View Full Version : Casper & Kitty's Domain - cute kitten pictures!

Former User
08-11-2001, 11:08 AM

We're Casper and Kitty, two cute kittens, and we've set up our very own homepage (with the help of our human owners). You can view lots of nice pictures and short movies of us there, read our diary and sign our guestbook. You can join our own site ring too if you like ;)
Hope to welcome you there soon, meow!

Casper & Kitty
Casper & Kitty's Domain (http://home.pi.be/paddy/kittiecats/)

4 feline house
08-11-2001, 12:33 PM
They are ADORABLE! Makes me want to go out and get more kittens!

08-11-2001, 12:43 PM
and if you're in a hurry, just click on the profile picture.

08-13-2001, 07:57 AM
So many gorgeous pictures on that website! It feels like ages since I had such young kittens in the house, I agree it makes you want to go out and get one...

08-13-2001, 10:33 AM
Casper & Kitty are so adorable! They remind me of my girls when I first got them ... explore, sleep, explore, sleep, explore, eat, sleep. etc. (And everything as a pair!)


08-13-2001, 05:16 PM
OH HOW CUTE!!!!!!! :D My lips would be glued to their cute little heads!!! Kittens are like potato chips...you can't have just one... :D :D :D

08-14-2001, 04:53 PM
How precious!!!!!!! Big smackers right on your your adorable little heads!! Your website is terrific, little ones. I'll be visiting you often! Love, Sandra, Oliver and Mr. B

08-18-2001, 02:58 AM
They are SOOOO cute!!!! Love kittens and wish I had one, but we're more a dog family.