View Full Version : Eeek, lost doggie

06-25-2004, 04:03 PM
My boyfriend took my dogs to work with him today (its national take your dog to work day!). His office is very dog-friendly and there is at least one dog there almost every day. My dogs were the only ones there today, but on his lunchbreak he found a dog wandering around. He called the work number on the tags and the people said that the woman hasn't worked there in 2 years. The address on the tags is the same address as the apartment complex he lives in so he called the office and gave them the person's name. Well, no one lives there by that name, so he called the vet and they gave him a cell number which he left a message on. I'm not too sure what will happen, but I really want to go see the doggie! He is playing with Reece and Lolly and they're all getting along fine. I'm going to watch him until we find the owners, so hopefully I'll get to see him soon! He may even go to the PT meeting on Sunday with me :)

Cinder & Smoke
06-25-2004, 04:56 PM
Lost Dawggie sure wandered up to the Right Guy
at the Right Time
and In the Right Place!

GOOD Luck finding and returning him to his People!

And - THANKS, BoyFriend! ;)

06-25-2004, 07:17 PM
OMG - what a day! Actually, its just been 2 hours. I am about to drop into bed exhausted from this crazy dog!!!

The GREAT news is that I finally found his home and am taking him there now.

Boy, he sure is 100% JRT :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

06-25-2004, 09:41 PM
Wow, I'm glad you found his home.
Hopefully this will convince them it's time to up-date his tags.

06-26-2004, 01:39 AM
Yeah, and hopefully I convinced them to get him neutered. I was going to wait 3 days and if I hadn't found his owner yet, I was just going to do it myself.

I had picked him up from my boyfriend's office and took him with me to my friend's house to pick something up. When he was away from my dogs, he got pretty stressed and wouldn't sit still for anything, the poor little guy. Then I stopped by my boyfriend's apartment for a minute. I walked inside carrying him because I knew not to trust a JRT with cats. Well, as soon as he saw Motor, he started yipping and yapping and he just flew out of my arms. I dove for him and couldn't get a good grip on him. Motor was running away but stopped to turn around and smack the heck out of him. My boyfriend and I each grabbed one and ran to different rooms. Right when I was sitting there trying to figure out how I was going to bring a Jack Russell home to my 8 cats, his mom called me! THANKFULLY! He was very happy to be home!

06-26-2004, 01:47 AM
Tell him Motor!:p

Hopefully his owners upsate those tags. :(

WHAT no pictures?!


06-26-2004, 03:21 AM
I did get a couple pics. It was really hard because the guy never sat still. I'll upload them tomorrow!

06-26-2004, 07:38 AM
I'm not clear on how you got the number to his vet. Was his vet's name on the tag? I just can't imagine how anyone could let the information on their dog's tag be out of date. Right now I'm caring for a little dog named Rita. Her parents are on a trip to Russia. Rita came to me with a separate tag (in addition to her own tag) that says *I'm staying with Rachel* (and my phone number). Good thing too because Rita has a propensity to zip out the front door. She has done it three times already despite my best efforts to prevent it. :eek: Fortunately she doesn't go anywhere and comes right back in, but each time it drains the blood from my face. From now on, before I open that door, I'm attaching Rita to a leash. I've nicknamed Rita...Grease Lightening.

Excuse me, Aly, but I don't think you are getting enough sleep. I just noticed the time on your last post. Remember your cyber mothers are watching.

06-26-2004, 08:25 AM
Fantastic news, I am glad you found his owner.

06-26-2004, 09:15 AM
Rachel is right Aly, cyber mothers will take no prisoners ;) sleepAlysleepAlysleepAly...... ask Skylar's advice about the benefits of sleeping. Kissies to you and yours.

06-26-2004, 11:30 AM
Opps :o :o :o I thought I could get away with that one! I'll go to bed earlier tonight I promise!

And yes, the vet info was on the tags. He was wearing 2 tags, one rabies and one ID. I called the vet on the rabies tag hoping they still used that vet.

Supposedly the owner's friend was out walking the dog and he "got away". Don't quite understand that since he wasn't wearing a leash. I am assuming she tried to take a Jack Russell for a walk without a leash -- oh my, what'd she expect?!?

06-26-2004, 12:48 PM
Here's the best pic I got of him


06-26-2004, 05:22 PM
Oh, he is darling....my dream dog! Good thing it wasn't me who found him as I would have been tempted to *lose* those tags. The reason I call a JRT my dream dog is that is probably the only way I should have a JRT...in my dreams, after raising Hannah (a wanna be JRT) I don't know if I could really survive one.

06-26-2004, 05:24 PM
Heheh Rachel, I barely survived a few hours. And after I dropped him off at home, my blood pressure was still through the roof for hours afterward! He sure is a cute little bugger though.

06-26-2004, 05:38 PM
What a cutie! I want him sooo bad! He's sooo adorable! I'm so glad that you found his owners. They should be more responsible next time.:)