View Full Version : Death row dog stolen by an employee

06-18-2004, 10:47 PM
Here's an interesting article I thought I'd share. Within the last few days, a girl by the name of Amanda Muir has stolen and hidden a Rottie that was to be put to sleep. This happened in the Delta, BC SPCA which actually isn't too far from here. The interesting thing is not only that she is an employee at the SPCA and that she stole the dog but she was also attacked by a Rottweiler last year and is still getting recognized for it. I think the article below mentions her getting recognition just a few weeks ago and is now possibly being charged for theft.

"Frank Greenfield used to have two dogs – Kimick, a Sheppard Akida cross and Cheech, a Rottweiler- Lab.

In April, the SPCA took Cheech away.

Frank says Cheech had a mean bark, but he never bit anyone. Frank cried when the SPCA took him, but he was assured Cheech was in good hands.

He says he was told the Cheech would’t be put down, that he’d be taken care of.

The SPCA changed its mind and Cheech is now on death row.

Frank doesn’t understand why the SPCA made that decision. And even SPCA employees are perplexed.

Amanda Muir is one of those employees. She says that Cheech gets along well with other dogs – and people.

But the manager who ordered the dog destroyed painted a much different portrait. He says that Cheech displayed aggression that has the organization concerned.

But Cheech isn’t sitting on death row. Amanda Muir and her friends abducted him. And they won’t say where the dog is.

What Amanda does say is that she knows dogs. Last year, when a Rottweiler attacked her, she almost lost two arms. She was hailed as a hero.

Just two weeks ago - Delta police honoured Amanda for her role in that attack. She held the dog and protected school children from being attacked. Now, Delta police are investigating Amanda for theft.

When and if Cheech is found, the SPCA says the kill order will stand. They say they tested him and he failed.

The SPCA is worried about adopting him if he has the potential to bite.

The SPCA motto is "we speak for those who cannot speak for themselves."

That's what Cheech's supporters say they're doing.

The SPCA has suspended two of its employees for their role in Cheech's disappearance. "
I had the chance to meet her a couple times. She's truly an amazing girl.

06-18-2004, 11:59 PM
wow I hope no one bites me for this but Go Girl!:)

06-19-2004, 06:51 AM
I agree. Good for her! Hope they never find him and he lives a long and happy life.

06-19-2004, 10:34 AM
I can't say anything specific, but at the shelter I work at, theft by employees happens more than one would think. We are no-kill, but there are a handful of dogs and cats every year who need to be put down for extreme behavioral or health reasons. Its really hard on us, and sometimes people take matters into their own hands.