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08-13-2001, 07:59 PM
Hi guys!

This is my departed Tom. He was my first kitty-kat and a gentleman thru and thru!


He is greatly missed!

4 feline house
08-14-2001, 01:34 PM
He's so beautiful. He's got lots of company at that ol' rainbow bridge.

Cougie Wechsler
08-14-2001, 02:05 PM
Oh he is just beautiful! I love tuxedos. Yes, I agree, he is probably a hit at the Bridge! Thanks for sharing Tom with us! :)

[ August 14, 2001: Message edited by: Cougie Wechsler ]

08-14-2001, 03:58 PM
What a little beauty.
I like to think that he's playing at the Rainbow Bridge with my Charlie (also a tux) who just very recently left for the Bridge.
All modesty aside, he was also a beautiful little guy. :)

08-14-2001, 04:50 PM
Zippy, Tom is one beautiful Tux. boy. I'm so sorry. You must miss him dearly. Our first ones are always the most special. But I have the feeling, judging by that "air of importance authority" about him, he's probably been appointed social director at the Bridge! He's just lovely. Thank you for sharing him with us. Love, Sandra

08-14-2001, 05:39 PM
OH i'm sorry about your cat. My cat joined he crowd at the rainbow bridge september 2000. SHe was my first cat too! what happened to him? he must have been a great friend. :(

08-14-2001, 07:44 PM

I lost my Tom due to an irresponsible dog owner. People in our town have a tendancy to let their larger dogs run loose in the early morning hours. On this particular morning, my mom got up to walk my dad to his work truck. (This was about 5am.) She let Tom out for his morning stroll.

A few minutes later, she heard a huge BANG at the front door. She looked outside, and a rottweiler had my baby in his mouth shaking him. He was rushed to the vet but died three days later. I was absolutely crushed.

Tom and I had a *really* strong bond. On the day that he passed, I was in school. At 1:52pm, I just happened to look up at the clock. I just had a strange feeling something wasn't right and I whispered the word "Tom." I found out later, that the vet told mom that Tom had passed away at 1:55pm.

I love all animals--dogs included, but Tuxedos hold a very dear place in my heart. I know that it was the owner's fault for not keeping the dog in, but I still feel a little leary of rotties.

August 25th will make 11 yrs since he's been gone. :( Sure doesn't seem like it's been that long.

[ August 14, 2001: Message edited by: zippy-kat ]

4 feline house
08-14-2001, 08:28 PM
Zippy-Kat, what a horrible thing to have to go through - for Tom and for y'all, his humans. I can't speak for that dog's owners, and I KNOW NO ONE on Pet Talk is like this, but sadly some people actually train their dogs to attack cats - they think it's funny. Fortunately, that "shaking" that attacking animals do stuns the animal being attacked so that they feel no fear or pain, so Tom's demise was not as horrible for him as it may seem to us.

08-14-2001, 09:57 PM
Thanks, I didn't know that "shaking" stunned the prey. That makes everything a bit more comforting. I still feel horrible, like it could've been prevented. *IF* only the dog wouldn't have been let loose...*IF* only Dad would've been a few minutes earlier/later...*IF* only Tom wouldn't have been let out...
There's always the "what if" questions aren't there?

Tom was such a good boy. During his last days, rather than mess in the floor, he would DRAG (he couldn't walk) himself to the litterbox. He was so unsteady that he couldn't stand/sit up. He'd lay in the box until someone could help him.

As I stated earlier, the bond we shared was very strong. One summer, my mom and I traveled to see her father; Dad stayed behind. Dad said that everynight--without fail--Tom would go into my room and cry for me. I also remember when I returned home from the same trip. It was really late at night and Tom met me at the door, purring. I immediately picked him up and went to bed. I fell asleep to his purr. He didn't leave my side until we got up for breakfast the next morning.

I'll never forget my special guy.

