View Full Version : Cat Mural

06-06-2001, 09:37 PM
Our local cat store is renovating a house to make a cat shelter. I am so thrilled. They are going to let me do a mural in there main cat room of a bob cat! isn't that neat?!

4 feline house
06-06-2001, 10:12 PM
That's great! It would be nice too, if once it's finished, you take a picture of it for webshots or some such other website so we can see it!

06-07-2001, 09:03 AM
Catcrazed, I would LOVE to see your mural once it's finished! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

06-07-2001, 05:54 PM
Catcrazed I think that it is a very cool thing what you are doing but i am just curious what is going to be in the mural?

06-07-2001, 07:58 PM
The mural is going to be of a mountain lion sitting on a cliff by moonlight. You knoow, like the typical picture of a coyote baying at the moon.

The two main cat rooms are desert at night and desert during the day. I get to do a picture in the "Day Room" of a small "El Gotto Cantina" (sp?) with a cat wearing a sumbrero (sp?), if the other artists decides no to do it.

I'm not sure how to put pictures on the internet, but I will see if I can be cute at a technically inclined person untill they do it for me.

I also want to note that this place is modeled after "The cat's house". If you've never heard of it, it is a very unique building designed by a cat-lover and architect for the comfort of his cats. It is brightly colored with lots of perches, hidey holes, window seats, and floor to cieling scratching posts.

It has rooms for quarintine, display, (for potential adopters) play, and eventually (as funds are available)long term care for special needs cats, a special room for FIV and Feline Lukemia patients, a barn for ferals, and a graveyard.

I love this place, but I have no job and consequently no money to help build and support it. So I will donate my time and talent for decorating, fund raising, and cleaning. All I have is a newly aquired GED so I am elated that I will be allowed to help at all.

06-07-2001, 08:04 PM
The people running it used to have a store called The Classic Cat, which is now becoming a internet and CATalogue (he he) http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif business. The shelter was initially a place to house the rescue cats from the store. The shelter is called Challenger House, after the first store mascot, rescued from deathroe at the pound only to die of a congenital cardiovascular condition at age three.

4 feline house
06-07-2001, 08:12 PM
CC-please don't feel like your efforts are less than those who can donate large amounts of money. First of all, alot of the things you are doing either can't be bought or would be very expensive to buy. Secondly, it is very easy to quickly write a check to make yourself feel you are really doing a good thing and then never think about it again. You, on the other hand, are putting your heart, soul, and hard work into the cause you believe in.

06-08-2001, 04:46 AM
I'd like to second what 4feline house said. I also want to say congrats on getting your GED! Way to go!

06-08-2001, 01:54 PM
Nicely said, 4Feline.

06-08-2001, 02:13 PM
I would like to third what 4 Feline House said! Happy that you got your GED and bet it feels great to have that finished.

06-08-2001, 08:52 PM
I fourth! How exciting to be taking part in such a wonderful endeavor. Look forward to those photos! If I ever had the opportunity to design a house, I would absolutely include the cat-friendly features shown in "The Cat's House". Very inventive and unique home - all cat lovers should check out this book for ideas on how to tastefully design a cat paradise!

Regards ~ AvaJoy

06-10-2001, 02:22 PM
Thanks for the encouragement guys. The lady I am supposed to collaborate with is out of town right now so it may take a week or two to get started.

06-28-2001, 06:22 PM
The people who run things are acting like they don't want my help. Sometimes I feel so useless.

06-28-2001, 07:04 PM
Dear CC,

I am so disappointed for you. Perhaps it's just a silly misunderstanding. I hope it gets cleared up satisfactorially (sp?) soon. {{{Catcrazed}}} <-- sending you a cyberhug ;)

[As long as they are updating this website with lots of new whizz-bang nifties :D , are there any other spelling challenged here that would appreciate a spell-checker?? Spelling's definately not my strong point... :o ]


06-28-2001, 07:21 PM
so would I!

4 feline house
06-28-2001, 09:20 PM
it's easy to get stressed and snap at people who don't deserve it when you're involved in volunteer work of any kind. Maybe it's just been a hard few weeks. I'll pray for you that things work out for the best for all involved.

06-29-2001, 09:19 AM
Aw, Catcrazed!! I really hope things work out and you get to work on that mural! Maybe it is just a misunderstanding or they have been swamped lately, as Amberlee and 4Feline pointed out.
Got my fingers crossed for ya...it sounds like such an exciting project!

