View Full Version : Diego Joe Had An Adventure of 6/19! Here is his story:

06-20-2004, 09:23 AM
It started out as an average Saturday Night. The house was quiet. Autumn &Hannah were aslepe & The Tv was on 30! I wanted to figure out how to turn it down so I climbed out of my cage & over the playpen & off the table! I first found my run-a-ball so I tried to enjoy myself but I kept falling out without the lid. I then thought... "A hamster gotta enjoy himself" So then I scurried to the room full of boxes. I had lots of fun! I was climbing in boxes & out, Soon the sun came up & Autumn & HAnnah would seen be awake so I listened intently.
"Autumn- where id Diego?" Hannah asks
"He's in his cage stupid" autumn repleis rubbing her eyes
"No he's not"
Autumn rolls of the couch with a THUD she then goes to my cage I asume.
"Nothing!" Hannah replies scared
"Yeah right! Why'd you take him out!" autumn says frantically
"I didn't!"
"C'mon we have to look for him! Don't wake mom! She'll freak"
Autumn & Hannah searched high & low Autumn then heard me scratching.
"Diego Joe Please come here"
"Autumn I hear him"
"I know! SHH! I gotta find him"
Autumn was climbing like a monkey over boxes. I was hidden so well she couldn't find me! hahaha. I then decided no to make her worry as much. I let her pick up picture frames that were hiding me. Autumn then squeeled with happiness. I then crawled to her hand which was full of yoghurt drops. I enjoyed myself. I'd do it again too. As long as I get yoghurt drops!

06-21-2004, 12:29 PM
Diego Joe ran away again last night. I was unaware until thismorning at 5 when i went for a bike ride I came in the door afterwards & a black little chubby hamster greeted me. I am still unsure how he got out & I am investgating....