08-14-2001, 10:29 PM
I sure wish all people would come to understand just how much love and intelligence is packed into our pets.

Thanks for sharing the story of your special friend Tom. We humans are lucky to be their friends!

08-15-2001, 07:02 PM
I am so sorry for your loss! :(

Your little angel is so beautiful! I really like the tuxedos! My furball nephew (Rupert) is a tuxedo and has so much character.

Know that there is a special place for those so dear to us. :)

Take Care....

08-15-2001, 07:54 PM
Thanks for sharing Tom with us all here at Pet Talk. It sounds like you two certainly had a very special connection. I got tears in my eyes reading about Tom's story. He really has a special place in your heart...and now in all of ours too. *hugs* to you and your precious dearly departed. My Scooter sends purrs to Tom, from one Tux to another=^..^=

08-15-2001, 08:08 PM
zippy-kat...What a horrible thing to have happen and for your mom to have to see! I bet she'll never get that scene out of her mind. Thank you for posting Tom's picture and story. He must have been a very special kitty. I am so sorry for your loss.

08-15-2001, 09:03 PM
Thank you guys for your leaving such nice comments! It never fails to amaze me how much love is packed into this message board--Love for animals and love for humans. You guys are great!

Yes, I miss my Tom dearly but I find comfort knowing that some day there will be another little kitty that needs me, and I him. Right now I have a bunny, Sophie, whom I rescued. She was a very sick lil' girl and about to become snake food. Today she's five 'hopping' pounds of pure energy! :D

Scooter you are stunning! Absolutely gorgeous! Wolflady, please give him a kiss for me on that lil' pink nose! What a doll!!!!!

Does anyone else have a pic of their tux? I'd love to see them...
And if you guys would like to see some more of Tom, I have plenty! lol

[ August 15, 2001: Message edited by: zippy-kat ]

4 feline house
08-15-2001, 11:19 PM

and Biggie-

[ August 16, 2001: Message edited by: 4 feline house ]

08-15-2001, 11:35 PM
Kitty Kat klenex tissue!!!! :D I have really learned lots of inf. about cats here.

08-15-2001, 11:50 PM
4 Feline house--

Your babies are incredibly beautiful!! Cookie has a precious face and Biggie looks remarkably like my Tom!!! Give 'em both a big, big hug and kiss for me!

Here's Tom as a kitten...

This was his first day at our house.

[ August 16, 2001: Message edited by: zippy-kat ]

08-16-2001, 12:57 AM
Ok guys...I couldn't resist just a few more...lol

This was me playing vet. ;)

And this was our cocker, ButterScotch. She and Tom were the best of friends. This photo was not planned!! We just walked into the kitchen and there they were! lol

Jeez, that first photo makes me feel old! lol It was taken 16 yrs ago! :p

08-16-2001, 06:27 AM
Oh what sweet, sweet photos! I love them all! Awwwwwww.... Thank you SO much for sharing the photos, Zippy-Cat! I was so sad reading through all the posts in this topic, but then when I saw all the pics, I couldn't help smiling a big smile. :D

And I enjoyed everyone else's photos, too! Tuxedo cats are COOL. :cool:

08-16-2001, 07:29 AM
I'm so glad that you have such wonderful pictures and memories of Tom, Zippy Cat. That was a tragic story and hard for me to read, only because I could feel your pain in your words. :( I know that Tom is happy and well loved where he is. Most of us have lost precious pets who are all with him now.


08-16-2001, 10:23 AM
Zippy, I'm sorry about Tom. It doesn't seem to matter how much time goes by, we will always miss them.

All of these Tux babies are so lovely...I'd like to add my Charlie.


OK this isn't working. I'll try to find out what's wrong later. Sorry.

[ August 16, 2001: Message edited by: thelmalu99 ]

[ August 16, 2001: Message edited by: thelmalu99 ]

08-16-2001, 10:27 AM

There he is, Thelmalu. He was so handsome.

