View Full Version : Me, Amy and Giz are HOME!

Laura's Babies
06-24-2004, 08:46 AM
Man, did I miss you guys!! I made it in last night after about 10 hours of driving and I got on and checked out the ones I was concerned about before I went to bed and have been checking out some things morning and what has happened while I was gone..

Kim, I do declare, Tabitha is just adorable and her face is one that anybody will fall in love with.. I went back and have looked at her sweet little face in the pic's you posted since I left and she is just the cutiest little thing!! I LOVE her face!!! I would have to be holding her 24/7 if I had her and those pictures of her in your slippers are PRICELESS!!

CCL, I also went back and checked on my new love Mr. Magoo and looked at his pictures. You really posted some good one of that beautiful guy and read some of the posts you have posted since I left..

I prayed for these two every day while I was gone. I printed out Tabitha's picture to take with me to the boat and had it on my mirrow where I sat every day, said prayers for her and kept telling her to hang in there, that a lot of people were pulling for her and praying for her and just what a sweet little baby she was.. I also took Magoo's and prayed for him and talked to him too. Telling him that I loved him and what a special boy he was to me and that I wished him a long and happy life in his newest home... Just hoping that they both could feel the good vibes coming from the river.. When I just couldn't stand it, I called Lucky's Maw Maw and had her check on them for me and the news I got back was so heart lifting!! I just wished I could have got online out there and saw the pictures right THEN!

Anyway, I am back now, met my son and picked up Amy and Giz and they are as beautiful as ever and we slept together last night and I woke up to find them right there with me... HEAVEN!!! I AM going to get a bigger bed this time home, that twin size is just not big enough for me and 3 large fur babies!! Missed you all and couldn't wait to get in and say "HELLO" to everybody!!

06-24-2004, 08:50 AM
The Found cats are all glad that you and Amy , and Giz are home , and we hope that you can look us up , on the web!

06-24-2004, 09:48 AM
Laura we missed you too!!! I'm glad you have returned safely and that your babies missed you. I bet you are overjoyed with waking up to everyone in bed with you....it is a slice of Heaven indeed.

Have fun getting caught up.

06-24-2004, 09:53 AM
Laura I'm so glad your back and in the loving care of your furbabies!
I have to tell you that your prayers and good vibes from the river have been anwered! Magoo is doing really good with the other cats. Much better than I expected so quickly! There is hope that by the end of this year he will know the whole house and be a part of the crew!! I will be posting some video's as soon as I get caught up and I'm so glad you will be home to see them.

Thank you for being the great caring person you are. We really miss you when your gone!:D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

06-24-2004, 09:56 AM
Laura is back! Hurray!!! I knew it was about time because I have really been missing you lately:) So glad you are home again!!

06-24-2004, 09:59 AM
Welcome home. So glad you made it back safe and I'll bet the furry ones are glad too. You were missed! :)

06-24-2004, 11:11 AM
Welcome back!! I was thinking last night that you should be rolling in any day now! :D Now, where's our pictures?

06-24-2004, 11:33 AM
Welcome back!!! I'm glad you are home safely with your babies.

06-24-2004, 12:25 PM
Welcome Home!!

06-24-2004, 01:04 PM
Welcome back! I was wondering when you'd return too. You know, I still haven't had time to install and play with the software you sent me, but perhaps next weekend when I'm off for a few days; unless that case we're working on really does go to trial and then all bets are off.

Anway .. welcome back! :)

06-24-2004, 08:47 PM
Welcome Home Laura!!!!:D So glad you are back .... we really miss you when you're gone! Thank you so much for praying for my tiny girl while you were out! It means so very much to me, and as you can see ... the prayers have been answered! You are one special lady, and I appreciate you SO much!

((((BIG HUGS)))):)

06-25-2004, 01:17 AM
Welcome home, Laura!! Glad you got back safe and sound with your babies!


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-25-2004, 09:43 AM
Welcome home! We've missed you and your babies! :D