View Full Version : Kylie's brother Max.

08-06-2001, 11:35 PM
I haven't had a chance to post this here yet, but Kylie's brother Max has been missing for a week. If you remember, the reason I got Kylie is b/c of a jealous boyfriend who didn't like Kylie b/c of her long hair. She is also more snuggly than Max is and he didn't like that. But b/c Max is shorthaired and more "macho" he tolerated him. But last Tues Max came up missing, supposedly the screen on the back porch was pushed out which made my friend think that he had pushed it open and escaped. But all the people that I work with think the boyfriend did something to him. She has been blinded by his charms and noone can convince her otherwise. I fear for her safety but she thinks we are all nuts. Please keep Max and his momma in your thoughts and prayers. I will keep you posted.

4 feline house
08-07-2001, 01:27 PM
They are on my prayer list. Do keep us posted.

08-07-2001, 05:14 PM
I certainly hope that Max turns up! We're thinking about your friend and Max too! Personally, your friend needs a change in boyfriends too! If my boyfriend were to tell me to get rid of one of my animals...he would have been out the door before you could even say Scat!!! I agree with that saying "you can judge a person by how he treats his animals". It's so true!
I certainly hope your friend isn't in an abusive relationship. Sounds like you and your coworkers have tried to talk to her about this but to no avail. It can be hard, especially if she's smitten with the guy. It's really ashame when stuff like that happens. I was in a relationship like that for a long time (high school/college) ...before I really realized the true nature of the person. It's scary to be with someone for 3 years...only to find out you really didn't know them. Anyway, our prayers and thoughts to your friend and Max. *hugs* to you, shai and kylie!! :)

08-08-2001, 11:59 AM
I hope Max comes home soon. I would be talking to the foyfriend and getting the truth out of him if I had any thought that he did or might had something to do with Max missing. It is not much of a relationship if he did do something like that to an animal and act like nothing is wrong. The truth needs to be heard. Would a person really want to be with someone that is that cruel. What else could he do to her maybe she will be next. I hope not. Hope things work out.