View Full Version : Hello! I'm new. So is my kitten. Read about her rescue.

06-25-2004, 08:27 AM
Hello everyone!

So I was walking out of Kroger after buying groceries last Sunday and I walked up to my car. I heard a little meow and looked under my car and there she was! An adorable little brown tabby kitten. I convinced her to come out and I picked her up. I waited around Kroger for a half hour asking everyone if they had lost a kitten. I waited until all of the cars around me had left and confirmed that they were not missing a kitten. What in the world do I do now? I already had two dogs and a cat at home waiting for me. Should this kitten intrude on their comfortable living situation?

As I looked into her big amber eyes, I knew that she needed me. So I went back into Kroger and bought some kitten food and litter. (my cat at home doesn't use litter) I noticed that she had an M on her forehead, so on the way home I decided to call her Marley. (I'm a big fan of Bob Marley) Now it was time to introduce her to her new family. The dogs got along fine with her, even though she was nervous. The only problem now is that my cat, Koko, and the new Marley do not get along. Marley looks at Koko with curiosity but Koko just growls and hisses and walks away. One time, they got into a small cat fight.

Do you have any advice for me as to how to make it easier for Koko? I mean, I want them to be friends someday, I've just got to convince Koko that Marley isn't evil.


06-25-2004, 08:40 AM
I dont think that Koko , really means any harm ,as ats ,generally will not hurt a Kitten , heis just laying down the law , as to who , is the BOSS , around there!And Cats are nervous around kittens , as Kittrens are erratic , and chase , and bite tails!

06-25-2004, 08:42 AM
That sounds a lot like how I got Hanna. I had three dogs and two cats. I introduced them very slowly. I kept Hanna in a bedroom by herself for two weeks as a quarantine - I took her to my vet immediately but to make sure she wasn't carrying anything my other cats could get I kept her away from them for two weeks. During that time my cats were aware of another cat in the house. When got the "all clear" from my vet, I let Bo (my mellowest cat) in to visit with her a few times a day. Hanna and Bo were pals right away, not a single hiss between them. Abby was a little harder to win over. It took 3-4 months before Abby could stand to be in the same room as Hanna! So it took lots of time - don't expect them to be best pals right away.

I also took it very slow with the dogs. My three dogs were used to cats, but they were used to my older cats. I kept my hyper, fearless kitten away from them for a few months - I didn't want my dogs to snap at her, she was quite bold.

It basically took lots of time. Don't rush things and don't force them on each other.

Thank you for rescuing the sweet kitten, I'm so glad she found a good home!

Laura's Babies
06-25-2004, 08:44 AM
I Love her name! So different! Thank God you rescued her or no telling what cruelties she would have had inflicted on her.. By the way...


Just give them a little time and they will get use to one another and become fast friends. I find that it is hard for a older cat to resist a playing kitten and they want to get in on the fun.. Give them time... I bet in a week they will be playing together. It was only days when I brought Amy home before Chester was interested in playing with her and within a week, they were sleeping close to one another, now they are best friends and he watches over her like a mother hen (Amy is a special needs baby). When do we get pictures?

carla and mike
06-25-2004, 08:49 AM
What a great thing to happen to that kitten.KoKo will take a little while to adjust.But he WILL ajust.Some take longer than others.You may see them playing a bit together later.
They'll be company for each other too even if they don't hang with each other.They just look at each other and that's comfort to have another cat around for Koko.I don't mean now..later it should happen.Be patient.I have 9 cats now and it's alway an adjustment.Good luck and I'm so glad you kept him.Carla

06-25-2004, 08:50 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk, Elika! :)

Thanks for giving little Marley a home! :)

But better take her to the vet to make sure she's healthy, especially since you got one cat already!

Koko probably needs some time. One year ago I was worrying about the same things when I brought Lily home, but within a couple of days, she and Luna were best friends! :) Just let the cats work it out on their own and interfere only if somebody is really about to get hurt! But most likely this won't even happen.

And yes, please post some photos of Marley and Koko if possible! :)


06-25-2004, 08:53 AM
Welcome! What a wonderful person you are for taking that poor baby in and rescuing her!

When we got Pouncer last year, the beginning brought a bit of hissing from Allen and a few playful fights (I dunno... Allen did look mighty serious though) First thing you need to do is just keep them separated a few days. Just so the kitten gets accustomed to her new home and your other cat can get used to Marley's smell on you. Then slowly introduce them together. We let them spend a few mintues together and pulled them apart after the initial sniffing. This gave Allen enough time to realize a new critter was in HIS space. Eventually, Pouncer and Allen were allowed to spend free tiem together. Even then there were fights. Mostly because Pouncer wanted to get up into ALLEN'S chair. That was his throne - NOBODY went there... but Pouncer did. So fights broke out over the chair. :rolleyes: But now the boys absolutely LOVE each other.

I hope you have a room that you can put Marley for a few days. Pouncer was caged in my daughter's room. A lot of people use a spare bedroom or second bathroom. It does make a big difference on how well the other cats accept the new ones.

carla and mike
06-25-2004, 08:56 AM
Great idea from Kristen.Take Marley to the vet soon before sharing bowls with the other cat KoKo.just in case but I'm sure he's fine.

06-25-2004, 09:25 AM
Welcome to PetTalk. Glad you found Marley before she got hurt by a car. I wonder if she had climbed into the underside of the car from another location, and ended up at Kroger's parking lot? That happened with one of my feral born kitties Amy. The darlings had ripped open the screen a few years ago, and a couple got outside. I knew Amy was out (she'd done it before) but I couldn't find her. I had to head out and pick a cat up that was slated for euthanasia and stopped at WalMart first. I came out to hear a cat crying and sure enough it was Amy who had rode under the car for several miles. :eek: :eek: :eek: I managed to get her safely into the car and was so shaken by that incident! I think it's a good idea to get Marley to the vet to rule out FeLV etc. before exposing your other kitty to her. ;)

06-25-2004, 09:40 AM
Testing (not necessarily vaccinating) for FeLV and FIV are essential for the safety of your cat.

Isolation (10 days)is the best thing in order to ingetrate cats successfully.

It sounds like a long, unbearable time, but can give a lifetime of positive results. As opposed to consequences of a lifetime of dislike if you don't isolate.

My cats always hiss at the fosters, but then none have ever had an ongoing problem with them after isolation and introduction.

Good Luck with your Marley. :)

06-25-2004, 10:55 AM
Thanks everyone for all your advice. Marley is so crazy! LOL I forgot how hyper and funny kittens can be. I laugh so hard when she chases her tail. I am going to try to get photos of her soon, and Koko too. Marley just sprinted into the room with cobwebs all over her face. Ah... the excitement of exploring every nook and cranny of the house. She has a vet appointment soon, though I am sure she has no diseases. Her eyes are clear and bright, her teethe are good, and her coat is shiny. She is just wonderful and I am so glad she found me.

Killearn Kitties
06-25-2004, 11:10 AM
Marley sounds adorable. I hope you manage to get photos for us soon. :D Welcome to Pet Talk.

06-25-2004, 11:23 AM

Cats with Aids & Leukimea look healthy at the beginning. Please seperate your cats and get both testing clear before they live together.

Here is an article on introducing cats.

Good Luck

06-25-2004, 02:54 PM
Aww she sounds adorable!!

Welcom to PT. I really don't have anything more to add, you've already been given great advice.

I can't wait to see pictures!!!

06-25-2004, 03:52 PM
Congratulations on your new baby... can't wait to see pictures!;)