View Full Version : I'm Back....

Desert Arabian
06-26-2004, 07:39 PM
Well, for the weekend anyways, then I have to go back for one more week. Camp is kicking my butt, I am so exhausted. The horses have definately got me working til I just about drop over. There are 8 horses that got injured on barbed wire fencing and got cut up fairly bad, I am in charge of taking care of them and cleaning them up every day- that right there kills me. I really enjoy it though, it is an awesome learning experience. We have a huge problem on our hands, there has been a large cat spotted around the camp, by other staff, possibly a bobcat, and it is harrasing the horses when they are out in the fields. We don't know what to do, we are going to try to positively indetify exactly what the animal is and see if there is anything the DNR can do about it. The weather is sorta ok, it has been fairly cold, which makes it hard to sleep in tents and wake up in the morning. It just feels to weird to be home, sitting at the comp, reading Pet Talk, seeing Sammy and the rats, etc.

I had an archery golf tournament last week, my first archery event ever, and I got 1st place. :D That made me soooo happy! :D

I have a couple of pictures from this past week, but I am not showing them until I take more. I broke the digital camera up there, so I have to get a new camera first. I had these niiiiiice pictures of a niiiiiice cowboy who I work with ;) but I ERASED THEM! OMG! SOOOOOOO MAD!:mad: :o He's soooo cute! I got one fairly nice pickyture of him that I will show later on.

So, just wanted to give a little update and say HI! I've missed everyone sooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!:( It's so good to see Pet Talk again!

Gotta go browse all the threads.....:D :p

06-26-2004, 07:58 PM
Welcome back, YLL! We miss you!

Camp sounds like tons of fun. Can't wait to see the pictures! :D

06-26-2004, 08:49 PM
It's nice to see you back! :) I am glad you are having fun at camp. I bet you are so happy to be able to spend time with family and friends and Pet Talk of course.

06-26-2004, 08:59 PM
Welcome back YLL!:)
I have some new horse photos. If I post them tomorrow do you think you will have time to look at them?
It sounds like you have been having fun at camp and they are keeping you busy there.
Congratulations on the Archery win! You must be so good at archery from watching Legolas so much!;)
I hope you will post some camp photos when you can.
I want to see pictures of the cute cowboy!(There's nothing better than a good looking man who loves horses):cool:

Desert Arabian
06-26-2004, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by Vermontcat

I have some new horse photos. If I post them tomorrow do you think you will have time to look at them?
I will be leaving around 4 o'clock, so anytime before then-yes.

Congratulations on the Archery win! You must be so good at archery from watching Legolas so much!;)
THANKS! Mmmmmm…..Legolas……

I want to see pictures of the cute cowboy!(There's nothing better than a good looking man who loves horses):cool: Oooh, it will be worth the wait, even though it is a side profile picture and back picture…..:p

06-26-2004, 09:23 PM
I just bumped up one thread with horse photos, now I will start a new one.:)

06-27-2004, 01:24 AM
YAY! I'm glad to have Laura back for a while.... just please, don't stay for too long. JUST KIDDING, of course.

You better be taking LOTS of pictures.