View Full Version : I have birdies!!!!! :)

06-20-2004, 02:53 AM
I'm so excited!!! I've been wanting birds for a long time and finally decided on parakeets. I've grown up with them and really enjoy their playful gentleness. :)

They are about 2 months old and are female. They don't have names yet, I'm still thinking of them.

Here they are:


I didn't want to take too many pictures as they are pretty tired and scared after today. The lighter one got out of the box when I tried putting them in their new cage. Luckily, I did it in the bathroom for that exact reason. She was really mad, but was the first one calmed by my voice.

There they are. :) Yay!! :)

06-20-2004, 03:07 AM
YOU GOT BIRDIES?!?!?! :eek::D:eek::D:eek:!!!!!

OMG!!!! They're SO precious!!! I *love* their colors.......so adorable! :D Do they have their own room.........away from the kitties? Oh Kelly, they're so very CUTE! I'm so excited for you!! Now I have someone else to nag for birdie pics. ;)

Congrats, and welcome to PT, little birdies!!!

06-20-2004, 03:17 AM
Originally posted by popcornbird
Do they have their own room.........away from the kitties? Oh
They don't have thier own room, but they're away from the cats completely. I'm going to hang them up so the cats cant get to them tomorrow. Tonight they are in their cage, in the closed up bathroom, in the tub with the door shut. Nice and safe. :)

Thanks for the welcome and compliments. They are so pretty, I'm so excited! :)

06-20-2004, 05:02 AM
I think they look so pretty. Nice choice of your first birds.

06-20-2004, 11:55 AM
Congratulations Kelly! They are so pretty!!! I love Parakeets; and a good choice for your first birds:) I had a budgie named Bobby as a child and he was such a sweetie. I've often wished I could get another, but with 2 rambuncuous dogs, 2 kitties and 2 piggies, I dare not risk it and I worry they wouldn't get the attention they deserve...sigh...maybe one day! Can't wait to hear what you've decided on for names!

06-20-2004, 12:16 PM
BEAUTIFUL kids, Kelly! Just awesome!

I've had 2 parakeets in the past: Bluebell (aka Gertie the Dirtie Birdie) and Snowflake. 'Flake looked similar to your lighter one.

Are these guys tame or do they bite?

Yay! Keep us posted on the names!

06-20-2004, 02:33 PM
Congrats Kelly!:D They are gorgeous!

06-21-2004, 01:03 AM
Thanks guys! :)

They aren't hand tamed, I got them at PetSmart. But I seem to be some sort of bird and cat whisperer. Every time I sit and talk to a cat or bird, they instantly shut their eyes or blink real slow. Its totally funny. :D

They are still scared, but doing better today. We were both gone, so they spent their day in the bathtub behind the closed bathroom door...just to be safe.

I just gave them new water and changed thier fruit/veggie bowl and they seemed really interested in me. As long as I talk to them while I open the cage and stick my hand in, they are fine and stay on the top perches.

As far as names. I'm thinking of Gertrude, Gertie for short (that's too funny, Tonya!) for the lighter one and Betty for the blue/white/grey one. :)

The cats, especially Noah, are intrigued!

Here they are right after I gave them their fruit...not too freaked out:

Hey, anyone know any GOOD bird websites??

06-21-2004, 01:12 AM
Congrats Kelly! They're so adorable. :D:D:D

Hmm.. bird websites.. I have a few for Cockatiels, but you may want to check with the overall bird expert [PCB] for that. ;)

06-21-2004, 01:27 AM
Congratulations on the new additons, Kelly!!

They are beautiful! I am sure they are going to have a great home with you.

More pictures, please! :D

06-21-2004, 02:07 AM
Originally posted by Dogz
More pictures, please! :D
Well....if you insist! ;)

Here is one of the toys I got for them, they are supposed to move those colored rings back and forth:

Their fruit/veggie bowl:

The hanging toy that came with their cage:

A view of the whole thing, birdies and all:
Can you tell they like that perch?? ;)

I'm not sure on the names, I do like them though. Do you think they suit them?

06-21-2004, 02:20 AM
It looks like you bought them all sorts of cool stuff! I am sure they are going to enjoy everything.

I like the name Gertie. I think it will fit perfectly :)

Personally, I don't like the name Betty. :o That is probably because I know someone named Betty that I do not care for.

I like the name Skittles! :D

06-21-2004, 02:20 AM
They look like a *Blueberry* and *Snowflake* to me. :p He he. They're adorable. Petsmart birds usually tame VERY easily. They seem to be used to seeing people, and if you play with them a lot, they usually begin to step up on your finger within a few days.

Are they scared of the cats? Do you have a safe enough place in the house where you can take them out to play with them, and to let them get exercise?

As to websites, www.birdsnways.com is a good website for birds. Most of the other websites I visit are cockatiel sits, but birdsnways.com is basically for all birds.

06-21-2004, 02:32 AM
Originally posted by Dogz
Personally, I don't like the name Betty.
That was the one I'm not totally sold on either. I think its cute, but I don't think that one looks like a Betty.

