you so much for waht you do Jan! Don't worry Deb! The kittens have been with a wonderful foster/nurse who keeps in touch with me all the time! I have no after pics yet, but Cindy tells me the babies have been doing very well! It was very touch & go with the one baby who's eye was still squirting out fluid after a week, but things are going very well now, and the eye is not gone like I suspected! I was so worried the poor kitten would have to have an enucleation!:eek: :eek: :eek:

leslie flenner
07-10-2004, 10:10 PM
deb i asked jan to repost photos of kittens cuz i never saw them in this thread, did you?

07-10-2004, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by leslie flenner
deb i asked jan to repost photos of kittens cuz i never saw them in this thread, did you?
No, these were the first pics I had seen of them!! I am so glad to hear that they are now doing better. Poor little things!! So glad they have nurse/angel Cindy caring for them.

07-10-2004, 10:21 PM
I feel sorry for those animals, it is just pure cruelity.

07-10-2004, 10:38 PM
Oh God, those pictures were so hard to see without choking up.
I am so, so glad to hear they are 100% better.
Bless you Cindy for caring for these babies and bringing them back to good health.
Can't wait to see pictures.

leslie flenner
07-10-2004, 10:44 PM
jan- you really should tell cindy about pet talk- she does so much foster care!

07-10-2004, 11:13 PM

This is the tiny tyke who broke my heart so much! The only kitten in the litter, and so stunted. He has improved 100% and I'm kicking myself for not having the camera! I saw him a week ago, and though he's a tiny tyke, he's so incredible! His foster mom Roz knows he may be a liver shunt kitten...:( :( :( She named him Fozzie Bear. He is the picture of health now! But tiny.:(

07-11-2004, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by leslie flenner
deb i asked jan to repost photos of kittens cuz i never saw them in this thread, did you?

Found them in a different thread!!
So, QSA - you are NOT going nuts:) - you DID post them - just in a different thread. I had even seen them before - guess just wiped the sight from my memory:( I even replied to the thread.

07-11-2004, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
Found them in a different thread!!
So, QSA - you are NOT going nuts:) - you DID post them - just in a different thread. I had even seen them before - guess just wiped the sight from my memory:( I even replied to the thread. Deb, I knew I'd posted them somewhere! It such a good feeling to see these little ones now, and hopefully soon they'll find wonderful forever homes. They certainly deserve it! I brought some Advantage, and Revolution to the people to give the remaining cats, and the poor dear old dog some relief! The woman (who isn't the brightest crayon in the box) was unaware of the severe flea infestation, and says to me "I was told kittens were BORN with fleas". OK, sure...they come out of the womb flea infested! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: The three adults females I brought to the shelter are so sweet...and I know without doubt that poor RB Ashley was from them. She starved to death due to a severe URI! :mad: :mad: :mad: It broke my heart that such a sweet trusting cat was in such bad shape that she never even made it through the night. :( I had given her sub-q fluids, and a heating pad to warm her emaciated body, but it was too late. Poor girl RIP. :( :( :(

07-11-2004, 09:20 PM
OMG! :mad: :eek: :( :confused: How sad. Poor babies!!! What stupid morons these people are. Grrr. God that just makes me so angry! I am so glad you took them away from those people. Please try to report them ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-12-2004, 08:01 AM

This lovely girl is the mother of some of the kittens. I'm even losing track now, as I took eight kittens from four different litters! I'm not too sure who belongs with who. More cats to go, and a litter struggling to survive somewhere outside with the mom cat. :rolleyes: :( :mad:

07-12-2004, 10:45 AM
Oh bless her sweet little heart!!! Do you get them tested for FIV/FELV before adopting them out? That would probably be best since you have no idea what the heck they have been exposed to. Hopefully it's just an URI and nothing more.

07-12-2004, 10:50 AM
QSA you are such a Godsend to these poor kittens!! I wish more people were like you! Keep us updated on the progress!

07-12-2004, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
Oh bless her sweet little heart!!! Do you get them tested for FIV/FELV before adopting them out? That would probably be best since you have no idea what the heck they have been exposed to. Hopefully it's just an URI and nothing more. Everyone who goes into the shelter is tested for FeLV & FIV. I got a lovely abandoned lynx point siamese from the people a week ago, and Clarence tested positive for FIV. :( The good news is he's so handsome and young, he'll be up for adoption despite this. He has been roaming around the area for several months, and hasn't passed FIV on to any of the others.....to date anyway. :rolleyes: There are a few toms these people feed, but won't claim as one's born in their house! :mad: :mad: :mad: