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06-18-2004, 08:38 AM
Kim's thread about being overweight made me realize two things: One, we all have something about ourselves that we hate. Two, we often overlook the good things about ourselves.

For instance, yes, my weight is a huge issue in my life. Sometimes its more an issue for others (ie: my ex-boss who felt it his duty to belittle me about my weight on a daily basis.) I know I'm heavy, but I dress appropriately for my size, so they can get over it!

But believe it or not, there's a bigger issue that bothers me more! YES, more than being 200+ pounds! :D I have always been rather (ahem) hairy. I'm 31 and ALREADY going through peri-menopause (yeah, too much info, but its relevant, I swear!) Since the hormones are dying down, so to speak, I've been getting increasingly hairier. My face has been hit the hardest. Pluck, pluck, tweeze, tweeze I can't keep up with it! I HATE it! I'm too chicken to go for laser hair removal - I heard it hurts!

Now, I look at myself with that overly critical eye, but I see lots of good in me. I see (despite the weight) skinny ankles and shapely calves. My feet can wear any sexy strappy sandal without looking gross. I love my white perfectly straight teeth that came naturally - no braces! And I love my hands. there's nothing special about them. No "hand modeling" jobs for me! But I love my hands. They help me create beautiful things and I recognise the beauty they can create - not the beauty they themsleves are.

OK, what do you love and then what do you hate about yourself. I spilled my guts, now your turn!!!

06-18-2004, 08:51 AM
oh, this is a nice thread! but do you mean things on the outside or on the inside...or both?

on the outside:
i hate: my thighs, my stomache, my nose, my eye and my hair. plus i think i wiegh alittle too much, but that's not a big deal. i always hated my butt, i thought it was huge, until recently some of my guy friends told me to shut up and stop whining about it and that guys like big butts, so i should be happy...lol
i love: i love my abs, and i like my calves which have pretty muscles on tthem from running, and i guess i like my over all figure, not too curvy every where, but not stick-straight-flat-as-a-board everywhere

on the inside:
I hate: my stubborness, i am sooo stubborn, and sometimes i can't even help it, but if i feel like someone is trying to make me do something or boss me around who shouldn't, just sit there and don't do anything..it's kinda hard to explain. i also hate how i can't stay mad at people, when i get in to fights with people, i get really pissed off and sulk for about 30 min, then i'm just my usually happy hyper active self. and sometimes this really annoys me because i want to be mad at the person but i can't be.
I love: i'll finish this later, or else i'll be late for school

06-18-2004, 09:12 AM
I'm hairy too! Lol! I'm part Mexican so I have a lot of hair on my arms and its dark too. I use to bleach them cause people gave me a hard time, but then they would give me a hard time about having light hair on my arms when my hair is practically black :(. You can never win, huh? Anyways, now I'll admit I trim the hairs so they look not as hairy and I've learned to accept it. Of couse I have to wax and pluck away at my face. But oh well.

I think the part I do not like about myself the most is my weight, folllowed by how shy I am.

What I do like about myself is my ability to love animals unconditionally. I also think I have a pretty darn good sense of humor, well its unique. Physically, I have fantastic hair, if I do say so myself. :D It's naturally curly.

06-18-2004, 09:44 AM
I HATE it! I'm too chicken to go for laser hair removal - I heard it hurts!
My mom had laser hair removal done and said it didn't hurt much. She said it felt like a rubber band snapping for a second. She was even trying to convince me to get it done. :o

I hate my weight. I think it's way too much for someone of my age and height. Personality-wise, I hate my sarcastic nature. I just can't help it! :p

I love my musical talent. I taught myself how to play piano in grade 8 and have been playing ever since. I also play sax, sing and am trying to learn the guitar. Also, up until recently, I loved my eyesight. I did everything wrong. I sat right in front of the tv, I keep my head right in front of the monitor all day, etc, etc. But I guess it finally caught up with me. :o

06-18-2004, 10:21 AM
Wow, all these questions are really making me think. So personal also. We are really getting to know each other....lol.

Ok, lets start with the negative. Like most of you...I hate my weight. It stops me from doing some of the things I would love to do. I hate my skin...I wish I had nice pretty smooth skin. I hate my hair. At one time I thought my hair was one of my best assests but that has changed it is now very thin and dry and has no style. No matter how I get it cut it just doesn't work. Since some of the rest of you are being bold and talking about facial hair. I have problems with that also. I have never ever spoken about it to anyone. It started on my chin and yes I made the dreadful mistake of shaving my chin so now I have only made the problem worse. God, I can't believe I'm talking about this. This is my most embarrassing thing. The rest of my body is very light haired which I think has also come with age because I use to have hairy arms. Light colored hair, but very hairy. I could probably go a week without shaving my legs and you wouldn't even notice it. My girlfriend hates that about me....lol. Anyway if anyone has pointers about laser hair removal for the chin area or waxing I would love to hear all about it. I do wax my eyebrows but I'm too embarrassed to even mention my chin hair problem and I know I will regret posting this. :o One more hate about myself. I am not very smart and I am slow witted. If someone goes to tell me a joke I cringe because a lot of time I don't get it til later on..hehehe...maybe that is the blonde coming out in me. My biggest hate about me....I AM LAZY!!!