I like Skittles, but I prefer prissy names, like Gertrude. What goes well with Gertie? What about Mae?

06-21-2004, 02:34 AM
I like Gertie and Betty!!

My oscar fishies name is Betty. :)

I know a girl name Bettina, which I think is pretty and similar to Betty.;)

06-21-2004, 02:36 AM
Originally posted by popcornbird
Are they scared of the cats? Do you have a safe enough place in the house where you can take them out to play with them, and to let them get exercise?

If they are afraid of the cats, they haven't shown it. They actually haven't seen the cats until I took those pictures of Noah in the kitchen a few hours ago. I wont allow the cats any closer than Noah got because I don't trust them.

I can easily shut a door and take them out. But how do I do that without totally freaking them out? I've had 2 keets in the past, but they both didn't come out of their cages, but we played through the bars.

The lighter one, Gertie, seems less fearful when I talk to her...but she's the one who escaped when I was putting them in their cage for the first time, so I'm afraid she'll be more fearful of me.

How do you get them to trust you enough to touch them?

06-21-2004, 02:44 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy

How do you get them to trust you enough to touch them?

Are their wings clipped? Parakeets can fly FAST.....much faster than cockatiels and other larger birds, so to tame them, you would have to clip their wings. I would worry about clipping the wings of birds living in a house full of cats though. If one ever escapes in a room with the cats, it wouldn't be able to get away, so I don't know how to advise you on this issue.

I have tamed LOTS of parakeets for my friends, and it only took me a few hours of working with them, to get them to perch on my finger. Basically, you'll have to take them to a safe room and close the door. Take them out of the cage (one at a time), and hold them gently in your hand. They do freak out when you first grab them, but they get used to the idea. :p If you're worried about their biting, you can hold them with a small wash cloth. Sit down with them in a corner, facing the wall, so that the bird is forced to stay with you and can't get away (because of the wall in front of you), and put the bird in your lap, or on your finger. They might try to run away at first, but after a few tries, they begin to get used to it. Once they learn to perch on your finger, you can walk away from the wall, slowly, and see if they stay. It would take a few days for them to fully trust you, but if you play with them *out of the cage*, everyday, they should be tame in no time.

06-21-2004, 02:49 AM
Yes, the guy at PetSmart trimmed their wings yesturday. :) I'll be taking them to work once a month to keep that up. Hopefully, I'll be able to do it myself.

That sounds good. I'll start the taming tomorrow in the nice and safe bathroom. :) Yay! I'm excited!!!

Hey...I noticed their seed hasn't been touched much. Is that normal for the first few days?

06-21-2004, 02:51 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
That was the one I'm not totally sold on either. I think its cute, but I don't think that one looks like a Betty.

I like Skittles, but I prefer prissy names, like Gertrude. What goes well with Gertie? What about Mae?

How about Beatrice? :p

Bea or Bee for short.

06-21-2004, 03:35 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Yes, the guy at PetSmart trimmed their wings yesturday. :) I'll be taking them to work once a month to keep that up. Hopefully, I'll be able to do it myself.

That sounds good. I'll start the taming tomorrow in the nice and safe bathroom. :) Yay! I'm excited!!!

Hey...I noticed their seed hasn't been touched much. Is that normal for the first few days?

Be sure to close the toilet seat lid before taming them in the bathroom. ;)

Most birds don't eat much during the first few days because of the fear of a new environment. Its normal for them to eat little when they first come home. Keep an eye on them though. They need their food. :p

Keep us updated on these little girls!

06-21-2004, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by popcornbird
They look like a *Blueberry* and *Snowflake* to me. :p He he.

I think so too! Those are cute names!

Usually, I like food names, as you can tell. (Soda, Cracker) Don't ask me why. :o

Bee is a cute name, also!

06-21-2004, 11:41 AM
Aww, they are just so cute! :D Congratulations on the new additions. I love keets. We used to breed them when I was younger, though on a much lower scale than our tiels. I always found them so attractive though. I did have some larger Grass Parakeets awhile back, and they were great birds as well.

06-21-2004, 11:44 AM
Congratulations on the new birdies!:D
They are both pretty birds, I love their colors.
We have had T-bird for almost 3 years now and she and Samantha have never had any problems.
T-bird has the same exact cage that your birds have.
Did you add a cuttle bone and some spray millet seed?
T-bird was very shy the first few days and we were worried that she wasn't eating but she did fine once she settled in.
The spray millet is probably the first thing they will want to eat.
Let me know if you have any more cat-bird related questions, I can probably help you there.

06-21-2004, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
I like Skittles, but I prefer prissy names, like Gertrude. What goes well with Gertie? What about Mae?

Matilda or Mildred or Winifred or .... ! ;)

06-21-2004, 11:37 PM
What about Gertie and Trudy?

06-22-2004, 12:21 AM
CUTE names Zip and Stac!!! :)

Betty is starting to grow on me now...it kind of suits her personality in a way.

They are doing so well today!! Eating, chirping, climbing all over their cage. The chirp when I turn the water on and when I use the hair dryer...isn't that funny?

I'm going to attempt touching them tommorrow morning..wish me luck! :)