View Full Version : Magoo is back from the Vet

06-24-2004, 07:29 PM
I think it's good news. She did have to stick in a needle and drain it. Magoo was so good and never made a sound. The fluid was all clear so there was no infection at all. She said it could be a cyst that could keep refilling or he could have hit is face on something hard enough to make it fill with fluid. She also said that she is a little concerned about it because it could be the sign of a tumor. She wants me to keep an eye on it and if it refills but doesn't get any bigger or sore then we will just watch it. She just wanted to warn me that it could be more serious and we have no idea why he got so many eye infections that he lost his eyes.
For now he is fine and the knot is gone. We will just have to wait and see. I'm sure it's nothing serious! To many PT prayers have gone out for this guy so I'm not worried about a tumor.
Life is good again tonight and no fights or biting!! YEA!!:D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

Oh, he is on antibiotics just in case. Great! I have to scruff him daily and give him gross liquid meds! I hope he keeps on loving me after all this.

Laura's Babies
06-24-2004, 07:43 PM
Awe, Magoo, you are a toughie and you take your meds for Mommie and see if we can't get that ole thing well so you won't be worring all of us so much. You have come to far to let anything get you down now my love. Open that mouth wide and think how GOOD those meds are for you!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-24-2004, 07:45 PM
Yeah! That's great news! Nothing serious for now. We'll take that. :D

Magoo now you be good and no biting and be nice! :D

Steffi N
06-24-2004, 08:04 PM
Magoo, congratulations on being a good boy at the vets. Now keep on being a good boy and let mommy give you your medicine.
I hope with all my heart that nothing serious develops.

06-24-2004, 08:07 PM
Wonderful news, Lisa ... and WHAT A GOOD BOY, MAGOO!!!!:D

06-24-2004, 08:15 PM
Lisa it did look extra poofy in the wonderful Magoo videos. Glad it's been taken care of and not an infection. :) He is a gorgeous lucky boy...so glad he's yours now. ;) Jan (jealous Jan LOL)

06-24-2004, 08:18 PM
Yay for Mr. Magoo! We knew he'd be a-ok! He sounds like he was such a good boy. :)

Felicia's Mom
06-24-2004, 08:24 PM
Be good for your mommy Magoo; she is just trying to help you.

06-24-2004, 10:03 PM
I'm glad it doesn't appear to be too serious. I hope he takes his medicine like a good little kitty!!

06-24-2004, 10:31 PM
I'm going to send extra big healing thoughts to Magoo...he's doing so well we don't want him to have any more medical issues to deal with. It is time for him to bloom!

06-25-2004, 12:47 AM
Yeah! I'm glad he's okay and that it's nothing serious. Now be a good boy and take your meds. :)

06-25-2004, 01:11 AM
Glad to hear Magoo done so well at the vets. Now, Magoo, you be good and Mom give you your meds, and please don't try to bite her!

Did I just read that there are videos of Magoo?

I think I am going to go in search of those videos!


Killearn Kitties
06-25-2004, 02:00 AM
Originally posted by nibblets
It is time for him to bloom!

Yes - here's to that. Glad you're back home Magoo.

06-25-2004, 03:25 AM
You must forgive your mummy, for giving you meds. It is for your own good.

Get well soon, Magoo :)

06-25-2004, 06:12 AM
Magoo and I thank you all!! I think we will do ok on the meds since it's liquid. I can scruff and squirt pretty quick. I just hate with a passion to pill!!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/eek.gif
I brought him home and put him back in his cage to get reoriented and I thought he would want to rest after the ride, the wait, the needle, and then the ride again, but he just wanted out. We let him out and he went on about his business like we had never left.
He's doing fine but I will certainly keep a close eye on it if it reappears.
Thanks to everyone for their love and concern for the Magooster!

06-25-2004, 07:49 AM
Glad to hear everything went well at the vets. We will keep good thoughts for Magoo. Glad the medicine when down the hatch ok :)
P.S. I prefer pills over the liquid antibotic that needs food in the tummy (at least kind I was given). No food or not enough food = barf. :eek:

06-25-2004, 07:59 AM
Glad to hear that Magoo is doing well. He bounces back like nothing has ever happened to him. Magoo is simply amazing.

06-25-2004, 08:43 AM
Oh brave little Magoo, he's just amazing! :D

Take your medicine Magoo and get well soon! We all love you! :)

06-25-2004, 08:49 AM
Scrappy Magoo , we love you , and we will specially escort you , to our Cat Partee , and make sure that there, is always someone to guide you , to your Steak , and to the Litter Box!And we will have tents, in the Back Yard ,it is very nice , out there!

06-25-2004, 02:20 PM
I am so glad the news is good! Good for you, Magoo!

06-25-2004, 02:23 PM
Awww, sweet Magoo, what a good boy you have been!

I'm glad it's nothing serious at this point, meowmie will keep an eye on you.

Get well soon,