View Full Version : My house might become a cat house!

06-18-2004, 12:21 PM
Me and the hubby talked it over. We are both "cat people" and have missed having a fury "snot" *I love the story about how cats were born btw* around. If we can work it with the landlord and find the right kitty *we want to make sure the cat wants us lol* we are going to open up our home! We are looking only at shelters and rescues *every cat we've both had were shelter kitties*
Thought I'd share, I've always wanted another kitty and now I might get my wish sooner than I expected!!!

:D :D :D

06-18-2004, 12:25 PM
I KNEW it!! You've been hanging around here quite a bit for someone with no kitties:D :D
Like they say here: Resistance is futile!

06-18-2004, 12:27 PM
DJ, that would be so great! I hope you and your hubby finds just the right one for you!

When you get it, I do hope you will post some pictures! I think this is really good news!


06-18-2004, 12:39 PM
Oh pix will definatly be on the agenda...

Debbie, you are right, I can't resist a kitty!!!

The hubby always says I ACT like a cat *not sure if I should take that as a complement or not lol*

06-18-2004, 12:46 PM
DJ, it sounds like a compliment to me! Hmmm, so you are a mysterious woman? Thats good, that will keep his interest going in you!;)


06-18-2004, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by DJFyrewolf36
The hubby always says I ACT like a cat *not sure if I should take that as a complement or not lol*
This reminds me of something I HAVE to tell you! I have always been painfully shy. Something I have done as long as I can remember - when I am in an awkward situation and start to feel panicky - is to *pretend I am a cat*!! No kidding. It calms me and must give me a look of confidence and coolness:D I recently had to do some depositions - I used this method and now pass it on to others who are facing the same thing!! It works GREAT!!!:D :p

06-18-2004, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
This reminds me of something I HAVE to tell you! I have always been painfully shy. Something I have done as long as I can remember - when I am in an awkward situation and start to feel panicky - is to *pretend I am a cat*!! No kidding. It calms me and must give me a look of confidence and coolness:D I recently had to do some depositions - I used this method and now pass it on to others who are facing the same thing!! It works GREAT!!!:D :p

I love it! I'm going to try it myself. Of course, if I start purring and meowing in business meetings, I might get some strange looks.... :D

06-18-2004, 12:51 PM
Not as strange as the looks I've gotten growling at people ... low, big dog growl can be very effective in certain situations! ;)

06-18-2004, 12:57 PM
I hiss at people :rolleyes: sometimes totally unintentionally! Somebody will be invading my space in a store or something and I'll just hiss at em! It gets me some STRANGE looks. I like to lay in the sun all streached out or curled up *our bed gets a nice sun beam in the mornings, the hubby said that sometimes when Im curled up in the sun he swears he immagines a tail wraped around me lol* I walk around with cattitude he says. And like cats, if I don't like someone I'll just walk off and ignore them! And my eye color is like that of a cat, you know that cat green? *What official color is that anyhow?*

06-18-2004, 02:32 PM
So, how soon can we welcome a new kitty to PT? Ohh, we're going kitty shopping!

06-18-2004, 09:47 PM
The hubby is calling our ex roomate. They have three kitties, all Maine Coon mixes, and for some reason the runt kitty is getting picked on :(. Squirt, the runt, attached herself to us when we were living there. We were going to take her when we moved but we werent sure what the landlord would say but since we have found out that there are at least six people here with cats, a few birds and a dog, I figure the landlord has NO right to complain! The lease says "no pets" but it turns out that they mean "no obnoxious, destructive pets" lol. As long as no one complains about her, it looks like Squirt might be getting a new home :)! I hope our ex roomate realizes how miserable poor Squirt is and lets us take her!
I really love Squirt *she slept on our bed when we were there and was my little furry shadow*. I miss her too...I really hope we can be reunited!

06-18-2004, 09:51 PM
How exciting! I hope Squirt can become your baby!!! If not, I am sure you will find a very lucky shelter kitty! Can't wait to meet the new addition!!!:)

06-19-2004, 12:50 AM
Oh yeah, a new kitty!!!!!

I hope you get Squirt since there is already a bond there but if not saving a shelter kitty will be great. I've had Scout now for 11 months and watching her come out of her shell and really appreciate a home and a reliable meal has been both fun and heartwarming. She was somewhere between 9-12 months old when we got her and had been an abused stray when she was rescued.

06-19-2004, 12:55 AM
This is wonderful news!!!:) I hope you'll be able to adopt Squirt. She sounds like she'd be a great companion. I can't wait to hear more and see pictures too.:)

06-19-2004, 08:50 AM
That is Good Newsas there are so many deserving cats , at shelters , wpould would repay you a thousand times over , for giving them ,a New Lease , on Life.And of course he will ned a Friend to Play with!