View Full Version : The Good Life

06-26-2004, 06:56 PM
I know that you all will be against what I am about to say and probably ignore the valid advice I am about to give you....but I choose to give it to you anyway.
As for your own cats which I KNOW that you are keeping inside...that right there is the problem. You very likely know that cats are EXTRODINARILY intelligent beings and may very well know much that we don't. My cats are all outside. They may come in for a breif visit but they would prefer to stay outside. Cats are meant to be outside. Yes, they may have a shorter life but atleast you know that it was as good as you could get it. You may think "I stay inside all the time and I don't have a problem w/it"...well, you have your computers, your tv's, your phones, your spouses, friends, and dates. You can have parties...and you do venture out of the house atleast somewhat to regain your intrest. A cat stuck inside...? All he has are toys and though he may seem to thouroughly enjoy them that's all he has. If we were stuck inside w/toys we would probably bat them around for the heck of it to. You think your cat doesn't mind it's only outdoor source being a window or screen porch...? They may enjoy that more than anything else but they are just longing to be outside running free in the grass. Even an outdoor enclosure or harness doesn't match up to the great package.
I love my cats more than anything else in life. I would never deprive them of what they want most. It is quite selfish to keep a cat inside. You keep a cat inside because YOU cannot bare the loss of it dieing so you keep it inside so it will live a long life for YOU to enjoy no matter how sorry it's long life inside is. Death is just a part of nature's course and though a cat may die early...even before it's a year old because of being outside...atleast you have the wonderful feeling that you gave it the best life you could while it lived.
Also, who's to say that an animal cannot come back in another form after it dies...? Your cat that you trapped inside all her life while she begged exit will remember that. You give the cat the best life you can by allowing her outdoors then she will remember that as well. If she does die thru cause of the outdoors you will not be the one to be blamed for that she will of course know that you tried to give her the best life on this Earth that you could while she was in that form.
I know that none of you will agree w/me but if I can save one cat from being trapped inside it's whole life then it's worth it. This is just something to think about: Really treat your cat like a god and let him have what he wants!

06-26-2004, 07:08 PM
There are some cats that live quite happily inside their whole lives. The right home has people who play with the kitties, lots of things for them to do, plenty of mental and physical stimulation.

I have known cats that love to look out the window, but shun the open door - there's scary things out there!

How could letting a cat outside in an urban environment possibly benefit it at all? It is not "nature's way" to have cars and trucks that could run it over, bicycles and pedestrian traffic, and few safe places to be.

Not everyone lives in the country. Not everyone lives in areas without a significant pedator population. What is "fair" about turning an innocent kitten outdoors so it can be eaten by the owl that lives in the big pine next door?

Bear in mind that I do not currently own a cat, so you need not tell me I am depriving anyone of anything personally.

06-26-2004, 07:12 PM
I'd much rather a cat be "stuck inside" than have a new cement pavement best friend.

06-26-2004, 09:14 PM
Um, my response to the poll was the "Stupid" one, but that was mostly because I didn't like your tone. Sorry.

06-26-2004, 09:36 PM
I voted that we all have our own opinions and this one, although I feel is dumb, is yours.

I also agree with lizzielou that I don't care for your tone. Neither did I care for it in Sirrahbed's post about the cat door to her screened patio.

I see from your profile that you are only 16 and I think you have a lot to learn before you appoint yourself the authority on how we should keep our cats.

And that is my opinion.

06-26-2004, 09:38 PM
Hmm well you'll have to excuse me if I don't want to let my guys roam around on the busy major street we live off of. They must be so miserable what with all the love, attention and play time I give them. Geesh, how dare I.

06-26-2004, 09:39 PM
My cats just told me that they do NOT fancy being LUNCH for some hawk or an alligator.

They also dont want any BROKEN bones from those car things.

Snowy thinks it's TOO bloody hot in FL.

And they all don't want the infestations, the injuries, infections, diseases, fights,

Need I go on?:mad:

06-26-2004, 10:02 PM
My cats are just fine being indoors. In fact I occasionally give them supervised outside time and the most they want to stay out is 5 minutes. They just don't prefer it. They are very happy being in the cool house where they have each other to play and sleep with. They love having their soft beds to sleep in along with tons of toys and scratch posts. I too love my cats with all my heart, that's why they live inside.

06-26-2004, 10:07 PM
It sounds like you can't even make up your own mind on what you believe ..... read your remark on this thread

If you love the little structures for cats ..... what does that mean? You enjoy being cruel to them, and keeping them enclosed????

