View Full Version : Finally got some pictures

06-24-2004, 08:56 PM
OK - here's Max hiding from the chihuahuas. No - I'm not kidding!!!! He ran back there when I tried to get him to pose with Tony.


Max did finally get kind of close to them - just close enough to get in the same photo together.


They're so tiny - I can't believe that the big dogs are afraid of them! But really. I can't get Jake near them. He did carefully sniff them a couple of times, but the camera wasn't ready.


Just look at these ears!


06-24-2004, 09:56 PM
I'm probably annoying you all by just going on and on about these little dogs, but every few minutes they do something new which just surprises the heck out of me!

Tony has just got so much personality in such a small package! It's unreal. We just got back in from taking all 4 dogs out to potty. This little guy was like a terrorist! The whole town must have heard him barking at a dog walking by, and he did his best to chase the cat (thank goodness for the leash). Actually, Chloe tried to chase the cat, too. Toby is at least 4 times their size. It was hilarious.

Then when we got back inside I asked my husband to keep an eye on them while I went upstairs to do some housework. He turned his head for a second and Tony disappeared. He ran as fast as he could up all of those stairs to find me. He's just the most loyal little thing I've ever seen. He loves me to bits!

My mom and sister warned me before we brought them back with us. They said that Tony was such an unbelievable chicken - scared of thunder storms, dogs, water, you name it. He would just quiver and whine all the time. He must have come out of his shell really quickly, because there's not a scared bone in his entire body! He slept right through a very loud thunder storm and he's not the least bit afraid of anything at all.

He couldn't be separated from Chloe for even a few seconds without whining pitifully. Now - he's up here with me (because he ran off to find me) and Chloe's downstairs with Bob.

Wierd, huh?

06-24-2004, 10:15 PM
Awww :D Great pics!!! Looks like the Chi's are really enjoying being with you guys! I bet since the Chi's are so small, Max doesn't even know if they're really dogs or not. :D :p I'm sure both Max and Jake will warm up soon to them. Both Chi's seem soooooo sweet!!! Little dogs really are big dogs on the inside. ;)

06-25-2004, 07:41 AM
That's for sure - you should see the way they bark at people walking by! They're little terrorists.

Maybe Max thinks they're rats.

06-25-2004, 07:51 AM
I think a lot of the tiny dogs must be like that. Because FoxGal's mini pinscher made Duke jump back. Was so funny. Max is so adorable. Don't get to see near enough of him.

06-25-2004, 07:51 AM
You're not annoying me! I loved seeing the pics and hearing about the chi's. I love the way Toby had to run upstairs to find you. That is so sweet. I'll be waiting to hear more stories about them.

Robin :)

06-25-2004, 07:55 AM
awwww :) those are so cute photos :)

06-25-2004, 08:50 AM
[i] Max is so adorable. Don't get to see near enough of him. [/B]

LOL I could go on about Max 24/7, 365!! I just don't do it because I'm sure it would very quickly get old for all of you!

Max is THE best dog on the entire planet! The coolest, the sweetest, the most beautiful . . . . . . See what I mean? I'm getting annoying already,.

He honestly never ceases to amaze me. I was scared to death to introduce him to Mom's dogs. I thought he might think they were little stuffies and pick them up and give them a good shake. But no - he's so careful! This morning, coming back upstairs after going outside to potty, he was unbelievably careful not to step on them.

I'm going to take Jake & Max out to the hiking trail in a little bit. I guess I'll bring the chis too, because they hate to be alone. It will be funny, seeing how they react to Max bounding back and forth down the trail.

06-25-2004, 09:02 AM
Please take lots of pics and you can bore us all with them. That's the way I feel about Duke, too. Would love to get Duke, Max and Logan all together for a group photo. Now that's a set of good looking dogs.

06-25-2004, 09:20 AM
OMG i just cannot ger over how cute they are!!! it still looks like Max isn't thrilled,but i think he might catch on.:)
this is my favorite! i love little chi kisses!:D

06-25-2004, 02:30 PM
OK - I'll get more pics of Max! But don't say I didn't warn you. Max, Duke, and Logan could be "calendar boys"! hehe

These little chis are a lot of work. The poop a LOT. I've never seen two dogs with so much poo. I take them out at least every 4 hours (even during the night) and they still can barely hold it long enough to get outside. Chloe was dropping turds as I was running her out the door!

They need to learn to hold it, so I don't want to take them out more often if I don't absolutely have to.

They really don't eat that much. It seems like they make poo from air or something!