[ August 16, 2001: Message edited by: Logan ]

08-16-2001, 10:28 AM
Logan to the rescue!
Thanks!! :D

08-16-2001, 11:53 AM
Awwww...so cute so cute!! 4 feline, what cuties you have. You weren't kiddin when you named Biggie! :D
Tom was an absolutely adorable kitten!! I loved the pictures of him in the box with his cocker friend :) What a wonderful love you had/still have for Tom! I'd love to see more pictures of him! I certainly hope you find a kitty as special as Tom to love, after all, you sure have a lot to give :) Scooter sends his purrs back to you and Tom and everyone's little tux babies! Always dressed up and nowhere to go...LOL :D

08-16-2001, 12:34 PM
All of these tuxedo kitties are SOOOOO cute!! They make me want to go home any play with Noah! So cute! Thanks for the smile! :D

08-16-2001, 12:37 PM

Did you know that you can potty train your bunny? We have a 2 year old dutch rabbit (looks like an Oreo cookie, OR...like a tuxedo kitty! :) )that is potty trained inside and outside her cage! If you want info on how to do this, let me know.

08-16-2001, 12:55 PM
Logan's right! Charlie was HANDSOME!!! I'd love to see more pics of him. He has unusual coloring! What a cutie-pie!

I thank EVERYONE so-so much for taking the time to read and look at my Tommy. It really means alot to me. I was a bit worried he wouldn't get very much attention--you guys sure proved me wrong! lol

Wolflady~ more pics are on the way... You're a sucker for punishment aren't ya?! ;)

NoahsMommy~ Let's see a pic of the tux. bunny! I'd love to chat w/ you on the subject of bunny litterbox training. Sophie sometimes 'forgets' that she is trained and I do have some ?s for ya. Will you contact me thru email? (I noticed yours wasn't listed.)

08-16-2001, 01:00 PM
You know what guys? I just re-read the board and I feel really guilty that I limited the pics to the tuxxies! :o I love all kitties (esp tuxxies ;) ) and would love to hear about any and all of them! SOOOOOO....

Post pics of your babies--regardless of the suit they wear! :D


08-16-2001, 01:08 PM

I will email you tonight from home. I just don't like to have my email address displayed.

Faith, our bunny, "forgets" sometimes too. What kind of bunny do you have? I have heard the Dutch rabbits are really stubborn.


08-16-2001, 05:20 PM
Thanks NoahsMommy! I look forward to hearing from you!

Thelmalu, I just checked out Charlie's album! What a cutie! From the pic that Logan helped post, he looks mainly white--now I see that he has alot more black on him. I love that lil' stripe across his head! What purr-sonality!

4 feline house
08-16-2001, 07:57 PM
Sammi, they make paper towels to match! Bounty for the towels, and Puffs for the kleenex! But they're very hard to find, and I almost never can get both in the same grocery store trip.

Ya notice the trash basket behind Biggie is full of those kleenexes? I'm allergic to cats! :(

Wolflady - the funny thing is, he was named when he was only a few hours old! And he wasn't even the biggest in the litter. Actually, his name is Big Mac. I don't know why - my son picked it out. :rolleyes:

Everyone - thanks for your comments on my kitties!

Lastly, Zippy-Kat - the picture of you and Tom playing vet shows how much Big looks like Tom! Thanks for starting this topic, I'm sure Tom is looking down from the bridge beaming with pride!

08-16-2001, 10:41 PM
Obkb, Wolflady....

Here's a few more pics!

Me and my bed-bug.

Ohhhh, he'd disown me for showing you this! lol

Lastly, here's my other Rainbow Bridge kitty, Max. He had a white belly-button.
Max, was only 5 when I lost him to kidney failure. :( He was part manx but his tail was long and spiraled like a piggy's tail!

