View Full Version : All My Children

06-18-2004, 12:46 PM
OK, let's hope this works. :)






06-18-2004, 12:48 PM
Oh my gosh! I remember your babies so well. Its been way too long since we've seen pictures of them. They are every bit as cute as I remembered! Thanks so much for sharing! :D

06-18-2004, 12:52 PM
Cute!!! Is Yertle named after the children's book "I'm Yertle the turtle, oh marvelous me! For I am the king of all that I see!"
JD has mongo big paws!:eek: May I schmoozle his belly?
I think Elvis needs a *SMOOCH* right at the top of his white arrow - will you deliver it please? right at the top where it comes to a point? ah!!!

06-18-2004, 01:01 PM
Is Yertle named after the children's book "I'm Yertle the turtle, oh marvelous me! For I am the king of all that I see!"

:) You got it, chickie!

Haha, yeah, JD has some big ol'paws. When I got him, he was only 6 months old, and his paws were gigantic. I even jokingly asked the lady at the shelter, "you sure he's not a baby tiger, lady??" :)

Thanks for the sweet comments. I shall deliver your smooches and schmoozles. ;)

06-18-2004, 01:15 PM
Would you be so kind as to send Elvis to Connecticut to sing for me? ;) He is just sooooo adorable.

JD...I could give you kisses on your pawsie's all day long.

I am really bad with other animals....so would you please tell me what kind of turtle is TimTam and Yurtle? I'm very curious about them. --- Meg

06-18-2004, 01:16 PM
Oh, hello TimTam and Yertle
Our much-missed turtles
And Elvis, luxurious
JD orangefurryus

We're glad to have your mom and you back again!

06-18-2004, 01:22 PM
Thelma! :D Great pics!

I think you should retell the uh... "private moment" you shared with a certain furby while listening to Cold Play! (Haha... anyone else -much to Thelma's chargrin- remember that?) :p

06-18-2004, 01:37 PM
I am really bad with other animals....so would you please tell me what kind of turtle is TimTam and Yurtle? I'm very curious about them. --- Meg

Meg, Yertle is an Eastern Box Turtle, but I'm not too sure about TimTam. I have had some people guess that he may be some sort of river turtle, but nobody can tell me for sure. I have looked on the internet, but no luck. I think I'm going to post his pic in the pet general area and hope that someone will know.

Haha, Zippy, you have a very good memory, unfortunately for me! :D :D
I think you're talking about the time that Elvis got...ahem...aroused while laying with me listening to music. He's a very affectionate cat, but I was like...wha??? LOL! Yeah, luckily it was only that one time. The last thing I needed was for my cat to get "happy" everytime he sat on someone's lap, LMAO.

Edwina's Secretary
06-18-2004, 01:43 PM
How good to see your kids again Thelma! All grown up now....;)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-18-2004, 01:54 PM
Awww....Elvis and JD are adorable! Two such cutie pie orangies. :D And I have to admit I was a bit surprised when I saw a turtle! Expected another kitty but got a turtle instead. :D

Almost like the time when I was little and we went fishing. Got a bite on my line. Expected a fish but got a snapping turtle instead! Needless to say we got him off the hook and back into the water as quickly as possibly so we didn't get snapped! :D

How do the kitties react to the turtles? They could probably care less since a turtle is slow which tends to bore most kitties. ;) :D

06-18-2004, 02:01 PM
Wow! They're both gorgeous. Elvis certainly gives you the look! He has beautiful markings. JD looks SO much like Fister. :eek:

It's been quite a while - good to see you back! :)

06-18-2004, 02:44 PM
It's great to see pics of the kids again, Thelma! Elvis and JD are looking so fine! And isn't it great to see Yertle again! You didn't have TimTam last time you were here, did you? What a cutie! Remember when we all first joined? We were only just beginning/learning to post pics:D Hope to be seeing lots of more them!

Ally Cat's Mommy
06-18-2004, 02:55 PM
OMG Orangie Overload!!! Elvis and JD are gorgeous!! Sending them big scritchies and smooches!

06-18-2004, 03:57 PM
I think you have some adorable critters there, I love those turtles, wow, they are just adorable!

Thanks for sharing!


06-18-2004, 03:57 PM
Aww! JD reminds me of my Mishi - he even has the same ginormous velvet paws.

06-18-2004, 06:10 PM
Thanks for the kind words, everybody!

How do the kitties react to the turtles?

Well, TimTam stays in a tank, because Yertle doesn't know how to play nice with him, but Yertle roams free. The kitties don't really bother with him; they just kind of look at him when he walks by, like what the heck IS that??
Once, Yertle bit Elvis' tail while Elvis was at his feeding bowl, and Elvis jumped about 4 feet up in the air and Yertle went flying across the kitchen floor. It was scary and funny at the same time. Thankfully, he didn't bite hard, so Elvis wasn't hurt, but since that incident, Elvis always minds his tail when Yertle is around! LOL
They live very peacefully together, though, and I guess it's because the cats don't really feel threatened by a turtle. Just gotta watch those tails! :)

You didn't have TimTam last time you were here, did you?

No, back when I used to post, Yertle was my only turtle. I think I came here and posted when I got TimTam, though, but then I pulled a disappearing act again. :o

Remember when we all first joined? We were only just beginning/learning to post pics

I sure do! Hahaha! Now, everybody has pics all over the place and those fancy-schmancy collages in their siglines. They look awesome! I'm really impressed at how creative everybody here is!
I have to admit, though, that I'm still not too good at it. I can post pics off the Internet just fine, but trying to post my own?? Fuhgeddabout it!
To make things worse, I just got this digital camera two days ago, and I have had one heck of a time trying to learn how to use the software and upload the pics. Image size, file type, blah, blah, blah. I just want to post my pics already!!! :rolleyes:

Sending them big scritchies and smooches!

