View Full Version : Catlover4ever's other furkids!!!

06-18-2004, 11:42 AM
My mom is away for a week so I am taking care of her furbabies. I have posted a few pictures of them before but I have some new ones to share with everyone.

To her babies I am refered to as Auntie. Auntie spoils these babies. So I hope everyone enjoys "My other furkids"

My mom has 2 different sets of litters. One litter from Cucumber and another set from Tiger-Lily. They actually get along really well together.

Cucumber was the first cat that started to hang around my mom's house 7 summers ago. She was very, very thin so mom started to feed her. About a week later Cucumber showed up with her babies....Buttercup, Midnight and Ma-Gee.

This is Cucumber. She is extra gentle. She loves to sleep in your next...kind of like you are wearing a fur piece. I call Cucumber "my cow kitty" because she reminds me of a Holstein cow...except she has gray spots not black.

This is Ma-Gee. She is extra special. We call her the "lovebug". She loves to cuddle and will roll all over for you.

This is Buttercup. Her eyes are completely crossed and she is very, very shy.

This is Midnight. This guy is HUGE. I call him my black panther. I think he has a little Siamese/Burmese in him. The first picture is an older one of him. His nickname is Count Kittyla because he has 2 teeth that hang down and it reminds me of Count Dracula.

Pictures of Tiger-Lily and her babies will be in the next post.

06-18-2004, 11:53 AM
This is Tiger-Lily. She is the other mommy cat that my mom rescued. Tiger-Lily started hanging around mom's house about a year after Cucumber. I begged my mom not to get rid of her because I thought she was just so cute....being a kitten and all. Well turns out Tiger-Lily was a momma and was full grown. Tiger-Lily brought my mom 4 kittens. Figaro, Rascal, Rufus, and Lilly-Mae. Rufus went to the RB in 2000.

We later found out that a girl up the road from my mom was the owner of Cucumber and Tiger-Lily but was not taking good care of the cats...all the little girl wanted was for the moms to have kittens and then she would stop feeding Cucumber and Tiger-Lily...needless to say....mom has all of the cats now.

Tiger-Lily...It amazes me how tiny she is and she carried 4 kittens.

Rascal. We really thought she was a he. Good thing we named her Rascal and it fit either a boy or a girl...and she lives up to her name.

This is Lilly-Mae. She is my little Mazie....but boy does she have an attitude problem.

And last but not least Figaro. He is doing really well since he dislocated his hip. PT prayers worked really well for him at the beginning of the year.

Thanks for letting me share as I do consider all of these babies to be mine as well. Since staying at my mom's house Abner has been very depressed and Smokey, Mystic and Tigger have been behaving really well for their daddy....but I will spend the weekend sleeping the nights at home so I am sure that they will misbehave while I'm there.

06-18-2004, 12:12 PM
Well Auntie Meg!! You have some wonderful furr-nieces and nephews!!:D Tiger-Lily looks particularly sweet and feminine! Hard to believe Mazie has an attitude as she also looks dainty!! I would love to snuggle with Cucumber too!! I loved meeting all of them!!! Part of the family of COURSE:D

Please don't be depressed Abby - we LOVE you BEST;)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-18-2004, 12:46 PM
Wow, Cucumber is like a gray Samantha! (Vermontcat's kitty)

They are all so adorable and it's so nice that you get to babysit your nieces and nephews. :D

Ally Cat's Mommy
06-18-2004, 02:51 PM
Your extended family are gorgeous! It's easy to see where you get your love of animals from - your Mum sounds like a GEM!!!

06-19-2004, 01:16 AM
Awww, they are all so cute. I think Cucumber is gorgeous - I love her gray chin smudge. Rascal looks a lot like my parent's cat Miss Kitty.

I'm glad to hear Figaro is doing better now.

06-19-2004, 05:35 AM
What a wonderful house of kitties! I wish I had all those nieces and nephews.
I think they are all precious but that nose splotch on Ma-Gee did me in! I just love big black nose splotches on a kitty! I know, I'm wierd!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/wink.gif
They are all gorgeous and I would love to get my hands on that big Midnight just so we could snuggle!
Great kitties and your mom sounds like a wonderful person. She should join PT!!

Hang in there Abner, meowmie will be home soon! You really are a rotten little boy aren't you? I'm so glad because that is what makes you fun!!:D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

06-19-2004, 08:44 AM
Yiu do have some Wonderful Fur Nieces , and Nephew! My Favorite is Big Midnight , as he reminds me of Midnight the Cat , on the Old Andys Gang ,show , inthe Fifties! God , am I OLD!

06-19-2004, 05:44 PM
They are all gorgeous! :) Thank you for sharing their stories and pictures with us. :D

06-19-2004, 06:16 PM
They are all just so beautiful! I don't think I could pick a favorite, they're all so cute, I want to kiss and hug them all!:D

Lisa & Sash

06-20-2004, 01:47 AM
They're all gorgeous. Thanks for sharing their pictures with us.:)