View Full Version : Fun little "I love you" traditions?

06-22-2004, 10:16 PM
I was thinking about two traditions in my family to tell each other "I love you".

S-H-M-I-L-Y (http://www.smileycollector.com/shmily.htm) is something my hubby and I do ever since I read this story in one of the Chicken Soup books!

The other one is "Three Squeezes" and I have no idea where I got this idea but I did it with all three of my kids and the oldest is 26. We would squeeze hands 3 times to say I-love-you and then the other would answer with 4 squuezes to mean I-love-you-too! We did this at times like at the doctor if they were scared or just at bedtime for fun and sometimes when they were a little older and just needed to know it but not cool to say it. Sometimes grown-up too!! Now my kids are all three grown up/married and I hear they do it with their spouses! Neat:D I know my grandbabies will learn it too!

Anyone else do these things or other little things??

06-22-2004, 10:49 PM
Debbie, back when I worked at the school, my granddaughter and I had this little secret thing we done that meant " I love you". I would shake my fist at her, and then she would shake her fist back at me, then the double shake your fist at each other. It was so funny the other kids always wondered why we done that. But it was our little secret! We still do that now. Hmmmm, how I love my grandbabies!

LOL, going to have to post some pictures of those little sweeties sometime. There are really a lot of mothers and grandmothers here at Pet Talk! We should be able to brag!

You are going to be one soon too!


06-22-2004, 10:56 PM
Does online SMACKING count?


06-22-2004, 11:03 PM
When I was about 7-10 or so...
When my mom and I were driving in the car, and we'd make a right turn--
One of us would say "I love you", the other would say "I love you too." - Then we'd say "He ha ha he he, he he" (Instead of dun da da dun dun, da dun) LOL, if that makes sense at all. Anyways, after saying that -- whoever finished saying it first (the fastest) would win.

:p :p

We used to do the squeeze thing too!! :eek:

06-23-2004, 12:03 AM
Yes, Megan, remember what I told you about that!



06-23-2004, 08:11 AM
I used to tell my grandmom that I loved her with all my heart and soul and "stickers" Whatever that meant! I had been doing it for as long as i could remeber and every card was signed that way. Even the funeral I mentioned in her eulegy that I loved her with stickers. That was definately our "thing"

Gosh there are a million ways hubby and I tell each other. We text message each other silly (and I mean SILLY) notes while he's at school! I'll ask if the "monsters are behaving" or he'll start with something out of this world! When we signed up for a new cell phone service, I was adamant that we have a good text message plan too... the salesperson couldn't understand why two middleaged folks needed 500 text messages a month so badly!!!

As for the kids, well, there's nothing "special" but my husband is at EVERY SINGLE one of the kid's sporting event. Its a juggle with three kids in thre separate sports, but he manges to do it, and usually only misses one of each kid's meets or games a season due to conflict. He'll usually watch half one kid's game to be at half another's. It means a lot to them, even though they say he doesn't have to do that.

06-23-2004, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by catnapper
As for the kids, well, there's nothing "special" but my husband is at EVERY SINGLE one of the kid's sporting event. Its a juggle with three kids in thre separate sports, but he manges to do it, and usually only misses one of each kid's meets or games a season due to conflict. He'll usually watch half one kid's game to be at half another's. It means a lot to them, even though they say he doesn't have to do that.

Your husband sounds like such a wonderful and special man. What a great father and husband.

Justin and I do this 1-2-3 thing with our fingers, that means I love you. It's hard to explain. It's similar to Debbie's hand squeezing.

06-23-2004, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by catnapper
Gosh there are a million ways hubby and I tell each other. We text message each other silly (and I mean SILLY) notes while he's at school! I'll ask if the "monsters are behaving" or he'll start with something out of this world! When we signed up for a new cell phone service, I was adamant that we have a good text message plan too... the salesperson couldn't understand why two middleaged folks needed 500 text messages a month so badly!!!

Geting text messaging was me and my hubbys downfall lol. He texts me song lyrics and stuff when Im at work. Our notes get really silly too.

When we are together, we can usually tell what we are thinking just by looking at each other so we never have to say "I love you" *although we do about a billion times a day lol*. That look he gives me...well I'm not going to get into that! :o :o lol. It's really neat!! We finish each others sentances and stuff too. Drives our roomate nuts! Hes like "what are you, twins or something?!" Sometimes I swear we are telepathic. Downside to all of this is is that we cannot sleep right apart from each other. Makes when I go on the road for my job a real pain in butt. I can get to sleep but Im usually tossing about. He used to be a night owl but since I have to be up at 6:30 am for friggen work every day, he switched around so I could sleep better!

Sigh I love that dern hubby of mine.

