View Full Version : Help! Cat Lover with no cat

10-09-2001, 03:19 PM
Hey everybody!~ i absolutley LOVE cats, :) and i want one really bad but my mom wont let me get one! :( Ive asked her about a million times, she is not allergic or anything, she just says she does not want it to be annoying her when all the kids are at school :rolleyes: Why would it want to bother her? cats spend almost all of their time sleeping :o :p She wont let me get one and its getting tword christmas now and i need a way to let her get me a cat! :confused:

10-09-2001, 03:24 PM
Hi its me again. Another reason why she doesnt want one is cuz says that the cats litter box will smell really bad :rolleyes: I even proved to her that i can take care of a cat cuz i took care of two when my friend went on vacation and i took reely good care of them. One of the cats would always come up to me and start purring whenever i came over their house to feed them. :cool:

10-09-2001, 05:41 PM
Hey Furrykittenlover,

Please tell your Mom that kitty litter has improved a LOT over the years. The scoopable kind is really good ... just scoop the stinky stuff out daily and everything left behind smells fine!

This may sound crazy, but ask your Mom if you could get two kitties ... then they'll play with each other and not bother her with their kitteny behavior and high energy. If you get two from the same litter, or two young ones they will be best friends for life!

Good luck, and keep us posted ...


10-10-2001, 10:04 AM
I agree with Catwoman. The scoopable litter is excellent and as long as you're really good about scooping, you won't have a problem with odor. My boys' litterbox is in my bathroom, which is about the size of a matchbox, so odors could easily take over. I scoop twice a day and I have no odor problem.
Good Luck, I hope your Mom lets you get two babies. I'll bet you that it won't be long before they capture her heart, too. ;)

Oh, I forgot to mention-when I was growing up, every time I wanted a new pet or anything that required responsibility, I would always try to show my mom how responsible I could be with other things and prove to her that I could handle it. You know, keep your room extra clean, do your chores without being reminded and most importantly, keep those grades really high. She will realize that you are serious and can handle the responsibility.
Hope you get your kitties soon! :D :D

[ October 10, 2001: Message edited by: thelmalu99 ]

10-10-2001, 10:43 AM
Dear Furrykittenlover - good luck on getting your kitties - and remember if you do get them don't let the newness wear off and make your Mom do all the work :)

10-10-2001, 02:36 PM
Hey everybody :) its me. I havent asked her about it yet im trying to think of a way to ask her without getting mad :rolleyes: :rolleyes: i gotta catch her in a real good mood. :rolleyes: I hope she says yes. Ill ask her about getting 2 kittens, but i dont know if she will even let me get one :rolleyes:

10-10-2001, 03:48 PM
furrykittenlover, I think Thelmalu has given you some excellent advice. First you have to prove to your mom that you are responsible enough to care for a kitty. So many times children ask for a pet and then stop taking care of him/her and then Mom has to step in. Let your mom know you are serious by trying a few of the ideas that Thelmalu mentioned. Also, daily and even twice a day scooping will definitely eliminate the odor. I have two cats and I scoop once a day and have never had an odor problem. I am sure the scoopable litter gets some of the credit and your mom might not be familiar with it. My fingers are crossed for you. I hope you get a little furry kitty to love. Be sure and let us know! :)

10-10-2001, 07:41 PM
Thanks for the tips guys. Im probably going to ask her tommorow. Ive been giving her lots of hints. :) I have had lots of pets in the past, fish, parakeets, hamsters... Right now I have 3 zebra finches (at one point I had 6) and I also have a muscovy duck, and he is just like a puppy :rolleyes: he will come up to me wagging his tail ready to play. :p The only bad thing bout him is that his way of playing is biting :rolleyes: so i have to be real careful around him.
I was thinking of asking my dad for a kitten, cuz my dad lets me get everything ;) hehe. He let me get all my pets. I think i'll ask my dad first. I'll tell you guys how it turns out :)