I have delivered them, and they are much appreciated! Sending the same back to your little darlins! :)

Thanks again, evrybody! The boys are happy that you all liked their pics! :D

06-18-2004, 06:15 PM
I jus love Elvis!! :D Wonderful pictures, adorable kids!
We need more hehe
Thought maybe you'd like this...;)


06-18-2004, 06:29 PM

I LOVE that!!! How did you do that so fast????

I have set it as the background on my desktop, is that okay?

Now, for the million dollar question. How do I load that on to my web hosting thingy to put it in my sigline?

You are awesome, Kay! Thank you!

06-18-2004, 06:38 PM
You're welcome!!

Yes, that's okay. :D

Well, you can use it from where I have it loaded, but if you'd rather have it on your webhosting service, you can right click on it and save it. The load it however you load pictures.

If you'd like to use it from mine, like i said, that's fine..

Just do the following:

Copy and paste this:



Go to your user CP located at the top of the page.
Then to edit profile.
There will be a text field labeled "Signature"
Paste what I told you to copy into the signature area.
Delete the "***" from the last bracket.
Scroll down and submit modifications. :)

06-18-2004, 06:47 PM

Edited to add: IT WORKS!! It looks fabulous, Kay! I'll use it from where you have it, and Monday I'll try to upload it to my place from work, because my home computer gets wacky when I try to upload stuff from here.

Thanks again! You rock! :D

06-18-2004, 09:54 PM
I love the sweet expression on Elvis' face ... and JD ... that BELLY!!! *rub, rub, rub* :D

Cute little turtle kids too!!!;)

06-19-2004, 12:05 AM
Thanks, KLC!
I think Elvis always looks so serious in pictures, so for this one, I just snapped my fingers up above my head, and when he looked up, I took the picture. It's one of my favorite pictures of him, because his expression seems to show his sweet personality. He's really a sweetheart, and he has come a long way since I adopted him 3 years ago! :)

I have given JD belly rubbies on your behalf, and let me tell you, he LOVED them and wants more! :D

Snuggles to your little ones too!

06-19-2004, 12:40 AM
Okay, I'm in love with two new kitties!!!!

I've never really been around turtles, except the few snapping ones when I'd going fishing as a kid, but yours are very neat looking.

Isn't Kay great making sigs??? I love the one she made for you. I wished she lived close to me so I could have her tutor me on how to do that. I have the software I just can't figure it out.

06-19-2004, 12:58 AM
I've never really been around turtles, except the few snapping ones when I'd going fishing as a kid, but yours are very neat looking.

Aw, thanks! They're pretty cool, and they don't snap! I promise! :D

Isn't Kay great making sigs???

She certainly is! Did you look at the times on our posts?
FIVE minutes from when I posted about the cool sigs people had until she had something made up for me. Girlfriend is a wiz!

06-19-2004, 05:51 AM
Your kitties are gorgeous!!! What doll babies and you have been hiding them from us newbies? I would love to see lots more pictures of those cuties!
the turtles are as cute as any turtle could be! I have always loved turtles but I have never lived with one. I love the story about the tail biting! Poor kitty but I bet it was funny to see since nobody really got hurt.:D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif
As soon as you get your camera figured out I hope you will post more pictures of all your cute crew.:) :) http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/smile.gif

06-19-2004, 08:46 AM
They worked just fine , and we all love to see our CatPals! And A special MMMEEOW To Yertle , the Turtle!

06-19-2004, 12:58 PM
Wow Thelma - look at you - back five minutes and the owner of a very snazzy sig., - great work KayAnn.

Oh how lovely to see Elvis and JD again - please give both those gorgeous furries great big sloppy nose kisses and BIG cuddles from me xxxxx

I'm not sure what the correct greeting for turtles is!:eek: :eek:
Do we do shell scratchies or something like that!! :D Or just say 'Hi' Yertle and TimTam :) :)


06-19-2004, 02:51 PM
LOL, Lynne! You're too funny!
I don't think there's any established etiquette for greeting turtles. Shell scratchies are fine. Yertle likes the top of his head rubbed. :) As long as lovies are being sent their way, they're happy little campers. :D

06-19-2004, 03:08 PM
JD and Elvis are just adorable. I love the belly-up one of JD:D The turtles are very cute too.

Lisa & Sash

06-20-2004, 01:58 AM
JD and Elvis sure are handsome. I'm a big orangie fan.:)
Tim Tam and Yertle are cute too.:)

06-20-2004, 10:16 AM
Its sooooo great to see those adorable furkids again!!! (The turtles are wonderful too :) )

As always, I love that little JD of yours....Elvis is super cute too.

06-20-2004, 11:14 AM
Thanks Noah's Mom!
I have to say that the first time I saw a pic of little Noah, I fell instantly in love! He and my JD have that same little baby face, even though they are not babies anymore.

Noah is just gorgeous, and I can't wait to hear more about your new additions! I remember you got Noel shortly before I left, but the others I guess came around while I was gone. Your fur family sure has grown! Please tell me more about them! :D

06-20-2004, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by thelmalu99

Edited to add: IT WORKS!! It looks fabulous, Kay! I'll use it from where you have it, and Monday I'll try to upload it to my place from work, because my home computer gets wacky when I try to upload stuff from here.

Thanks again! You rock! :D

You're VERY welcome!!
Anytime you want a new one, just holler at me in PM. :p :p :D

Thanks for the comments on my work. :)