Make up your own mind before you start judging everyone else!

Laura's Babies
06-26-2004, 10:26 PM

Way to go Kim!

06-26-2004, 11:27 PM
Originally posted by CalicoLuver
I love my cats more than anything else in life. I would never deprive them of what they want most. It is quite selfish to keep a cat inside. You keep a cat inside because YOU cannot bare the loss of it dieing so you keep it inside so it will live a long life for YOU to enjoy no matter how sorry it's long life inside is. Death is just a part of nature's course and though a cat may die early...even before it's a year old because of being outside...atleast you have the wonderful feeling that you gave it the best life you could while it lived.
Also, who's to say that an animal cannot come back in another form after it dies...? Your cat that you trapped inside all her life while she begged exit will remember that. You give the cat the best life you can by allowing her outdoors then she will remember that as well. If she does die thru cause of the outdoors you will not be the one to be blamed for that she will of course know that you tried to give her the best life on this Earth that you could while she was in that form.
I know that none of you will agree w/me but if I can save one cat from being trapped inside it's whole life then it's worth it. This is just something to think about: Really treat your cat like a god and let him have what he wants!

Um. I voted for stupid, I will never change my mind. I am sorry, I am really trying to be nice here, but some parts of your post made me absolutely ILL :( The part I quoted was the worst of it.

Let me ask you something. If you had children, would you buy them McDonalds happy meals and ice cream cones and candy for every meal? I mean, it would make them happy afterall. Even if they die early because they develop diabetes, heart disease, or other problems from a bad diet, at least they had fun while they lived? I think that is SICK and I hope you disagree with that example.

My cats are far from deprived. I have cat trees, live grass, fresh catnip plants, big windows, interactive toys, water fountains, and more. None of them are "begging to get out" nor are they "trapped". I am not selfish for wanting them to live long, safe lives.

I think you presented this in a horrible manner.

06-27-2004, 08:45 AM
"Death is just a part of nature's course and though a cat may die early...even before it's a year old because of being outside...atleast you have the wonderful feeling that you gave it the best life you could while it lived.
Also, who's to say that an animal cannot come back in another form after it dies...? Your cat that you trapped inside all her life while she begged exit will remember that. You give the cat the best life you can by allowing her outdoors then she will remember that as well. If she does die thru cause of the outdoors you will not be the one to be blamed for that she will of course know that you tried to give her the best life on this Earth that you could while she was in that form."

Those comments actually make me ill. I know that there are people who let their cats outdoors but I will never change my mind on this. There is absolutely no excuse for thinking it's okay to let a cat die young, just because you think it "lived a good life." I would rather be indoors with plenty of food, water, toys, cat trees and people that love me, than to be ran over, attacked, eaten, tortured, etc.

06-27-2004, 10:04 AM
Wow. What can you say in reply to THAT bunch of mumbo-jumbo? We in life have to deal with doing things that make us happy, but temper it with things that keep us healthy. We make choices in life. If you want to argue that we want to make cats as happy as can be, then don't use the human analogy until you've thought it through... you see it has many holes! Wouldn't humans be happier not having to go to school or work? Man, I'd love to play all day, sleep all day. Yes sir, that'd be so awesome! Hmmm, but you know what? I'd be blissfully happy for a few days before extreme hunger kicked in... I need a job to pay for food, to eat. Nobody working, no homes to live in... somebody's got to build them! I'd be wandering around the forest looking for something to eat. But wait... that doesn't sound like fun. Sounds like work. I want to PLAY! I want to soak up the sun while sitting in nice clean shorts, with my nice clean skin and nice brushed teeth. I want to be outside having FUN! I don't want to experience any discomfort. I want a nice hammock swaying in the breeze. Its be especially nice if it was no hotter than 80 degrees and no humidity.. then I'd need airconditioning. Hmmm... we're back to everyone playing, so no homes, no aircondition. OH, what about getting cold and needing to stay warm? MAN! This stinks. How is this blissfully fun?

In my effort to un-deprive me of what I want most (no job, time to play and sleep all I want) I took the liberty to un-deprived humanity because we all want the same things... nobody really wants to work and be responsible for everything. We want to be stressfree! So now we are a bunch of dirty, stressfree, hungry people, living life without the hassle of work and responsiblity and we find we are even more deprived than we were before!

