View Full Version : Everyone's homes are beautiful!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-23-2004, 09:55 AM
Hi all! :)

I've been missing lately because we're kind of slow at work and my boss has been in ALL the time lately - oh how I hate it when he does that! :mad: :rolleyes: :) I can take quick peeks while he's here, but I don't want to take a chance on responding and getting caught. Don't want him finding out how much time I really spend here. :o :D

So since he's not here right now, but is on his way in, I wanted to say that everyone's homes are beautiful! I've looked at them all and they might not all be huge mansions or anything, but they are all "homes" and not just houses. There is a difference you know. ;)

The one thing I did notice and wanted to mention is that I was disappointed in the "mega kitty" households like CCL, Kim, K & L and Jen (just to name a few). All I saw was house and so FEW kitties! I pictured your homes covered in kitties and all I saw was the stray one or two lounging around. WHERE ARE ALL THE KITTIES!?!?! ;) :D Hmm.....maybe I should show Terry these pics so he can see that having more than two doesn't mean the house will be over run......;) :D

Oh, a-a-a-n-d, my laptop is in for repairs - I'm lost without my laptop! So hopefully we'll get some work soon so my boss gets out of the office and I can come back, or at least I hope that my laptop shows up again someday soon. :(

K & L
06-23-2004, 10:01 AM
I also want to say I've enjoyed seeing all of them. I too cannot respond as much as I would like to because of work. But like Debbie I'm always taking peeks and getting smiles for the day!

Debbie, my cats usually run when they see the camera come out!:D Plus, many hang out in the cat-run or garage area! Now you can tell Terry it's not bad to have numerous cats around!:D

06-23-2004, 10:58 AM
I too have enjoyed looking at all of the beautiful homes but have not had enough time to reply.
I hope to eventually get around to visiting all of the wonderful homes but it may take a while.
It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who hasn't had enough time to post lately either.

06-23-2004, 11:04 AM
I'm enjoying the home tours too. My humble abode, okay, okay, my teeny-tiny one-bedroom S.F. apartment, is not up to a grand tour as there's not much to tour and it's usually very messy. I need another PT kick in the b**t to get cleaning again! :p

06-23-2004, 11:34 AM
I also enjoyed the cat house tours! :) It's so nice to see how everyone lives, and what great palaces our beloved kitties have! :)

Everyone's place is so homely and comfy, it's really been a pleasure to visit! :)


06-23-2004, 02:04 PM
I would also like to comment on all the wonderful house tours that I've "been" to. Its alsways nice seeing someones face, and now their home.

Thanks to all that have opened their homes to us, and thanks to Kim for even thinking of this in the first place! :D

06-23-2004, 05:15 PM
I too have enjoyed seeing everyones home. I've been tight on time lately and never got a chance to post a responce on how nice they all where. Everyones homes where wonderful and I enjoyed visiting them all. Thanks to all who invited us in.

As for homes covered in kittys, I thought the same thing, "Where are all the cats?" You can't even walk into a room or the yard at my house without running into a ball of fur somewhere. We even gave up eating on the table, for all the furry balls of kitties using it as there main sleeping area. :rolleyes: But then again, most homes where bigger then ours, so there's more places for them to hide.

Looking forward to seeing more homes in the near furture, it's always fun to see how others live.

Felicia's Mom
06-23-2004, 07:54 PM
I am enjoying the homes as well. I live in a one bedroom apartment.

06-23-2004, 09:31 PM
I want to thank everyone for showing the wonderful pictures of their houses. I am just in the process of buying a house, so I am not quite in a position to show my "decorating" ability (yet). Once everything is settled and I finish painting and moving I will post some pictures.

Thanks again!!