Hmmmm...what can I say that I like about myself...lol...that is so much harder....lol. The first and probably only thing that will pop into my head is that I have pretty blue eyes. I am always told this. This I would say has to be my best feature. When I am thinner you should see them than, they really "pop". I guess because my face is thinner and you can see them better. I can not think of any other likes and this makes me sad. Why is it always so much easier to point out the negative about ourselves. :( I am told that I am nice and friendly. I guess this is true but this is something that I have to work so hard at because in person I am quite shy. I would say that this has only come out in maybe the last 8 years or so and alot more recently since I was sick and don't worry so much about that kind of stuff now. In my yearly evaluations at work (raise time) my boss always says I have a great personality and seem to be able to work and get along with everyone. This just kills me....lol...I never think of myself as that. One year he actually said "Shining Personanlity". I almost died....hehehehe.

Its true...the bad stuff is easier to believe! *sigh*

Robin :)

06-18-2004, 10:34 AM
I hate that i im realy bad at english...
I hate my hair, my whole dna :rolleyes:
Or not i love my eyes :p
(they are orange to but the pic dont view that)

06-18-2004, 10:44 AM
Wow, we ARE spilling guts around here! I tend to be so negative about myself so I am going to really stretch and be positive...later! I hate that I am overweight and tend to be lazy. I hate that I am negative:mad: I also hate that I get depressed and get my feeling hurt:(
Ok, now I am positive:D Believe it or not, I have a flat belly and small waist!! No kidding! It is hidden under big boobs and above a big rear and hips:rolleyes: I also have small hands. My face is also smooth with a nice complexion. Missy and I have been blessed with that I think. I am often told I look younger than almost 50. :eek: I think that is probably true. Missy tells me that too:)
I think I am also a good friend to people and I am loyal and compassionate. I don't have a large circle of friends but I love and keep the ones I have. How's that?:D

06-18-2004, 10:46 AM
I hate: My weight, my tummy especially, my insecurities with people/new things.

I have lots of body hair, too, but I don't necessarily hate it. It's easily taken care of:)

I like... my eye color my singing voice, and my middle toe on my left foot. It has the cutest freckle on it. Jason and I both agree that it is my cutest toe by far.

Is that better?

06-18-2004, 10:51 AM
Hrm...I hate being shy. I would much rather have an easy time of dealing with people because my shyness is usually interpreted as me being an aloof @$$ and Im really not! Im just shy, dang it. I hate not being able to communicate this to people too...thats why I love PT, cause I don't have to talk lol! I hate also that I turn mute sometimes, I just CANNOT talk! I want to but it just doesn't work.

I love being me. Honestly dispite my darker sides, I think I'm really neat lol. I'm really really good at making people laugh and feel better and that is rewarding. I love my eyes, everyone tells me that that is my best physical feature *other than my chest :rolleyes:, some people...* I love my talent for writing. I love my ability to NEVER get bored. I can be entertained by staring at the walls lol.

06-18-2004, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by RobiLee
If someone goes to tell me a joke I cringe because a lot of time I don't get it til later on..hehehe...maybe that is the blonde coming out in me. My biggest hate about me....I AM LAZY!!!

Why is it always so much easier to point out the negative about ourselves. :( I am told that I am nice and friendly.
Its true...the bad stuff is easier to believe! *sigh*

Robin :)

Had to comment Robin because of all the people who post - I always think your personality comes across as somebody I would LIKE:) I can also tell by the way other people talk about you, that you are very well liked as well. So, chew on that:D Your boss is probably right;)

I also had to laugh about the jokes!! OMG - I NEVER get jokes!!! I do literally cringe when somebody starts to tell a joke because I HARDLY EVER GET IT!!! so I usually just roll my eyes and people can think I thought it was a dumb joke or laugh at my blondeness:p

06-18-2004, 12:46 PM
OK here goes


Some days I hate the way I look and on other days I like the way I look. I'm 5'5" and weight 250 lbs. I'm not shy about my age or my weight. I KNOW I'm a heavy person. I have tried everything to loose weight and it just does not happen for me. It's not that I'm lazy because I swim laps and walk everyday.

I don't think that I'm pretty. My nose is wide and my eyes have almost no lid to them...which makes my face look like it is tired all the time. My face is horribly old looking.

