View Full Version : Could this be the start of something wonderful? Tito and Sophie pictures (together)!

06-23-2004, 05:29 PM
WELL, after I FINALLY found my USB cable while unpacking - sheesh!! - I can now post picturess of Tito & Sophie together for the first time!

For those of you that don't remember the background, Tito is my almost 8-month-old kitten, and Sophie is a 2-month-old kitten my boyfriend and I adopted together. Tito was living with me and Sophie was living with her dad. I just moved in with my boyfriend and Sophie, and I must report ... they LIKE each other!! I am so proud of how well they did. Let's get on to the pictures!

First meeting (sorry about the lighting, they wanted to check each other out under the bookcase, what're ya gonna do? :) ):
"OK, Meowmie, we're not sure about this!!!"
Getting a little closer now...
"Can I sniff you?"
And finally - kitty kisses!!!

After they were through with the initial checking-each-other-out stage, they decided to lay around together...

Then they wrestled a bit:
Lots of Sophie squealing going on here...

more pictures in next post!

06-23-2004, 05:38 PM
On with the story!
By the way, they chase each other around constantly, wrestle, play together, and are generally pretty good friends already.

"HEY! Someone's in my litterbox!"

After only two days together, this was the scene:




How cute are they?! :D :D :D
By the way, sorry you can hardly see them on my busy couch cushions - I've got to get new ones! These were some my grandmother made, though, so I'm kind of partial to them, but I must have good backdrops for PT pictures! (OK maybe that is just an excuse to buy a new couch!!)

Next is Tito pictures

06-23-2004, 05:39 PM
Next, some pictures of my boy Tito solo:

All tuckered out after a long day of chasing Sophie around the house

Checking out the new view

Tito loves his daddy, and I found them napping together this weekend...so sweet!

Sleeping on Pawpaw's lap

OMG there's a BUG in here!!

Helping me check out the PT boards

Next post is Sophie pictures!

06-23-2004, 05:43 PM
These photos are so heartwarming!!! :)

Sophie's face reminds me a lot to Lily's when she was kitten! :) And also the way she seems to adore Tito looks a lot like Lily!

Yes, seems like this could be the beginning of a great friendship!! I especially love this picture, Sophie's face is sooo cute:


Thanks for sharing! :)


06-23-2004, 05:44 PM
Sophie finally stopped scooterbugging around to let me get some pictures of her, like I've been trying to do all month!

I just blend right in!

My pretty girl!

By the way, she's so cute - she purrs louder than Tito does, especially when you feed her! ;)

Drinking from the new pet fountain I got them as a "housewarming" present...they both love it!

I want ice cubes!

OK, that's all folks, hope you enjoyed! I know I did - I am one happy meowmie now that I know my babies are getting along so well!!! :D

06-23-2004, 05:49 PM
awww :) those are soo cute photos :)

06-23-2004, 05:53 PM
They're so sweet!! :D

We need a new couch too... maybe I should tell my parents that it's not good enough for PT. :p

06-23-2004, 05:59 PM
I love that little manx bunny butt of Sophie's! What adorable pictures, and it sure looks like a lasting friendship has formed between Tito & Sophie. :)

06-23-2004, 06:22 PM
This picture is soooooooo PRICELESS.

I'm glad to hear that the introduction went well. It looks like they are going to be long time buddies.

Great pictures of two adorable kitties.
Thanks for sharing.

06-23-2004, 06:29 PM
YES the is certainly the start of something wonderful!!!:D Sophie and Tito are adorable together and looks like - by day 2 - they are already fast friends!!! Oh what fun!! Oh PLEASE - keep us well fed with Sophie&Tito pictures!!!;)

06-23-2004, 06:35 PM
Yippee!!! I'm so glad they are getting along. I know you were a little worried about how things would go once you moved in!And it looks like they are going great. they are oh so cute and are going to be good buddies. And if you ever need to talk about the trials and tribulations of living with your boyfriend, feel free to drop a line. I've been living with mine for two years now :).

06-23-2004, 09:30 PM
Another pic I forgot to post:

Thanks, Catmama. So far things are going OK but it's only been a week :D

Kirsten, I agree, she does look a bit like Lily! I think she really looks like a kitty Kay had posted about a while ago, Chloe.

Here's a comparison:
Forgot to post this pic earlier of Sophie:

Originally posted by lizzielou742

And this one is Chloe!!!

06-24-2004, 01:24 AM
Aww, they are so cute together. Great pictures!!

Waaa, I want cats that get along and actually sleep together. What is that like???? I have no clue.

06-24-2004, 06:12 AM
Awwwwwww, they are both so adorable! :)

Great pictures! :D

06-24-2004, 10:02 AM
I knew it!!! I just knew that since they were both so young that they would love having a playmate!!! How adorable!!! All the pictures are great! I bet it is so much fun watching the two of them playing together.
You are going to have some stories about all the trouble these two will get into. I can't wait!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

06-24-2004, 11:08 AM
Awww... thats so sweet! It remeinds me of when Pouncer was that tiny. He and Allen were an awful lot like that right away too... and we all know how they are together now! Yay! more PT love kitties!

06-24-2004, 09:16 PM
They are both so precious ... looks like a beautiful friendship!!! :)