[ August 16, 2001: Message edited by: zippy-kat ]

08-17-2001, 08:01 AM
Zippy, thank you so much for sharing all your beautiful pics. of Tommy and friends. It's easy to see you are the most special of fur mommy's, even at such a young age! The pic. of "Tom's First Day" was especially precious. What a beauty. Lots of love to you and Sophie...Sandra

08-17-2001, 12:02 PM
OH HOW CUTE!!! I loved that pic with him all dressed up...LOL LOL :D :D Thanks for sharing the pics! I love em all!!:-)
Thelma, I love it! Big Mac!! Somehow that makes me hungry....McDonald's, anyone?? LOL LOL :D

Here's my Scooter toasting all of those tux kitties past and present...he may have gone a little overboard though...LOL :D

08-17-2001, 02:15 PM

Scooter that is tooo tooo tooo cute! I laughed until I had tears in my eyes! What a sweetheart you must be! If you lived closer, I'd come right over and plant a huge kiss right on your furry lil' head! But since I can't make it, your momma will have to do it for me! ;)

Here's to the tux kitties of the past...may they purr in peace!

08-21-2001, 01:21 AM
Just realized...

This is my 200th post & wanted to celebrate with my baby!

Scooter, lets celebrate with another toast...

Here's to many more posts with the wonderful people of Pet Talk!

08-21-2001, 10:50 AM

I just wanted you to know how touched I was by your stories of Tom. You had so many happy times together! I'm so glad Scooter (and the other tux kitties) can remind you of happy days with Tom ...


[ August 21, 2001: Message edited by: catwoman ]

08-21-2001, 11:56 AM
Zippy, LOL LOL...Scooter says, "Right on!!" Here's to your 200th post and for many years of delights with tux kitties! :D :D

08-22-2001, 08:45 PM
Zippy and all,

I haven't ventured into a lot of the message boards - especially being so wrapped up in Max's injury and it's (still a mystery) diagnosis.

This thread was especially poignant and I'm glad I stumbled upon it! Tom was very special and I LOVED reading about him and seeing ALL of the photo's! I especially LOVED the one of Tim dressed up! LOL! Poor guy! (Just ask Max about his reindeer antlers and bunny ears . . .)

I also had a cat (Dusty) that was mauled by two "dogs" early in the morning who tossed him around like a ragdoll. Apparently, my neighbor chased them away but he never called to tell me about it - we didn't know what happened. Dusty had some nasty wounds, but lived through it, thankfully. About 5 months later, the neighbor saw me and Dusty outside and he said "I thought that cat was dead" and it was then he told me what happened - JERK. I guess I should be thankful he scared off the dogs, but I will never forget Dusty dragging himself up to our doorway and collapsing out of sheer exhaustion hours later. I too had a strange feeling that he needed me. I could have helped him much quicker.

08-25-2001, 02:14 AM

My dear kitty! Today makes 11 years since you left my side. I miss you dearly! I'll never forget you or the special bond that we shared. I take comfort in knowing that we will one day reunite in a land of smiles, comfort, and tears of happiness. I love you Tommy! I hate what that dog did to you. I now realize that it was not his fault but the owners'. They will never know how their irresponsabilites caused a life-long hurt and void in someone else's heart. On the other hand, God gave me 8 wonderful years with you! I am forever filled with the memory of a loving tuxkat; once a striking handsome gentleman who tip-toed through our house and hearts and now an invisible friendly ghost that lovingly haunts my heart and mind. I miss your meow, though it echoes in my memory. I miss the way you'd tip-toe across my body to take your resting place beside my pillow. Death swept his icy hands over your soul so that you are mine no longer, but you will forever be remembered.

I love you Tom.

08-25-2001, 10:36 AM
As I sit here reading all of the posts, I asked how I could be laughing but at the same time have tears streaming down my cheeks. It just tells me how all of our emotions can be brought forward at once when we talk about our beloved pets and show their pictures.

I was horrified to read about Tom's story and I feel your loss deeply.

