View Full Version : Wilber scared the bejeezus out of me the other day

06-22-2004, 06:52 PM
I 'lost' Wilber on Sunday. I went to Vegas for the weekend and it was the first time I've been without my guys overnight. Mike had to stay here cause he had to work both days. But my dad had free tickets and hotel, so off we went! BTW, I never go anywhere - this is the first time I've been out of my town in four years :). Anyways, I'm really the caretaker of Wilber and Ori. Mike loves them, but it's become routine that I do the food, water and litter - mother's instinct and all.

SO, when I came home from Vegas, I was exteremely happy to see them. I saw both my guys as soon as I walked in and Wilber espescially was really happy to see me, meowing and rubbing and head bumping. I had to run back out to my car for a second. I closed the door like normal and kept an eye on it while I closed it to make sure there were no escapees. Except when I came back in Wilber was gone! Dead silent after all that meowing and no where to be found. I looked all over the house, under the bed, in the fireplace in most of the cabinets. I got out the soft food, and I even went around with the spray bottle to see if I could scare him out of hiding. After making my rounds 2 or three times, I was convinced he had escaped. I thought somehow he rushed out the door when I went back to the car. Now this is the point where I go into hysterical crying, calling Mike at work etc. I went around the complex with his soft food and shaking a toy ball with a bell. Since he's an inside only kitty I though he would have to be close by, cause that's what I read is most likely to happen. Still no Wilber. I went back in and searched the house again. I called my stepmom cause she's a pet nanny, to get her advice, and was in hysterics still. I have never felt so awful in my whole life. All the bad things that run through one's mind were doing so in triple time. Now it had been over 2 hours since he had disappeared. As I was wailing away with my stepmom, I hear a bump, bump, bump. I knew Oreo was upstairs so it HAD to be Wilber.

He was in the ONE cabinet I neglected to open. My little stinker pot hidey hoo!!! I was so happy to see him, I cried even harder than when I thought he was gone, lol!! Our cabinets are pretty hard to open, so I have no idea where he got the strength, but he was having a hard time getting back out.

That's my horror story for the weekend. As I type the stinker is sitting in the window sill ack ack acking at the birdies. Sure am glad he's home safe and sound :)

06-22-2004, 08:00 PM
What a scare! Isn't that the worse feeling?!

I'm glad Wilber is safe and sound and right where he should be!!

06-23-2004, 05:47 AM
That is the most horrible feeling in the world! I'm so so glad Wilbur is safe and sound!
Why is that when they turn up like that you just melt and are so glad to see them? You would think you would want to swat them for scaring the tar out of you and not answering when you call 5000 times!!! But no, we mush all over them and forget the hours of torture! Aren't they the most amazing little BRATS!?
http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/wink.gif http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

06-23-2004, 08:30 AM
Poor you! I would freak out if that happened to me!!

Wilber, you nawtee boy, you better answer when Meowmie calls next time!!! ;)

06-23-2004, 08:51 AM
I missed this yesterday!! omegosh I KNOW that feeling! Terrifying:eek: Like CCL said - instaed of being mad you are just so glad to see them you far into a puddle. Glad Wilber is safe:D How is Meowmie????

06-23-2004, 09:02 AM
That was a releif , to Find Wilber! Once n a while a Found cat , will do that too ,not to scare me , but to get as much privacy ,as they can , in a home with 14 Other Cats!!!!

06-23-2004, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by CatMama78
I went around the complex with his soft food and shaking a toy ball with a bell.

911, what is your emergency?

Hello? There is a woman walking around the complex, she has a bag in her hand, shaking a bell, saying 'Wilber' over and over again!!

Give us your address, we will send a patrol car over....


Edward would disappear for hours in the closet and the cupboards....Glad he was just hiding.

06-23-2004, 06:41 PM
lmao Richard! That was pretty much the scene.

Wilber is the nawtee one of the family. I swear it has to do with the grey/silver tabies personality cause I've noticed a lot of the nawtee kitties on here look similiar :)

I am doing great now, thanks! Wilber is getting away with a little more nawteeness cause I'm so relieved to have him. Hmm, maybe that was his plan all along!

06-23-2004, 06:47 PM
Boy they can turn our hair grey fast sometimes huh? :eek: :rolleyes: :eek: Glad your Wilber was safe the whole time. :)

Felicia's Mom
06-23-2004, 08:29 PM
Glad Wilbur was found safe! Since Beau is a solid, dark color, he sometimes gets "lost" just by sitting quietly on the floor.