View Full Version : Random Kitty Pictures!!

06-26-2004, 09:53 AM
Impy is a nawty boy with only three legs. He was 'let out to play' by a former backyard neighbor. I did a magic act and made him go "POOF" into the night! :D :eek: :confused: Poor boy's stump on his hind leg was so chewed up it needed to be amputated to stop the infection. Having three legs doesn't slow Impy down one bit however. He enjoys using his hind leg as a pivot while he whirls around and around trying to catch his tail.....silly cat!!!http://img42.photobucket.com/albums/v128/QueenScoopalot/Impywithcattitude.jpg And here's Simon aka Chocolate Monkey and Priscilla aka Prissilly! Both were ferals then but you'd never know it now! Prissilly lost her eye due to a horrible infection she had as a kitten outside. She is a sweet and silly little girly! Chocolate Monkey is a very busy boy also found outside and very very sick with major eye infections. He is fine now! http://img42.photobucket.com/albums/v128/QueenScoopalot/ChocolateMonkeyandPriscilla.jpg http://img42.photobucket.com/albums/v128/QueenScoopalot/SillyLizard.jpg Here's my oddest looking kitty Carmen! :D :D :D She hates catfood though LOL...good thing too veggies and greens and fruit are better for her! And those she loves. She has a sweet tooth like me and loves her bananas & grapes etc. I'm not sharing my chocolate with her though! :D ;)

Laura's Babies
06-26-2004, 10:10 AM
Good for Impy that you saved him and made him go "Poof" into the night. Bless you for saving that beautiful baby.. I also have a neighbor who's cat is fixing to go "Poof" into the night. I have begged her for this cat and she refuses to give her to me but she is starving her to death and letting the fleas eat her up. Throws her out of the house in all kinds of bad weather and the poor thing is always on my doorstep crying to get in here where she knows it is safe, warm, dry and lots of loving.. But Amy's vet told me not to let her in anymore since she has never been tested or had any shots. I tried during a storm yesterday to bring her in and shut her in another room and she all but tore the door down so I had to put her back out. She is fixing to go "POOF"....

06-26-2004, 11:05 AM
Aww, I love Impy! What a handsome boy!!

You've got some wonderful special babies - yes even your odd looking kitty, Carmen.

06-26-2004, 11:17 AM
Laura, I sure hope that you can make that poor kitty go "POOF" into a better more loving home. What a bunch of slugs we have to deal with huh? Impy has others from the same home. Gabriel (my angel) was born with just stumps for hind legs, but I made him disappear before his stumps got all chewed up outside, and his sister Nickki also has half a hind leg. I'm so glad that awful neighbor is no longer there. I got sick of confiscating all the handicapped kittens she'd get from her uncle. Stupid girl and stupid mother to let her have them. Here's my dear and loving Gabriel....... http://img42.photobucket.com/albums/v128/QueenScoopalot/SillyGabriel.jpg

06-26-2004, 12:19 PM
Jan, you got some real sweethearts there!


06-26-2004, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by trayi52
Jan, you got some real sweethearts there!

Willie:) I agree Willie! They are sweeties all of them....even bad boy Impy. ;)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-28-2004, 09:23 AM
Awww...what cuties you have. Since I'm partial to blackies, I love that little Impy!! And it sounds so cute how he pivots around to chase his tail. :D

06-28-2004, 09:32 AM
You have some of the most adorable special needs kitties!! You know now that I have Magoo I am finding out that they are truly not handicapped. It is those of us who view them as such but in their minds they are perfectly normal.
How wonderful to see pics of your cuties!

Who has the glowing alien eyes outside the window?

06-28-2004, 09:50 AM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
You have some of the most adorable special needs kitties!! You know now that I have Magoo I am finding out that they are truly not handicapped. It is those of us who view them as such but in their minds they are perfectly normal.
How wonderful to see pics of your cuties!

Who has the glowing alien eyes outside the window? I agree Lisa, that special kitties don't know they're special. They just go about the day, never complaining. They never cease to amaze me! :eek: ;) The 'glowing alien eyes' :D are Impy's. It was dark in & out when I took the picture. Funny you're the only one to notice the floating eyes! :eek: :eek:

06-28-2004, 10:43 AM
Impy,is an inspiration,to us all, as Cats are very stoic,and dont wate time,feeling sorry , for themselves,they just do the best,tha tthey can, with what The Lord gave them!

06-28-2004, 10:50 AM
What adorable, sweety pies :)

06-28-2004, 11:29 AM
Such cute kitties. I'm glad they have good homes now. I would love to be able to make a lot of dogs and cats go POOF! Maybe one day...