View Full Version : Everyone's homes are beautiful!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-23-2004, 10:01 AM
Hi all!

I've been missing lately because we're kind of slow at work and my boss has been in ALL the time lately - oh how I hate it when he does that! I can take quick peeks while he's here, but I don't want to take a chance on responding and getting caught. Don't want him finding out how much time I really spend here.

So since he's not here right now, but is on his way in, I wanted to say that everyone's homes are beautiful! I've looked at them all and they might not all be huge mansions or anything, but they are all "homes" and not just houses. There is a difference you know. :)

Oh, a-a-a-n-d, my laptop is in for repairs - I'm lost without my laptop! So hopefully we'll get some work soon so my boss gets out of the office and I can come back, or at least I hope that my laptop shows up again someday soon. :(

06-23-2004, 11:21 AM
As I haven't had time to reply to the threads of all your wonderful homes either, I'll take the opportunity to say that I really enjoyed seeing your homes! It's always fun to see how people in other countries live. When I finish decorating etc. I may post some pics of our home. ;)

Thanks so much for sharing yours! :)

06-24-2004, 07:47 AM
I'll third this. I don't think I've replied to everyone's threads on their homes but Deb is right...

Everyone's homes are beautiful! :D

06-25-2004, 05:57 AM
Yes,I so Agree...everyones' Homes are Beautiful!!!
And the Tour Guides !!! Gotta love their efforts!!!;) :)

viewed all the Home threads and Loved them...This was such a fun idea for a thread...
But like Anna said....Incase I missed responding to Every Home Tour thread...Please know that All wereviewed and loved!!!