Recently I heard about a "famous name actor"
who walks his dogs without a leash. Those dogs killed my niece's classmate's kitty the same way. He walks his dogs without a leash to protect "him". Because people approach him once they recognize him. Who protects the little cats?

The picture of Tom dressed up made me laugh while I had tears on my face. What a wonderful companion and childhood friend he was for you. There is no question that a bond was formed that knows no bounderies and he will always be a part of you and he loves you dearly.

As you honor his passing today, know that he is happy, purring and filled with love for you and just waiting across the Rainbow Bridge for you to join him one day.

08-25-2001, 10:44 AM
4 Feline House - Cookie and Big made me smile.

How you must love them, allergies and all. Rascal needs a companion and now that summer is drawing to a close, the company has left and my life settles down I am thinking about adopting another kitty. Tuxedo boys are right up on top of my list.

08-25-2001, 02:46 PM
That's a very good question:
"Who protects the little cats?"

I believe that God has angels that he calls "owners" who do the job for him. And, as angels are not perfect, we sometimes make mistakes. Lucky for us, God and cats are so very forgiving!

I am so VERY VERY VERY glad you are considering a tux kitty! Let us know when you find that special 'purr-son.'

08-25-2001, 02:49 PM
Just thought of this...

The kitty site is up and running on the same day that Thomas passed. I did not plan it that way. Funny how some things work themselves out huh?

Mr. Thomas, consider the site a tribute to you and all your other tux kitty friends at the bridge.

08-25-2001, 09:01 PM
What a lovely tribute to your dear Tom! The pictures were so cute, and I'm sure he is looking down from the bridge, smiling and purring away! :)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by 4 feline house:
[QB]Sammi, they make paper towels to match! Bounty for the towels, and Puffs for the kleenex! But they're very hard to find, and I almost never can get both in the same grocery store trip.

They also make napkins, which are equally hard to find. I've got a stockpile of all 3 in my basement; whenever I go to a grocery or Taget-type of store, I buy as many as they may have, which is usually only a couple. I have to take virtually every paper towel roll off the shelf just to find them! :o (But I always "re-stock" the shelves neatly.)

08-25-2001, 11:33 PM
Ha Ha! Leah, I'm glad I'm not alone with the "kitty" paper products! I haven't seen the kleenex box, but I always search the shelves for the paper towels!! I can occasionally find them at the grocery store, but always at Kmart! We love them!! :D

08-26-2001, 12:51 AM
You lost someone very special to you. Tom is with a lot of other beautiful cats in heaven. No more pain. We lost our Samantha 5 yrs ago on December 16th she was 13 and she had the looks of Tom but a little more black than Tom. We miss her still. So sorry to hear of your loss. It was such a tragedy. It is hard we know. You get so attached to them they are your children in fur. Take care!! Our hearts go out to you.

08-26-2001, 03:29 PM
Thanks Ila!

I appreciate everyone's concern and sympathy.

4 feline house
08-28-2001, 01:12 PM
Avajoy & Logan-

I always figured they must make the napkins, too, but have never seen them in any store. Maybe I'll try some new stores and see if I can find them!

08-28-2001, 02:40 PM

I looked for them at the store the other day--no luck. :rolleyes:

Have to make another run later this evening--maybe they will have some then! lol

08-29-2001, 10:26 AM

We now have several kitty papertowels at our house! :D

Didn't see the tissues though.

4 feline house
08-31-2001, 08:18 PM
The paper towels have always been easier for me to find than the kleenexes. In fact, I think it's been about six months since I've seen them.

08-31-2001, 08:41 PM
Lets make a mental note that when everyone moves to petTalkville, we'll have to petition the kleenex company for more kitty-kat tissues! (And of course dog-, horse-, bunny-, bird-, etc-, themes wouldn't hurt either!)

4 feline house
09-04-2001, 09:47 PM
Well, I went to the store yesterday, and needed napkins, and guess what? Kitty napkins! But still couldn't get the kleenexes. :(