Thank you, but I'll have my job back and I'll fit in time for play whenever time permits. I like that we live LONG EASY lives compared to our ancestors that lived SHORT lives. The same goes for my cats. They are happy as can be indoors where they are offered all the mental and physical stimulation they need. They see that the outside world might look interesting, but everytime I let them outside, they end up scratching at the door begging to go back in. They are admittedly very happy on the balcony. They can see everyting and even catch a bird or two... but then they more than willingly return back inside to sleep on their nice comfy pillows and accept their wonderful Temptations treats. Then they get a nice brushing. And finally a full course of tummy rubs and chin scritchies. Oh, I do treat my cats as gods. They know it too.

Come back and post your theory when you have an arguement for it that cannot be blown apart using your own analogy. A good debator uses an example that cannot easily be turned effectively against themselves. A good debator doesn't speak as if they are the ultimate authority on the subject. They offer the opinion, site examples in a logical, yet passionate manner, and acknowledge there will be an alternative view. They antcipate the opponent's rebuttal and answer it in their statement... you did none of those things. All you manged to do is rile up a bunch of people.

06-27-2004, 10:51 AM
I agree,at least in part but I had one Friend ,and two visitors run down,and had to call The SPCa,toremove the Bodies of my friends! I am having the Front and Back Porcjhes revamped,to make them cat accessible,but cannot stand to see my Friends squashed by a few of the Idiots that live on this Street!Its too Heartbreaking!

guster girl
06-27-2004, 10:52 AM
I rescued an outdoor cat when she was pregnant. She never wanted to be outside again once we got her indoors. She cried like a fool when we did try to put her outside once. I see your point in that some cats are meant to be outside. Some aren't. I've never had a cat that tried to get outdoors. And, it's not a matter of my cats not knowing what they were missing, because, with the exception of Lock (a one year old Bengal), all of my kitties have had the opportunity at some point to go outdoors and turned it down. My RB kitty, Dusty, for the first three years of his life, was indoor/outdoor. But, when we moved overseas, we decided to keep him strictly indoors. He never even tried to get outside, even the first night we were in our new home in Germany. So, I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you. I just think there are cats that might. ;) I've seen cats that you couldn't keep indoors, for sure. And, for those, give them the health care and the nutrition if you're able to, and, leave them to their defenses, because they probably ARE happier out there. But, just like dogs and people, you have adventurous outdoor types and you have homebodies. I've been fortunate enough to always have kitties that prefer to be indoors.

06-28-2004, 02:29 PM
I think your cat Lainy is so sweet. I wish her a long and happy life and hope she does not get hit by a car like the kitten I saw on the highway this weekend. Poor thing - maybe he had a happy life but it was way too short.

06-28-2004, 03:21 PM
I'm not going to get snippy, that would be illogical.

However, I do feel inclined to respectfully post my opinion:

I live in an apartment with my cat. I live on one of the busiest streets in town butting up against one of the many open fields briming with coyotes and rattlesnakes. Some people in my complex DO let thier cats outside but they usually end up missing in very short order. *the only cats I know of that are outdoors and have't become lunch or roadkill are the ones that sit firmly on the welcome mat in front of the door until they're let in. They don't even explore* My ex roomate has lost 20, I repeat 20 cats in the past four years because she insisted that they be let outside. Yes cats have claws, yes cats have teeth but I don't care how big your cat is, unless he/she has been ferral long enough to know how to defend itself *making it usually not a very friendly companion although I've seen some nice feral cats* they are going to be prey for something a lot bigger. Ok, so maybe cats arent far enough removed from the wild that they can't survive by instinct out of doors. However, I doubt very siriously cats know how to deal with cars instinctually. Cars are not natural. I know a lot of people on PT that live in highly populated, urban areas. Some of us have managed to make it so thier kitties can go out. I don't know about other apartment dwellers, but I know at my place of residency *and DON'T start about my inability to aford my cat just because I live someplace that isn't expensive, I can see that arguement from a mile away* if my cat is seen outside for extended periods, back to the shelter he goes. If he doesn't get run over first. People are careless and stupid and very rarely stop for a cat.
I doubt my cat will be happy at being honked at, chased by bigger critters and trying to avoid getting caught. If asked, Im sure he would say he was just happy with his kitty TV *the rats lol* all his scratchy toys and the toilet paper roll. I doubt he would want to go outside.
I voted that it IS your opinion, and although I don't agree, you DO have the right to post.
Just try to look at more than one perspective
And make an argument that is a little more bullet proof...these people have claws you know :D

guster girl
07-03-2004, 03:10 PM
I found this thread again, checking to see if the original poster had anything else to say. Guess not.

07-03-2004, 05:37 PM
Hopefully she just went away. I'm usually not mean but that attitude made me sick!