View Full Version : Dog Day Afternoon Event - 130 Pictures!

06-19-2004, 06:30 PM
The boys, Tiffaney and I had a blast today at the "Dog Day Afternoon" event. Kai was a bit "talkative" when he saw the other dogs doing agility but he quickly learned "leave it". Kaedyn was a really good boy today! The only time he growled was at a little dog but it was a very small growl and stopped after a second. Other than that, he didn't even bark at a single person or dog! He also didn't attempt to lunge at anyone!! Here are some pictures followed by the link to the album:


Blue merle Sheltie


hehehe, Kaedyn started walking in front of Kai and blocked his view of the agility course. Kai, of course, couldn't "talk" to the dogs on the course! :D

A BC getting some good ol' TLC

Kai and I playing "Musical Mats". It was like musical chairs except the dogs were supposed to sit on the mat. Kai won. :D

Then we went to the water.

A reluctant Kaedyn

Kai seemed to enjoy the water. This was his second time in the water. The first time we introduced him to water, he was TERRIFIED!! He even attempted to swim a couple times! (You can see Kaedyn refusing to go in too)

A Golden and Kae saying hi.

More comin'

06-19-2004, 06:36 PM
Kai tryin' to swim

My pretty boy! :D


Posing with the treats he won from "musical mats"


The album (http://www.imagestation.com/album/?id=4286500085&mode=invite)

06-19-2004, 07:10 PM

LMAO! That would *so* be Daisy, haha. :p

Awww, pretty boys! :D Looks like a lot of fun.

I'm amazed Kai seems to like the water.. I've never seen a Sheltie or Collie 'enjoy' water for any reason. :p

Great pictures, Ash!

06-19-2004, 07:39 PM
Great pics of a fun day:D Congrats Kaedyn on being such a good boy...so well mannered!:) And to Kai, the musical mats winner:D You even got a swim in, sweetie:)

06-19-2004, 10:44 PM
Awesome pics Ashley!:D Looks like tons of fun, I wish we had something like that here. Congrats to Kai for winning 'musical mats', and a 'Good boy!' to Kaedyn! Give them both hugs for me!:)

06-20-2004, 12:45 PM
Great pictures! Looks like they had fun! All the dogs are very cute:D

Thanks for sharing!:)

06-20-2004, 04:58 PM
I could have sworn I left a comment here earlier.........Your dogs are so cute. I would love to see an agility show in real life. I've just seen them on tv. I'll bet you have to brush those dogs a lot with all that hair! I can only imagine the shedding. Duke sheds like crazy and doesn't have long hair like that.

06-20-2004, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
I could have sworn I left a comment here earlier.........Your dogs are so cute. I would love to see an agility show in real life. I've just seen them on tv. I'll bet you have to brush those dogs a lot with all that hair! I can only imagine the shedding. Duke sheds like crazy and doesn't have long hair like that.

Agility is so fun to watch! (And I bet even funner to compete in). If you ever get a chance to see one, please do! They're loads of fun and it's amazing to see the dogs work so closely with their owners. I found a link to a page of agility events in Florida just in case you're interested.. http://www.doortosummer.com/door/civic/eventsfrm.htm

Hehe, I actually don't brush them all that much. I just give them a full detailed brushing once a week and little quick brushes a couple times a week. The shedding on the other hand... :rolleyes: LOL! Well, that's why I like to call them "Shetland Shedders". :p

06-20-2004, 05:09 PM
Wow, wonderful pictures!

Agility is so much fun, my papillon and I have our first competition in 2 weeks. :) I am so relived, I thought we would never make it to as good as we are now....man 'o man did she give me trouble when we started.

I have a question- how big are your Shelties? ALL the Shelties we do agility with (and that I know) are so much smaller, about the size of my pap. just a bit bigger. Their noses are much more slender, too. Just wondering!


06-20-2004, 05:21 PM
Kaedyn is 15 inches (give or take .5 inches). Kai is 17.5 inches. Kai's a bit of a throw-off as far a typical Sheltie appearances go. He has a huge frame and is way longer than Kaedyn. His face is a bit off too. Kaedyn's a bit off of typical appearances as well but he's actually quite small.. he's pretty much at the expected size for Shelties. I've noticed a lot of agility (and flyball) Shelties are quite small though so maybe that's why my boys seem a bit big lol.

06-20-2004, 09:56 PM
Great pictures!! Wish we had more stuff like that around here, Claire would love it, Rebel wouldn't though, he's too worried so to speak.

06-21-2004, 03:38 PM
Cute pics!!!

And wow! I am impressed with Mr. Swimming Kai. Em and Clipse will only wade :)

06-21-2004, 03:51 PM
I missed these! Wonderful pics, I'm very proud of Kaedyn too. He sounds a bit how Tasha was around people at first. Imagine how shocked I was when at 7 months old, we were walking by some people and one lady reached out to touch Tash and she lunged at her with a snarl! :eek: She growled at people a few more times after that, but seems totally over that now. I don't know why it started, I socialized her vigorously, but she has just never liked strangers. I took her to puppy classes and she was timid and nervous until she got used to the people after a few sessions, then she was fine. She often warms up to other women with no problem but is extremely suspicious of men she doesn't know. Anyway, to this day I still worry a bit when I'm around a lot of people that someone will suddenly reach down to touch her and she will lunge like that.

I'm in awe that Kai liked to swim too. My collies would wade a bit but never swim. They hated for water to get past their elbows. He's such a sweetie. He has a bit more of a collie look to him IMO. :)

06-21-2004, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by K9soul
I'm in awe that Kai liked to swim too. My collies would wade a bit but never swim. They hated for water to get past their elbows. He's such a sweetie. He has a bit more of a collie look to him IMO. :)

I was completely shocked that he even attempted to lay a foot in the water. He's usually timid of everything so I didn't expect him to go in but he sure surprised me by following me in. :D

There was a time that my mom and I thought he might have collie or some other breed in him. But now I think he was just the "ugly duckling" in his litter (although, he sure is a CUTE "ugly duckling"!)

06-21-2004, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by binka_nugget
There was a time that my mom and I thought he might have collie or some other breed in him. But now I think he was just the "ugly duckling" in his litter (although, he sure is a CUTE "ugly duckling"!)

I've seen definite purebred shelties that have the same sort of build and look of Kai. I think like you said, it is a bit of a throwback to the probable original sheltie :). I personally really like the collie-ish look of him and the others I have seen like him :)

06-22-2004, 08:31 AM
Oh my those two of yours are just something else! I think they get more handsome every time I see them:D
It really looks like they had a great day...and they even attempted to get in the water! More than mine would do!

I love the pictures and the one you choose for your siggy is awesome:D