I don't like that I have a really bad temper but I am very proud of myself as the years have gone by my temper has simmered down quite a bit.

I hate the fact that my moods can turn on a dime. One minute I'm up and the next thing I know I feel like I could just beat the crap out of someone. I am very lucky however that I know this is a problem for me and I have taken the steps needed to help with with this problem.


I love the fact, that like Catnapper, my teeth are perfectly straight without having to have had braces.

I love that Mark can look into my eyes and not know what color they are going to be today because they change color with my moods. If I cry the turn the greenest green I have ever seen. If I'm stinking mad....they turn so brown that you almost can not see the pupil of my eye.

I'm happy that I got the opportunity to follow my dreams. I went to college and received my degree and immediately received a job offer to be a Flight Attendant with a small regional company in the northeast. I flew professionally for 4 years before leaving to pursue other career options. Now I work in a hospital as a Secretary and I am so proud of the work that I do there.

I am PROUD that I am able to hold my own with the "boys" I can work right along side of the best of them. If a tree needs to come down I can take the chain saw and do it myself. If the lawn needs to be mowed I can do it. I can take the snow blower in the winter and have the driveway cleared before Mark gets home and that way he does not have to do it after being held over at work.

I am happy that my family looks to me for advice...erevything from their cats to how to handle a family situation.

I am proud of myself that I always try to see both sides of the story. I have been told that I am a great mediator...but it really does stress me out sometimes.

06-18-2004, 01:12 PM
Alright here it goes!

I hate-

Im really tall for my age. At 14, most of the kids that i know are like 5'4 or something, but me, nope, im 5'7. And growing.. I hate being so tall. Although many people told me not to look at it as a disadvantage, i just can't help it.

I hate being skinny. I wish i was normal weight. I weigh 107 pounds, right now. I should weigh alot more than i do, because all i eat is JUNK.

My butt. I don't have a big butt. I barely have a butt at all. I always was made fun of in Elementary school for not having one.

My body all together, im too skinny!! I always get told i need to eat more. Alot of people tell me i could be a model. Which is nice to hear

I love-

My eyes.They are like a Bluish green color and when i am crying they are a stone blue.

My hair! I love the color and the way it's cut. I will never ever dye my hair. lol

My stomach, i like how it's nice and flat, and i still have a curve, but if i was a little fatter, i would be happy. :p

06-18-2004, 01:12 PM
Negatives... I think the thing I hate most about myself is my tendency to worry, fret and work myself up over things. I've suffered from anxiety as long as I can remember. I worry about being worried, I swear. If I could just change one single thing about myself it would be that. I sometimes have to just lay and count each breath at night in order to get my mind off things and relax to sleep.

I tend to be hard on myself and self-critical. For physical attributes, I have always hated my front teeth, they seem too large for my mouth and are slightly crooked. I'm conscious of it whenever I smile. I also wish my skin wasn't so pale and clammy looking :p

For positives, I like my sensitivity and my ability to empathize. I sometimes rue my sensitivity as it can be a hardship as well, but I also think it is a gift that helps me relate and understand others and the world around me differently. I love my ability to reach animals and how they are often drawn to me. I have also noticed very young children are often drawn to me too, although I don't often coo and make as big a fuss over them as some of the rest of the family does. I like my creativity and depth of thought, and that when I work on projects, doing it to the best of my ability is very important to me.

I'm sure there are more things on both the like and dislike sides of things, but those are the main ones that come to mind at the moment.

06-18-2004, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by catnapper

But believe it or not, there's a bigger issue that bothers me more! YES, more than being 200+ pounds! :D I have always been rather (ahem) hairy. I'm 31 and ALREADY going through peri-menopause (yeah, too much info, but its relevant, I swear!) Since the hormones are dying down, so to speak, I've been getting increasingly hairier. My face has been hit the hardest. Pluck, pluck, tweeze, tweeze I can't keep up with it! I HATE it! I'm too chicken to go for laser hair removal - I heard it hurts!

Its at times like these when I'm grateful the majority on this website are women, because I feel so much more comfortable talking about such things. :p

I just had to respond to this, because I am..or *was* hairy too, and I have gotten the laser hair removal done. I swear that is by far, the BEST thing I have done in my life. My skin is very sensitive, so waxing just wasn't for me. I would get bruises on my face. It was PAINFUL. I was sick of using bleach creams. I was sick of tweezing, and I want to tell you, tweezing/plucking is the WORST thing you can do when you want to remove unwanted hair. Tweezing makes the hair grow thicker every time, so if you are tweezing *fine* hair, it will eventually grow thicker, or it will become ingrown, which is even worse. I used to get pimples from doing that, and I thought I had acne. WRONG. I didn't.........it was just the way I was removing hair, and once I got this laser treatment done, the hair is gone, the acne is gone, and I don't have to stand in front of the mirror waxing/plucking/whatever anymore. My skin is so clear now, and my friends keep asking me what I did. I just smile and say nothing. I haven't told them about this. ;)

