View Full Version : A visit to Miss Julie's world...

06-20-2004, 01:56 PM
My Meowmie said I could show you all my favorite places in our house so let me show you Julieworld!

This is me sitting in the front window. Meomie likes to see me when she drives up...she gets all excited to see me!
Meowmie got a new computer and I got the box! Personally, I think I got the best part :D She put it by my window with a pillow on top so I have more room to sit...and snooze.
This is my other window where my perch is. It has a hideout in the bottom that I like to sleep in during the day. you can't see them in this picture, but there is a great big basket of cat toys next to this.
This is the back of the loveseat where I like to hang out. I must say I'm looking a bit plush in this pic...I'd better start my kitty Pilates program tomorrow.
more to come...

06-20-2004, 02:18 PM
Sometimes I like to go in and play on Meomie's bed...
HeeHee...I caught Buddy snoozin'...good look for ya there Bud!
this is my sunny spot in front of the rocking chair.
Outside we have a nice deck and I like to sit watch for birds and squirrles
and this is the big tree where those dumb birds and squirrels go to sit and tease me... 'just you keep your chirping to yourself birdbrain!'
Lastly...this is my grass. I like to explore the yard...the grass is pretty tasty too!

Hope you liked my world...you other kitties come visit sometime!

06-20-2004, 03:24 PM
What an adorable post!! All your pictures were fantastic but this one is priceless!!!

The captions were great and I sure enjoyed Julie's world!:D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

06-20-2004, 03:31 PM
Miss Julie, you have a very beautiful world! And you even made it more beautiful with pictures of yourself in them!


06-20-2004, 03:34 PM
I'm in love with Julie's world. Thanks for sharing it with us.:)

06-20-2004, 03:45 PM
Thank you for sharing your world, Julie! You make a very gracious hostess:) I think I would also be excited to drive home from work and have your sweet face waiting for me in the window. Lucky Meowmie!!:D

06-20-2004, 05:13 PM
Miss Julie ... what a lovely home you have!!! My kitties would be so envious of ALL of your special places!!! Thank you so much for the lovely tour, and you sure are one CUTE girlie!!!:)

06-20-2004, 10:41 PM
No wonder your Meowmy is excited to see your lovely face in the window to greet her, who wouldn't be?

You are a lovely girl and a very gracious hostess. Thank you for sharing your special spots with us.

Scritchie, scritchie darling girl!

06-20-2004, 11:13 PM
Aww, any world with Julie in it is a purrrfect world!!!!

Thanks for tour Julie!!

06-21-2004, 08:38 AM
Thank you for all the nice things you said about me. Meowmie says I'm the prettiest girl in the world...but there sure are some other pretty kitties here in PT! I think all kitties are extra special and beautiful... KITTIES RULE! WoooHooo!:D

06-21-2004, 08:41 AM
The Fopund Cats all want to visit Julieworld , and I said that it was OK , if it looks as though , there were no visitors, and nothing was disturbed!

06-21-2004, 08:44 AM
Originally posted by catmandu
The Fopund Cats all want to visit Julieworld , and I said that it was OK , if it looks as though , there were no visitors, and nothing was disturbed!

There is a teenager living here...the found cats couldn't possibly disturb the place more than he does. ;) There are plenty of cat toys here for a great playday!

06-21-2004, 08:54 AM
Miss Julie, thank you so very much for sharing your world with us. I have to say that I really love your purple walking jacket...it's your color. You are such a very thoughtful girl for always being in the window when you meowmie comes home.

06-21-2004, 11:27 AM
So Funny, birdbrain, ahahahaha.


Julie, I love your surroundings and you look like you have the life of Riley, just as you should.

Miss Meow
06-21-2004, 05:29 PM
Julie, you're so cute!

Lovely to see your home and Buddy. You go give those birds a bit of their own back!