View Full Version : Amy's condition

Laura's Babies
06-25-2004, 04:38 PM
I have been putting off posting about her since my heart is breaking seeing how much worse she is since I left her in May. For those of you who do not know, she has been seen by 3 vets and all 3 agree, she has Neroulocical damage (Spelling?) that was caused in the womb or during birth that effected her back legs/hips. Her left leg is the worst effected. She has been X-rayed and probed and proded until I have said "enough!".. Each time it takes her days to recover from what they do to her trying to figure out how bad it is. She is in no pain, no matter what they do, she feels no pain. She is just left weak legged and ends up taking some bad falls because her legs will not work right for days after their exam... (Or after she has been stressed physically or emotionally, cold and dampness also effect it)

OK, Having yesterday and today to observe her, I can clearly see, she has gotten a lot worse. Her hip/legs are a lot stiffer, she is jerking, wobbeling and trembeling a lot more and her eyes look funny, like she can not focus sometimes...maybe a result of the trembeling going up to her head? At times it gets so bad, she just gives up and lays down to get it to stop. It breaks my heart. She has not lost her spunk though, this morning, she was running and playing and just having a grand old time running end to end, through the house. She knows I am concerned and upset and she gives me that look that just melts my heart like she is trying to tell me "I'm OK Mommie, I can do it! Don't worry so much! I am OK!!"

She will be a year old August 2 and I was hoping she would have many, many years before she would start to decline to any worse state than she already was. This turn was sudden, unexpected and dissapointing. I don't mean she is down and totally unable, just that I was not expecting this and it breaks my heart and I had hoped we had a lot more years before there was ANY changes..

06-25-2004, 04:44 PM
Poor Baby Girl. :( Sending hugs and best wishes to you & Amy

K & L
06-25-2004, 04:56 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope for the best for both of you.

06-25-2004, 05:07 PM
Poor sweet Amy, and poor you! :( I can just imagine how heartbreaking it must be to see her in discomfort and struggling about. I totally understand your decision to stop all of the prodding and probing .... at this point I agree that it is just stressing her unnecessarily and causing her more discomfort. I think I would just try and keep her comfortable and show her as much love as you can, until you feel she has reached a point where her quality of life is very poor. I hope and pray that time has not come as of yet, and that she can still enjoy her little life full of love in your tender care! ;)



Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-25-2004, 05:14 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this. :( She is such a sweetie, but I'm glad to hear she's not in any pain or anything. I sure hope she will stabilize and you two can have many happy years together. :)

06-25-2004, 07:20 PM
How very sad. :( Give her all the love you can for all the time available and she will stay in your heart for eternity.


06-25-2004, 07:36 PM
Sending prayers that your sweet Amy will be alright. I have a big weakness for special needs kitties, as they have to overcome so much more than able bodied cats, and they do it with such grace. Gentle noserubs to Amy.

06-26-2004, 12:18 AM
Send prayers and good thoughts to you and Amy. I hope you have many more years together.


carla and mike
06-26-2004, 05:31 AM
I'm sorry you have to go thru this.You have to wonder how this could of happened in the mom's womb like that.I've never heard of it.So many things aren't perfect for all of us.Neroulogical problems are so complex.
And you get agrivated if they can't fix her right up.
I'm sorry for yout troubles.Hope things look up real soon.Give her more hugs from me.Carla

06-26-2004, 07:06 AM
Oh Laura, I'm so sorry because I know it's breaking your heart. I'm sure Amy is dealing with it a whole lot better than her sweet momma is. I know you have a very kind and gentle place in your heart for special needs babies and Amy couldn't have a better home. You have made her a very happy little girl and I'm sure you still have plenty of time together.
Maybe this will be like last time and some improvement will come back. I will be praying for the sweet little Amy and for you. You have already done everything possible to try to find out what is wrong and get it fixed. I guess some things in life just can't be fixed. That's sad for you and Amy.
You just keep loving that baby girl and we will keep praying for her.
As soon as you get settled we need some pictures of your troop! We haven't had any for a very long time and we miss them!!

When do you start volunteering at the shelter??

06-26-2004, 08:16 AM
oh Laura, I am so sad for you! But, like others have said, it is surely harder on you her mamma than it is on Amy. How wonderful, though, that she is with YOU. Hopefully, this decline is just a brief one and she will stabilize and have many happy years with you. I am just so sorry that you are sad. ((((((Laura)))))) It really breaks your heart to see her being so brave doesn't it???:(

Laura's Babies
06-26-2004, 08:17 AM
CCl, I do not hardly leave the house until that first week end at home is over... Just resting and getting settled in. I will be taking off Monday or Tuesday, just to get out of the house and pick up some FOOD!! I will go by the shelter then and set up something on when they want to me come help out.

You must have missed the pictures I posted so here is the link for you.

Did that last batch a blankies make it to the shelter in May?

06-26-2004, 08:24 AM
The threads are moving around here so fast that I can't keep up! I did miss the pictures!!
They all look great and I know they are happy to be back home with you! They are all so adorable!!!

Yes, the blnkets made it to shelter and by the time I found out they had been in full use and were in the laundry!!! The kitties love them but I didn't even get to see them being used!!! Geesh!! They didn't even wait for me and my camera.

I can't thank you enough for al lthe love you have sent to these precious kitties and I'm so glad there will more love given to your shelter. You be sure to take plenty of pictures and share your shelter stories with us. Be prepared to lose your heart!!!

06-26-2004, 08:25 AM
Oh, Laura, how sad. Prayers and positive thoughts on the way for your sweet Amy girl.

06-26-2004, 09:10 AM
The Found Cats and I are saddened,by this Bad News,and continue to pray for Amy,and pray that she is better!