07-13-2001, 02:52 PM
It did not work out. Nobody wants my help.

07-13-2001, 03:09 PM
Well, no one there does - but you can paint murals in Pettalkville! Have you seen that discussion? It's at http://PetoftheDay.com/cgibin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=21&t=000134 . :)

4 feline house
07-13-2001, 06:28 PM
I'm not familiar with Madison - is there another group you could volunteer for? There's lots out there, surely someone could use your help. It's a shame, with the severe shortage of available and willing volunteers, that someone's talents should go unused.

07-16-2001, 05:31 PM
I tend to be shunned around here because it is a pretty conservative town, although fairly large. I have blue hair and am a total liberal. They just can't stand it. They think I'm "wierd" & "sick". :rolleyes: :(

4 feline house
07-16-2001, 10:27 PM
So much for stereotypes! Supposedly all the blue-haired young people are all wild-eyed, bleeding heart, tree-huggin' liberals, and supposedly all of us that care about the welfare of animals are wild-eyed, bleeding heart, tree-huggin' liberals, so you'd think you'd fit right in with the animal groups! Oh, well, just goes to show ya.

07-17-2001, 10:44 AM
Hey Catcrazed-
I'll bet nobody would even notice your blue hair here in NY! :D :D

07-17-2001, 01:00 PM
Dear Catcrazed,

Never, never worry about someone else's opinion of you. The important thing is that you have a good opinion of you. So if you like blue hair, have blue hair -- and if others don't like it, well that's just their problem. Your heart is in the right place and what is more important than that? I saw someone on the New York subway the other day who had mostly blue hair, but they had added pink highlights. I thought it looked creative and wonderful. I bet you are creative and wonderful, too!

07-17-2001, 01:17 PM
Alice makes a very good point. :)

07-21-2001, 05:33 PM
Spence, I'd drive one if I could afford a new car (or any car at all). And blue hair means what it sounds like. I dye my hair blue. My nickname is Rainbow bright!

I guess I will take my talents to another organization.

07-22-2001, 07:27 AM
Originally posted by alice:
<STRONG>Dear Catcrazed,

Never, never worry about someone else's opinion of you. The important thing is that you have a good opinion of you. So if you like blue hair, have blue hair -- and if others don't like it, well that's just their problem. Your heart is in the right place and what is more important than that? I saw someone on the New York subway the other day who had mostly blue hair, but they had added pink highlights. I thought it looked creative and wonderful. I bet you are creative and wonderful, too!</STRONG>

Hi Catcrazed, never ever let others' opinions get to you! Dare to be different! In US you can, but in S'pore we're pretty conservative. If you dye your hair you're either very cool or you want your parents to kick you out of the house. I can't even get my ears pierced! Anyway, before I shut up, Carpe Diem! Seize the day! Be yourself, who you want to be. not what other people want you to be. If they can't accept you like you are, then they aren't your friends. :cool: You go, girl/guy!

07-22-2001, 03:04 PM
My parents like it. They say it brings out my eyes! Living in s'pore sounds a bit restrictive for my taste, but some if not most people flourish under a strict hierchy with lots of structure. Strangely, I don't.

07-28-2001, 09:04 AM
Unfortunately, I don't have a choice... I have to "flourish under a hierarchy" but people are a lot fairer here I can say that much... and the food is even better! Try it sometime! There's always something new to try, even for the locals! :D

4 feline house
07-28-2001, 10:53 AM
What sort of foods are enjoyed in Singapore? I don't think I've ever run across a Singaporan restaurant or recipe. I have a friend who is Indian, but was born and raised in Malaysia, and she has a friend who is also from Malaysia who owns a Malaysian restaurant in Arlington. She has invited me to go but as of yet we haven't.

07-29-2001, 05:33 AM
Erm... do I have space to list them all here? Anyway, the more common ones are laksa, char kuay teow, chee cheong fun, lek tow suan, chicken rice, prata, otah-otah, chilli and pepper crab, soon kuey....... I could go on and on and on. Because of our multi-racial society, when my forefathers came they brought all their hometown recipes with them and these became the present S'porean food that we now enjoy. You won't find a Singaporean food restaurant because no one had bothered trying to find all the recipes and make their restaurant. The range is simply too wide, I guess. :)