06-23-2004, 05:57 PM
When my boys were newborn, they heard every night at bedtime, "I love you" sealed with a kiss and continued to hear it every night until the day they moved out. When they started to learn how to talk, it warmed my heart to hear them say, "I love you mommy" and as they got a little older it was, "I love you, tthhhhiiiiiisssssss much" with big outstretched arms. As they got older, it was, "I love you too mom".
Whenever my oldest calls or comes over for a visit, he still gets his, "I love you" and I still get my, "I love you too mom".
Now that my youngest has moved back home, I get to say it again every night when he goes to bed, "I love you" and now I get back, "I love you more."

06-23-2004, 06:15 PM
Josh and I have plenty of ways to say I love you. But normally if we're at a party or something and one of us is too far away to talk to, we'll make eye contact and flash one finger, than four fingers, than three. 1-4-3. :) It always makes me crack up, and it's totally dumb, but we started it a couple years ago and have been doing it ever since. :o:p

06-23-2004, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by rg_girlca
When my boys were newborn, they heard every night at bedtime, "I love you" sealed with a kiss and continued to hear it every night until the day they moved out. ....Now that my youngest has moved back home, I get to say it again every night when he goes to bed, "I love you" and now I get back, "I love you more."
This is just so wonderful to read!!! ..especially hearing it from a grown child!! Now I tell my hubby and my furrkids I love them. Of course the furry ones can't answer, but I know they love me:D

06-23-2004, 06:44 PM
Yes Debbie it is wonderful to still hear since they are grown men now. I guess cause I never heard "I love you" growing up, I made sure my boys knew how much they were and still are loved.
What really makes my day is when I am sitting here on the computer and my son will come up behind me, kiss me on top of my head and say "Love you mom" and walks away while he hears. "I love you too hon."

06-23-2004, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by rg_girlca
I guess cause I never heard "I love you" growing up, I made sure my boys knew how much they were and still are loved.

I never thought that much about it - but same with me!! Nobody said those words to me growing up!! I suppose they loved me in their way but nobody said it or even hugged. Maybe that is why I am so corny now:D :D One thing my kids will never be able to say is that they were never hugged to death or told they were loved:D
It is weird, but I rarely say those three words to my husband though:rolleyes: I do the SHMILY, 3 squeezes and do a million things to show it, but I hate to SAY it. Isn't that weird?? I have always told my kids and pets though. DUH. I feel like Golda in "Fiddler on the Roof" when Tevya wants to know if she loves him?? You know the movie and the part I mean??? I can show it but not say it. Of course I DO love him dearly but don't think the words mean as much when it comes to my husband. Weird, eh?

06-23-2004, 08:04 PM
We don't have any:(

06-23-2004, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by MariaM
We don't have any:(
How about starting some??:D It is fun and they have to begin somewhere so how about with Maria?? *Smack* :D

06-23-2004, 08:40 PM
Does this count?

When brushing by a family member, we frequently make brief contact with one finger tip touching the other persons -- we call it a 'finger hug'.

Hee, hee. The 1-4-3 thing made me giggle. In Amateur Radio class the teacher was trying to make a point about no codes being allowed. He said that you could NOT send 1-4-3 to your wife. None of the guys in the class got it and he had me explain it to them... (Okay, not very funny...) :rolleyes:

06-23-2004, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by AmberLee
Hee, hee. The 1-4-3 thing made me giggle. In Amateur Radio class the teacher was trying to make a point about no codes being allowed. He said that you could NOT send 1-4-3 to your wife. None of the guys in the class got it and he had me explain it to them... (Okay, not very funny...) :rolleyes:

lol, why not? :p

06-24-2004, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by Moose
lol, why not? :p

Ouch. It's been a few years since I took the class. I think it had to do with FCC regulations. Maybe, if it's codes it might be subversive! (But I've honestly forgotten what the reason was and am just guessing.

06-24-2004, 10:37 AM
When we're in a crowded place, or don't want to talk, me and the hubby have a hand signal. It's cute! Now we do that when I leave for work in the morning *usually after a kiss and a hug*. I go to work feeling happy! That usualy disapates after my boss shows up though ;)

06-24-2004, 11:26 AM
Originally posted by AmberLee
Ouch. It's been a few years since I took the class. I think it had to do with FCC regulations. Maybe, if it's codes it might be subversive! (But I've honestly forgotten what the reason was and am just guessing.

Ooooh. Well phooey! :p

06-24-2004, 01:40 PM
Me and My Hubby have only one but we do it all the time it could be done anywhere and no one realizes we are doing it.....We Blink three times at each other.

Blink 1....I
Blink 2 ...Love
Blink 3 ...You