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K & L
06-26-2004, 08:35 AM
When you start feeling burned out with rescuing?

I had a bad night last night. First off, Miss Avon got on the ceiling shelves, knocked down my chickens and broke them all over. Now mind you it’s not the chickens that upset me, but the fact I had the granddaughter’s dinner on the counter and glass shattered everywhere. I had to start all over with dinner, clean up the mess, and then while doing that I found hairballs all over. I spent the entire evening cleaning. Then to top it off, the new guy at the park is so friendly, and we’re going to have to try and find him a home. Then we discovered 2 kittens in the woodpile (and who’s to say if there are more). This is the first kittens in years and we have NO idea who or where the mom is. We now have to try and capture them, tame them, and find homes. We have the 3 we rescued still in our spare bath, and now we have the kitten Yardley is bringing around. Then last night a Siamese shows up at our door. OH! Then last night I get a call from the park saying a neighborhood woman is complaining a cat is coming in her doggy door and it’s a park cat! Yeah right! A feral is going to go in the neighborhood and through a doggy door! I’m so sure! So…they want us to trap the cat and take it somewhere! I don’t think so!! But I’m really worried if neighbors’ start complaining the park will insist on getting rid of the cats. I’m stressed and feeling burnt out. I know this will end, but how do all you that rescue get past this point? Thanks for listening!!

Laura's Babies
06-26-2004, 08:41 AM
I know you have to get burned out and have days when you ask "WHY ME?"... Where would they be without people like you? Who would care? God will not forget what you have done here on earth and how hard you worked for His creatures.

06-26-2004, 08:42 AM
Of course I don't have your situation with the park cats .... but I do know that you are doing miracle work there, but it is "ok" to need a break!!!;)

As far as the house kitties causing mishaps ..... what I do is take a "house break"! I let them spend more time in the garage kennel .... then I get a cooling off period, and they don't suffer my frustration. I usually find that I am lost without them underfoot, and after a few hours 'on my own' .. they are right back in again! I clean everything really good, have a little quiet time, then I invite them back in!

I hope this helps some .... hang in there, and don't forget to do something for YOURSELF sometimes!;)



K & L
06-26-2004, 08:51 AM
Originally posted by kimlovescats

I hope this helps some .... hang in there, and don't forget to do something for YOURSELF sometimes!;)



Thanks Kim! But that's the problem..where is the time for myself? I'm at work by 6:30 a.m. and home at 3:45. And now I'm taking care of 4 feeding stations at work! I'm not complaining..I love rescuing and taking care of all these babies. I'm just wondering how to get past the feeling of burnt out! How do you take a break when you have so many depending on you? I can't remember the last vacation or long weekend we've had! We'd go broke paying someone to take care of every colony we have! Thanks for everyone's nice comments..it does help to put things in perspective again.

06-26-2004, 08:54 AM
It seems to more than one can handle at times doesn't it? I guess it's even worse right now with kitten season. I take a break from the shelter for a few days when I can't handle it anymore. I just feel so overwhelmed sometimes and trying to meet the needs of my house full, plus the outside strays and the lost and lonely cats at the shelter, and handle a full time job. There are days that I just take off from work, turn off the phone, close the doors and blinds and just do what I want to do. It's the only way I can keep my sanity.
I know I have to trap that momma kitty and the babies and the the three feral males but the shelter is so full there is no room. What am I going to do with them?

It's just to much sometimes but you just take a break and keep going. You are just not the kind to turn your back but a vacation from it is much needed at times.
Hang in there and vent to us when ever you need to. We do understand!!
Not that it will make you feel any better but I just had my beautiful old metal candle stick broken! Short of welding there will be no repair. Little adorable furry brats!!!

06-26-2004, 08:56 AM
I know that rescuing cats can be a thankless job,but where would those Poor cats be , without your help. and you are right,no stray will go where there are dogs!Be of Good Cheer , as the Lord is with you,and so are we!

06-26-2004, 02:18 PM
KL, no wonder you need a break - you are there for them always. Is there anyone you can ask to step in and help for a day or two a week? I can imagine how exhausting and frustrating it can be sometimes. :) Not to mention them morons who drop off kitties at your doorstep. :mad:

You must take a break if not for days, them at least for a few hours!

Hugs to you! :)

06-26-2004, 03:34 PM
K&L.... you need some HELP ... duh, right??? :rolleyes: Isn't there ANYONE in your community who would be willing to learn your feral route and pick up some slack for you sometimes ... at least a few days a month? :eek: Maybe you could place an ad, or hang flyers asking for volunteers!!! What if you get sick ... it happens ya know? You need a backup unit in place!

I'm sure you have thought of all of this yourself, but maybe this will encourage you to actually go out there and RECRUIT!!!!:D

06-26-2004, 04:09 PM
You poor thing. You do so much for these cats (sounds like for hoomans too), yet still need that time for YOURSELF.

My mom always tells me not to neglect myself, otherwise I'm of no help to anyone or anything.

Take a few hours break if you can. Read out in the sun or take a bath. Something for YOU and ONLY YOU.

06-26-2004, 04:39 PM
I agree you need to find local help... both for your own sanity and also to cover for when you are sick etc.