View Full Version : Cassy is stress shedding???

06-22-2004, 12:54 AM
I spent this weekend with my family in the central valley and left Cassy and Livvy at home with a cat sitter dropping in daily.

Both seemed very glad to see me come back, but Cassy appears to be stress shedding. I've only seen him shed like this when he's frightened at the vets...

I'm concerned and not sure if it is caused by my traveling. If so, this could be trouble. It's not often, but I do need to travel for work sometimes. :(

Any ideas? What makes your furkids stress shed? More importantly, what STOPS your kids from shedding? I can picture the little nut-case being totally nude after my work trip in August!

06-22-2004, 01:00 AM
hmmmm... how long has he been shedding? I know mine can drop handfulls at the vets - onto that metal table and the vet always says it is normal. RB used to be the very worst and he was also a very nervous kitty. Is Cassy shedding repeatedly when you pet him or what:confused: Poor baby! If it keeps up - maybe you should check with the vet about an occasional stress relieving medication (if it IS stress related anyway) Just an idea....
Is this something new?? So sorry - bet you are worried:(

06-22-2004, 01:11 AM
I was gone for a little over 48 hours. (Father's day festivities with the rest of the clan.)

Since I got back, when I stroke him instead of the usual hair, or two or three each stroke, I get dozens of loose hairs. This isn't normal. The vet said not to worry about it when he's done this in the vet's office, but this time it's in our home and nothing seems to be 'worrisome' to me.

Otherwise he seems to be in good health, curious as ever, good appitite (oh yeah! :rolleyes: as ever), affectionate. Sleeping well.

Maybe I should call the vet tomorrow.

We did have a second mini-heat wave just before I left and a tiny invasion of ants. I sprayed with OrangeGuard which is a cat-safe insecticide. Hmmm, wonder if the complex sprayed near the window while I was gone, and if so, with what?


06-22-2004, 01:18 AM
Yes, AmberLee, that sounds really odd - to still be shedding after you are home - especially since it is something new! I think I would call the vet also. Livvy isn't shedding right? I know last month or so, mine did LOTS of shedding that I just figure had to do with the hot weather moving in, but they all did it and it did not last all that long although it was allot! I got out the brush and shedding blade and removed HUGE amounts of hair - enough to easily stuff a throw pillow:eek: (and nearly choke ME!!) Yes, with just one cat shedding like that, I think I would check with the white coats, too.

06-22-2004, 03:34 AM
Poor Cassy .... hopefully, it's just a combination of being away from you for a couple of days AND the heat! Try not to worry, I don't think it's really serious, as long as Cassy is acting normal every other way! ;)

06-22-2004, 08:30 AM
Awwwww, poor Cassy and poor you :( ! I'm pretty confidant that the shedding is caused by the heat and you being away. My kitties stress shed too. But checking with the vet will certainly put your mind at ease and one can never be too careful when it comes to the babies.

06-22-2004, 08:55 AM
Moose The Magnificent sheds like Carzy , and everyday , he gets the shreeder Brush treatment , and I generally have enough Fur , to Knit Another Cat!

06-22-2004, 08:47 PM
Thanks all. It might be just the weather, hopefully. Livvy is sheading a tiny bit more than her usual too. Tonight both will get the full shreader brush/regular brush/comb treatment and we'll see if that helps.

I kept missing connections with the vet -- way too many meetings at work... :( :rolleyes: :(

06-22-2004, 09:31 PM
Don't you hate it when the meetings get in the way of the really important things?

And yes, it's probably not serious if Cassy is acting normally. But keep trying the vet!

06-23-2004, 06:39 AM
Not taking this lightly Pauline - but are you sure Cassey isn't 'paying you back' for leaving him?! :eek: :eek:
I'll bet the warm weather has a lot to do with this.
Whenever we have hot weather here, these three shed like idiots - it even falls off them as they walk across the room!
