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View Full Version : Total Neglect Grrrr!!!!

06-19-2004, 06:56 PM
http://img42.photobucket.com/albums/v128/QueenScoopalot/TotalNeglect.jpg These kittens were all born in a home.http://img42.photobucket.com/albums/v128/QueenScoopalot/VERYSickBaby.jpg There are six sick kittens here, and from four different litters.http://img42.photobucket.com/albums/v128/QueenScoopalot/NeglectedKittens.jpg I got thrown into the middle of this mess last night when a woman I know (Ruth) went to the pharmacy for something and saw one kitten running through the parking lot. She drove to my house with it..I wasn't answering the door as I had NO idea who it was so she brings the kitten to my friend Barbara and dumps it on her. Then goes back to Brooks(pharmacy) and 'finds' three more. By then I got word of what was happening and headed to Barbara's to get the one and here comes Ruth driving up to my house with a stranger in the backseat, with a carrier. One of the kittens had got loose in the car and was up under the dashboard and Ruth goes to open the car door! :mad: I jumped in quick and found the terrified kitten up by the steering column and pulled the poor thing out by the hind legs. :( So I'm up to four. The woman in the backseat is the so called "good samaratin" who OWNS these kittens and Ruth brings her to my home??? :confused: :eek: So I headed to Brooks in my car and the street is seething with more cats than I'd ever seen around there. I find out that this woman and her husband feed the cats, but only lay claim to the older (un-fixed) ones, but NOT their offspring, or any of the multiple young cats born in this jack*** couple's basement. I talked them into giving me the sole survivor of one litter and that kitten is very emaciated, dehydrated, terrible URI & conjunctivitis to top it all off. It's a wonder it made it so long with them as it wasn't getting any milk judging by how stuffed up the poor thing is. here's the kicker...I told them about Ashley the grey longhaired girl Leslieflenner & I found a few months ago, and though they say they have three DLH greys...she wasn't one of theirs. Yeah Right!! :mad: :mad: :mad: http://img42.photobucket.com/albums/v128/QueenScoopalot/AshleyFromLewisSt.jpg ASHLEY DIED FROM THEIR NEGLECT!!!!

06-19-2004, 08:09 PM
Jan, they are so pitiful looking! I can see why you are angry. Looks like they would just fix their cats so this kind of thing would not keep happening. I guess they just don't care!

Just look at those poor little eyes, I have never seen such neglect before.

My heart just goes out to you, Jan, you are such a good hearted person.


leslie flenner
06-19-2004, 08:10 PM
was found dying under a dumpster right across the street from the above residence- she was definatly their cat! There is illness rampant within this "colony"! The kittens may or may not survive and god knows where the mothers are, (right jan?). If they were healthy, they could stay here, but they are not and with all the probs I've had with Siamese Tuva, I don't dare add another problem to the house. Plus, Shy has been sneezing and dripping again...The Boston North Shore is in dire need of more foster homes, so if any of you out there are in the area, please think about volunteering to foster street litters! There are many more out there that we are not checking on because there is no room any where to put them.
thanks jan for what you are able to do!!

06-19-2004, 08:21 PM
Thankfully the little tykes are responding fast to antibiotics and eye ointment. This pair of idiots were using boric acid to wash the babies eyes. GRRR!! There's more kitten still in their basement that I guess they didn't have time to throw out last night. Maybe they're running through the pharmacy parking lot this evening...who knows? I'm rather p**ssed off that Ruth throws this mess at me unannounced, and that she can't take a few and put them in her place. P.S Leslie I'm sure it's only lack of proper nutrition, antibiotics when they needed them, and probably squalor that accounts for their bad health right now. They ARE looking better, and every time I go to give the tiniest baby fluids, he's eating wet food. They only feed dry, and I wonder how often? :confused: :mad: :confused:

06-19-2004, 08:22 PM
Poor little kittens :(

As for the people...........:mad:.........no comment as this is a family site.

06-19-2004, 11:18 PM
God bless you and these innocent babies! :( :( :(
This "person" needs to be reported and STOPPED!!!!:mad: :mad:

Prayers they these little ones will make it, and the needless suffering will soon end.

06-20-2004, 01:17 AM
Jen my sentiments exactly, I am so angry with these people to hear what they have done, I better just say nothing, except I wish you all the luck in the world with these darling kittens, you are a wonderful person, positive vibes sent your way for a speedy recovery for these precious furbabies.

06-20-2004, 11:11 AM
I know that this would be expensive , but is there any way that you could convince these Idiots to have thier Cars altered , as the Chain , of Unwanted Kittens has to be Stopped! I ahve at least 6 Stary Cats , or neglected cats , that conme to the Hotel , and none are Fixed! And I acant touch them , as you cant alter someones Cats . But If I, or THe AWA have fixed , and Rehomed Three Cats , Franklin , Gary and Nugget , who lives here now , as well as Elizabeth , and Roscoe P.

06-20-2004, 12:30 PM
Oh my gosh, I'm appalled!

You're wonderful for taking care of these little babies, but I totally understand your frustration! I have never been able to understand how people can let their cats roam and not be responsible enough to get them spayed/neutered. Even when it's just a male and female cat kept indoors...unless you plan to keep and care for the kittens, why would you not get your cats "fixed"?

It is difficult enough to find good, loving homes for kittens, I just can't believe that people would let their cats breed, then just abandon the kittens! :mad:

Good luck with these little babies. Maybe you can talk some sense into these idiots and get them to be responsible and get their cats spayed/neutered before another litter is born and they decide to abandon the poor babies again.

06-20-2004, 02:08 PM
I have talked w/them about spaying the cats, and they've agreed to do one that is possibly pregnant. I have a low cost program through my local vets and when they heard the price quoted, it perked up their ears some. I'm probably going to take several of the mom cats and place them through the shelter. I really don't have a clue as to which litter belongs to which mom cat, and I doubt they do either. :rolleyes: I don't think they could be bothered spaying too many of them. They will only claim the oldest cats as theirs. The offspring and their kittens (which I have most of) they could care less about, and probably were hoping they'd get killed on the street. Very busy street 2 doors down from these idiots home. And to throw sick kittens out is just sickening to me. I wish if I reported them something would be done, but I know the (so called) animal protection groups are useless around here. :mad:

06-20-2004, 02:46 PM
OMG! That's the same here!
No one cares about the animals
except a few!
The Humane Society is great but the
animal control is ******* stupid!:mad:

I hope the kittens get better...
I was just wondering have you got them
tested yet because if those people are as much
as idiots as you say then the cats breeding could
have possibly have a decease(feline lukiema, aids,ect..)?

leslie flenner
06-23-2004, 11:15 PM
Are you concerned about leukemia at this point? Was mom tested? (re: above post). How are they doing with meds? You are the angel!
And for an fyi, jan rescued a cat last night in a grocery store parking lot under a car. A female tabby that was terrified and the store employees said they'd been chasing her around with a broom for a few days! She is friendly but scared and hopefully Jan found her rightful (or not?) owner today through the lost animal book at the vets...

06-24-2004, 06:08 AM
The kittens are doing MUCH better now that they've had antibiotics for several days. They are starting to act like kittens and the lethargy is lifting. None are tested as I don't have the funds to start testing kittens I didn't anticipate in the first place. And Leslie...the cat under the car is here, and she was not being chased around for days with a broom. The cat had been there maybe an hour. I wonder if someone went to dump her at the animal hospital only to find out they don't take in strays. Thankfully she's not filled up with milk.:rolleyes: ;)