View Full Version : Jack goes to a new beauty shop!

4 Dog Mother
06-21-2004, 04:11 PM
Jack's hair was getting too long again so I decided to try him at the one where I got Dazzi and Taggert's new summer do's.

I know I just got up but I need more rest before I get my haircut

Wow, Jack you look great!
No more pictures, Mom
I said no more pictures - you are embarassing me

4 Dog Mother
06-21-2004, 04:17 PM
Ice Cream? I get ice cream for getting my haircut?
Umm this ice cream is gooood! Hmm, maybe this haircut thing isn't so bad.
I'm the one who was abused with that haircut stuff so why are they getting treats too?

06-21-2004, 04:20 PM
Jack, you look so different! (Even in your signature! :eek: ) What a handsome man you are!

Great pictures! :D

4 Dog Mother
06-21-2004, 04:20 PM
This groomer cut the hair off Jack's nose so it really isn't an Airedale cut any more. But I think he can see better and he still is my handsome boy!

I didn't take many but here are the rest arehere. (http://www.imagestation.com/album/?id=4286477303&idx=19)

06-21-2004, 04:46 PM
Awwww, Jack don't be embarrassed, you look SO HANDSOME!!!!:D

06-21-2004, 04:59 PM
Jackie you are so cute, whatever do you have!! I like this one :)

Cinder & Smoke
06-21-2004, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by 4 Dog Mother

"Jack goes to a new beauty shop!


Surely yur Mom dint take you to a :eek: BEAUTY Shop, did she!??

Tell he ya prefer ta hear that ya
Went to see da STYLIST! :p

Wherever ya went, ya look purdy :cool: !


06-21-2004, 05:23 PM
Dear Jack,
Isn't it just awful what these humans do to us? Honestly, every six weeks I am loaded into the car and believe me I know exactly where I am going. I am subjected to all kinds of things - clippers, scissors and oh the humilating bath! It is enough to drive a girl to tears. Just try and make the best of it Jack. It doesn't happen every day thankfully! In fact, if you don't mind my saying so, you look quite handsome. :) I bet you smell good too. My mom is always sticking her nose in my fur when I come home. Does your mom do this too? :)
Love and wags, Bella

06-21-2004, 05:39 PM
Stunning, simply stunning! Jack, you look soooo handsome!!!:) I'll bet you're going to love your cropped doo during these hot summer months coming up! And what better way to celebrate than with a trip to the ice cream store:D You're precious!:)

06-21-2004, 06:04 PM
WOW Jack, you look stunning!

I just love the new do, and ice cream afterwards? You should go to the beauty shop more often;)

06-21-2004, 11:49 PM
aawwwww He looks so Happy after his cut!!! ;) :p

06-21-2004, 11:57 PM
Simba says you look handsome with your new do Jack. ;)

06-22-2004, 03:27 AM
how handsome you look!!:D