View Full Version : Away too long....

Russian Blue
06-25-2004, 09:02 PM
Hey everyone,

My life has been way too busy since I started working but I wanted to jump in to say that I'm still around. I usually only have half an hour before going to bed each week night to check the internet, so I usually only lurk now. Plus, stress from work is making me more exhausted.....but I'm surviving.

We've been doing pretty good, but I had to take Nakita to a holistic vet in Toronto since she has been scratching like crazy. It started in March, but has been getting worse and my normal vet couldn't figure out anything and wanted to put her straight onto drugs. Of course, I'm against that, since I would rather find the root cause, rather than cover it up by giving Nakita drugs. So I went to a holistic vet for allergy testing and will be going back next week for the results. Poor Nakita freaks out from the itching and tears across the room in agony. :( I may end up placing her on a raw diet, since it's very likely she has a food allergy. If you can, please send some positive vibes our way so we figure this out. We would really appreciate it!

Of course, I also wanted to share some pics, it has been way too long! ;) Nakita still loves to go for her daily walks and we have finally found the perfect walking harness for her......it's a bunny/ferret harness I found at Petsmart and it fits Nakita's 5 pound frame perfectly! I'm so happy I found a harness that fits her! :) So here are pics of 'Nakita the Blue Bunny' when we took her for a walk:

Enjoying the backyard


Playing with the local greens


Here's Nakita, loving the sunny window.....I love cat eyes!



06-25-2004, 09:05 PM
NAKITA!!! It's been waaaaaaay too long, you beautiful petite thing! You look so adorable in your new harness!!! Please don't be gone so long this time, we love your beautiful eyes and must have our fill of pics on a regular basis!!!:D

06-25-2004, 09:41 PM
Oh Nakita I've missed you!!! You are as lovely as every and I love your new harness.

Sorry to hear about the allergies, I hope that gets better soon.

Steffi N
06-25-2004, 09:42 PM
Hi Kass, it's great to hear from you. I'm sorry you are stressed out from work and can't relax by spending more time on PT.

Nakita, you look stunning as always and yvery elegant in your harness. I am sorry you have such bad itchies, but your mom will find out soon what is the matter and make them go away. Pets for you. :)

Edwina's Secretary
06-25-2004, 09:55 PM
I named Nikita as my favorite and she appeared! Que milagra!

06-25-2004, 10:47 PM
I've missed you!!! I'm going to PM you. :)

Nakita looks so pretty in her ferret/rabbit harnass!! Very nice!

*I just got that smaller harnass for one of my furry nephews...a dumbo rat named Sage. :) Its so cute to see it on Nakita!

Russian Blue
06-26-2004, 09:23 AM
Thanks everyone. We will be going to the vet on Wednesday for the test results so I hope that we can get all the 'itchies' gone from Nakita's system.


Russian Blue
06-26-2004, 09:24 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
*I just got that smaller harnass for one of my furry nephews...a dumbo rat named Sage. :) Its so cute to see it on Nakita!

That's too funny. A rat and Nakita wearing the same harness. Now that's a size comparison you don't normally see!


Laura's Babies
06-26-2004, 09:37 AM
Nakita is a beauty! Very elegant looking lady!! I love that harness!! That is a perfect cat harness... I have always preferred those to collars... I just have a problem with things around the neck on animals..

06-26-2004, 09:42 AM
Thanks for the update on Nakita and yourself. :)

Nakita is as stunning as ever, I love the picture of her about to swat the dandilion seedhead! :)

Sorry to hear about the scratching, sending good luck wishes and positive thoughts that a solution is found. Hope to hear good news soon.

06-26-2004, 09:50 AM
Nakita is so elegant and stunning as always!! I am sorry to hear about the allergies though - hope you find some solution to help her, poor baby:(
I LOVE the harness! Hard to imagine her being so tiny:) Thank you for posting pictures of this mini-beauty!!

06-26-2004, 09:53 AM
What a beauty Nakita is! She has everything going for her, beautiful coat and those beautiful green eyes! Wow, what a beauty!

Well, I'm glad you stopped in, don't work so hard, remember, stress isn't good for you.

Thanks for posting pictures of the beauty, Nakita! I do love that harness.


06-26-2004, 09:56 AM
Oh, how I missed Nakita!
I really hope the holistic vet will find out what bothers her! We keep our fingers crossed for her.

And of course she has a very special harness that look soooo cool! Love that picture with the dandelion:D

Kissies for Nakita.

06-26-2004, 10:33 AM
Kass, it's good to hear from you again and I'm sorry to hear about sweet Nakita. I sure hope you can find a solution quickly. Of course looking at the pics you don't see anything wrong. That harness looks absolutely stunning, even Miss Edwina would say that it's a fashion DO! :D

06-26-2004, 12:01 PM
Oh Nakita! I've missed you! You're stunning as always! I too love that pic of you with the dandelion. I do hope the holistic vet figures out what's going on and that you're feeling better very soon. The M's send head bumpies and gentle kitty kisses.

06-26-2004, 01:09 PM
OH I'm so glad to Nakita again!! She is just a stunning little petite beauty! I have missed her so much!!!
I'm sorry to hear she is suffering from the scratchies! Bless her heart she must be miserable. Keep us posted on how things turn out for her. I'll say a prayer that there is a simple solution.

06-26-2004, 01:12 PM
Thanks for checking in and posting some new Nakita photos without us all having to beg for them.;)
She is beautiful as always, I love those big green eyes!
I hope that her itchies go away soon.:)

06-26-2004, 05:14 PM
Sorry to hear about Nakita's allergies. I hope the vet finds out the root of the problem.

She's as beautiful as ever :)