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View Full Version : Eating Problem??? I need opinions...

06-25-2004, 04:22 PM
I wasn't going to post this, because I wasn't sure about any of it, but I wanted to...

About 2-3 weeks ago, I noticed myself stopping myself from eating.

Also, it's like this schedule pops into my head, it goes like "don't eat one day, eat one meal the next day, don't eat the next day...etc" and it's sort of like theres some kind of strict dietision(sp) in my head :confused:

And also what popped into my head another time, was I can stop with the above schedule, After I can fit my thumb & pointer finger around my wrist...

It doesn't seem like it's me, who's thinking these things, like it's someone else :confused:

Is this at all normal???

06-25-2004, 04:31 PM

That's kind of the same with me.. Is it that you aren't really hungry? Because i won't eat until my mom cooks dinner, normally, because im not really all that hungry.. But if your just not eating, to not eat, that's not good at all..

And, "After I can fit my thumb & pointer finger around my wrist..." I can do that too.. So can alot of people i know, but it's not because they don't eat.. It may be because you just have a skinny wrist.. I can do that to my mom.. Just be careful, im not sure if i can give you any opinions.. If you need to talk or something i'm here.. :)

06-25-2004, 05:06 PM
I don't like to be hungry! I try to make myself forget that I am hungry.

Originally posted by CamCamPup33

And, "After I can fit my thumb & pointer finger around my wrist..." I can do that too.. So can alot of people i know, but it's not because they don't eat.. It may be because you just have a skinny wrist.. I can do that to my mom.. Just be careful, im not sure if i can give you any opinions.. If you need to talk or something i'm here.. :)

Also I meant I can't do that, and I keep telling myself that I can't stop my schedule(eat 1 meal one day, nothing the next, 1 meal the next day..etc) until I can do it.

06-25-2004, 05:47 PM
That really does not sound good.:( I think you need go speak with a counselor (sp?) or a doctor and tell them what is going on.

I'm sorry I can't give you much more advice then that. I really wish I knew what to tell you.

I sure hope someone else here maybe able to give you some advice.

06-25-2004, 06:12 PM
Thats awful weird. Im not sure to give you any advice. Can't you just try to eat? even if its something little? Maybe you should tell your parents. Or just your mom or dad.

06-25-2004, 06:15 PM
I do eat, I just find myself telling myself not to :confused: if that makes any sense...

06-25-2004, 10:13 PM
Coming from someone who does the complete opposite, I think you'd better get help before it gets worse. Sounds like you could be headed down a dangerous path. I do wish I could make myself not like to eat so much.

06-25-2004, 10:17 PM
I agree with Dukdogsmom....what you are telling youself isn't right and very bad for your body.

If you are worried about what you look like, not eating will make it worse. When we don't eat, our body pulls from its only resource to feed itself, our muscle.

I would talk to a doctor real soon.

If you forget to eat, maybe you should have a constant supply of healthy snacks with you at all times? Eating is very important, you don't want to get sick or develop a eating disorder that will be horendous to deal with.

06-25-2004, 11:02 PM
Good for you not listening to your body! If you are wanting to lose weight, skipping meals is not the answer. Many people say the BEST way to lose weight is to eat small meals SIX TIMES A DAY! This speeds up your metabolism. If you skip lots of meals, your body can go into starvation mode. As long as you don't listen to those urges (food is bad, I can't eat food!) then you are doing alright.

As far as the pointer finger and thumb around the wrist: I'm over 200 pounds (not confessing how much over!) am only 5'7", and can only shop in the plus size departments. I CAN STILL TOUCH MY POINTER FINGER AND THUMB. My good friend in high school was only a size ten and couldn't even get her middle finger to touch her thumb. Most people don't have a lot of fat in their wrists. This isn't a good indicator of your ideal weight!

Maybe the best thing to do is to go to a doctor and tell him/her that you have some concerns about your weight, and would like advice about your ideal size and also advice on eating habits. They would be able to give you the best help!

06-25-2004, 11:03 PM
Not a good thing to be doing!!! Please talk to your parents or a counsellor about this before you really have a serious problem!!! There are much worse things than being a little bigger than you want ... like being sick from not eating enough ... or worse yet, starving yourself to death!!!!:eek: ;)

06-26-2004, 09:46 AM
I was feeling really weird about all this..

But I definatly won't let myself just not eat, I didn't eat yesterday until 8pm, but only because I was wondering why I was thinking like this....

But hopefully I'll get it all under controll...

Im really glad you guys care :), or maybe your pretending to :p lol just kidding ;)

06-26-2004, 03:12 PM
Robyn I really don't have any advice but I wanted you to know that I am here if you ever need anyone to talk to

06-26-2004, 03:26 PM
The finger around the wrist thing is no indication of weight. It is a good indication of whether you are fine-boned, regular or big-boned, which helps in figuring out your ideal weight if you are going by one of those charts.

Try to touch your thumb and index finger around your wrist.

If you can overlap them by more than a little bit, you are fine-boned.

If your finger and thumb just meet, you are normal - regular-boned.

If you end up with more than a tiny gap between them, you are big-boned.

I alwyas thought I was "normal" - don't we all? Though my mother always told me I was big-boned, I figured that was just saying don't obsess about weight.

When I took this test, I thought - Aha! I AM normal - I had to squeeze a little bit, but I got them to touch. Then Paul pointed out I was using my middle finger, not my index. My index finger doesn't even come close - there's a half inch gap, no matter how hard I squeeze.

Sigh. Again, not normal though I thought I was in THAT way!

Oh well. Me bones is me bones, ain't nothin' I can do about it!

Now, make sure you do eat, despite what that part of your brain is telling you!