View Full Version : Daughter wants a rattie......

06-20-2004, 01:38 AM
My daughter Melissa who is turning 12 in August, has asked if she can have a rat, I have said a flat NO at this stage, and I think I will stick to it, we have the two cats, although I suppose they are really my pets, I feed them, do everything for them, and I have never asked for help.

She has a paper round and earns 20 dollars a week, this is just new, so she say's she can afford to buy it, the cage and feed it, but I have my doubts as to how good she will be at cleaning the cage out, I don't want to have to nag her about it, and also she will not have the paper round forever, she is probably going to stop when she goes to high school, as she will get home a bit late, in the winter anyhow, and she wants to concentrate on her studies, and I want that too., so then who pay's for everything, and if rattie gets sick it still needs to go to the vet, we struggle as it is to make sure the kitties have good care, which they do.

I don't know why I am even doing this thread really, because I think I know I Should just stick to my guns, a part of me thinks it would be good for her to have her own pet, learn the responsibilitys etc(and no not at the Rats expense, it would never be neglected, I would make sure of that) that is just her's, her friend has one, and that is what started all this, but I value everyone's opinions, part of me would quite like a rat, but I know hubby would not. What do you all think?

06-20-2004, 01:53 AM
Well, rats normally don't like to be alone, so you'll have to get 2 of the same sex.

They also need a farely large cage, which can be expensive.
Bedding, Food, Toys, Treats...etc. I'm not sure all of that will fall under $20 a week, so I think you're right with your decision of saying no.

06-20-2004, 02:39 AM
I think you made a good decision in saying no. As much as I hated my parents for saying no to a dog for over 12 years, I now know that it was an excellent decision. I was far better prepared at the age I got Kai at.

Ratties need a lot of attention as they're social animals. I think of it as having a very small, compact dog. Maybe it would be better to wait until she is in a higher grade (after she begins highschool). Things will only get tougher as she gets older.

As for the responsibility thing, how about getting her to scoop the kitty litter and feeding the kitties as a "pre-rat requirement"? That way, she can get a taste of what it's like to own her own pets.

06-20-2004, 03:52 PM
Thank you girls for your response, Yes I know myself it is best just to stick to my guns, I discussed it with hubby and he was totally against it, so I will not be getting her a rattie, we donot have a large house and a large cage would be a nuisance for one.

Yes I should let her have more involvement with the kitties, I am just possessive of my babies and like to care for them myself.

It was good to get your opinions as you are both young and good pet owners, and can see it from a different perspective, although we all came up with the same thoughts in the end.:)

06-20-2004, 05:49 PM
I want a hamster myself:) but i dont like rats because of their tails;) no offense to your daughter:p my opinion is... well... i wouldn't want one:)

06-20-2004, 05:50 PM
even when i do get the hammie i do, i admit, already have 222many pets! just look at my signature those are all of them!

06-20-2004, 05:52 PM
Maybe she could get a different pet? Like a goldfish? Lol. At least feeding everyday and cleaning the bowl would be responsibility.

Or a hamster? I'm not sure how much care they need, have never had one myself.

Edit: but then I guess there are the cats...

06-20-2004, 06:00 PM
I like hams better... but Betta fish can be good too. Hamsters i like because they are smaller than rats and all around sweeter, too. hams live longer than fish and possibly longer than rats

06-20-2004, 06:11 PM
Not all hamsters are sweeter than rats, and not all rats are sweeter than hamsters.
It's cost around the same, as well as time, to take care of them, anyhow.

Rats live around 2-4(?) years.
Goldfish can live for a LONG time as well, if well cared for.
A few fish would be well, if you buy a tank that would be secure from the kitties. My aunts cat used to eat her fish. It takes alot of work to set up a safe aquarium (water testing and so on) and one the fish would enjoy. Also, aquarium decor (hide away rocks, rocks to swim through, etc) can get rather expensive.

I personally like rats better than hamsters because they're larger, smarter (No offense, but it's true), and like Ash said they're like tiny dogs.

06-20-2004, 08:54 PM
There would be no decision over a rat or hamster, as in NZ we donot have Hamsters, but I have decided to stick to my NO, Kay pointed out some things even I had not thought of , we have had mice before but never owned a rat, and they are not the same for sure.
So no rattie for our household!!

06-20-2004, 09:22 PM
good, stick with your kitties:)