View Full Version : Ur-In-trouble

06-24-2004, 01:58 PM
Does anyone know what I can put on my wooden porch posts and the ground around it to get Max's urine odor out?

He is almost 16 years now and he just doesn't go too far from the house to do his business. I really don't mind where he goes I just want to get rid of the odor so I can enjoy sitting outside.

Any ideas would be great..:) :)


06-24-2004, 02:01 PM
Nature's Miracle works best for me! If its a strong smell, don't dilute it. Just pour it on and let it soak there for hours before rinsing. Since its outdoors though, you probably don't even need to rinse it.

(cute subject :D )

07-01-2004, 11:54 PM
Try straight out of the bottle white vinegar. If you can put it in a spray bottle, even better! Covers more area, and neutralizes the odor. ;) Cheap & doesn't harm the environment. :)