I would advise you to get it done. Is it painful? Well I can't say *not at all*, but when you compare it to the pain caused by waxing, tweezing, and other everyday hair removal techniques, the pain is almost NOTHING. Really. The only place it hurts is on the upper lip, and that pain only lasts for a few seconds. The rest of the face doesn't hurt at all. Flick your finger against your face. That's what it feels like. It does not cause any sort of pain you can't bear, and it is totally, 100% WORTH IT. If this is something that bothers you, get it done. I'm grateful to my parents for convincing me to get it done (I too, was a chicken), because this has only bothered me for a few years. I was not *hairy* before puberty. I am still young, and already got it done, so hopefully, it isn't something that I will have to deal with in life. Its now a thing of the past. I'm not done with the treatment..........I still have to go several times, but MOST of the hair is gone. I actually have another appointment there tomorrow. Yippee....torture day. ;) Just kidding. I'm looking forward to it. To get the laser treatment done was a blessing in my life. Waxing and bothering with unwanted hair was something I did not like, and now, its just something I don't have to deal with anymore. And trust me, the pain is nothing to be afraid of. Its really not painful at all.

And remember.......people who have *more hair* also have beautiful thick hair on their heads, which most *non-hairy* people don't have. I would rather have nice hair on my head and have to get laser treatment for the unwanted hair, than to have thin, fine hair that there would be no way of thickening. ;) When God has provided us with a way to deal with this problem permanently now, why go through the torture of waxing and tweezing every time?

I can't believe I'm posting this, but because you mentioned it, I felt I should post about it, as it is something I have experienced, and something you could benefit from too. :o

06-18-2004, 01:37 PM
Wow... lots of different gripes, but I must say, that all of you are wonderful people in my book!

Deb, I have always been quite hairy. I remember in second grade telling my mom that I wqnted to cut it off my arms. :D lol. I remember sitting and watching grandmom plucking chin hair and her telling me that I'd do it too when I got older. Boy was she right!!! :D Its just since things have been "changing" that my beard has started to blossom! :D :D Sigh, someday I can convince my insurance company that hair removal is esential for my emotional wellbeing!

Thank you for your honesty! It helps that we know where everyone is coming from and fosters a more postive community where we accept each other for our virtues and are sensitve to our negatives.

06-18-2004, 02:13 PM
I would like to add that I also think everyone is wonderful! No matter what you think you hate or like about yourself, you are all wonderful, kind and fascinating people to me and I like everything about you!

Robin :D

06-18-2004, 03:11 PM

Hate: My skin. My weight, of course. My hair. My eyebrows.
Body hair, period. I absolutely hate body hair. I shave my arms most of the time. It's so much more comfortable without body hair.
I'm not HAIRY, I just can't stand the littlest amount of body hair.

Love: Eyes. Lips, although they're way too large. That's about it.


I think this is a love hate relationship.

I'm very honest and open with my opinions, thoughts, etc.. I generally do not like to hide things at all. Sometimes it's okay, but then I run into people who don't like it.

I hate that i'm overly emotional at times.. I think that probably is a normal teenage/human thing though... But then again, i'm glad I have such emotions because people who show no emotion bother me.

06-18-2004, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Love: Eyes. Lips, although they're way too large. That's about it.

Wow! Lips are the thing in Hollywood. Stars pay big $$$ for all these collagen injections for full lips:D So, Kay, how about just puckering up and painting them a pretty color??? You can even do a "lip photo shoot" for us...next time you are bored!!;) :p You know, the Seventeen model thing??

06-18-2004, 03:44 PM
I think i'd be too embarrassed to post lip pictures on here. :o
I dom't wear any lipstick. Just gneerally chapstick. :p

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-18-2004, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by CamCamPup33
Im really tall for my age. At 14, most of the kids that i know are like 5'4 or something, but me, nope, im 5'7. And growing.. I hate being so tall. Although many people told me not to look at it as a disadvantage, i just can't help it.

OMG!!! You could be me 28 years ago!!! In 7th grade I was the second tallest person in class, only one boy taller than me and I hated it too! And as for having no butt, I remember I had one pair of pants that had a really high waist. My brother used to tell me the only reason I wore those pants was to make it look like I had a butt! :rolleyes: :p I know it's hard to believe now, but you will learn to love being tall. Also, I heard somewhere that taller people make more money (on average) than short people, are more likely to get hired before short people and are more likely to be "successful" (whatever that means) than short people, so enjoy!

Ok, my dislikes, and I too can't believe I'm telling you guys this. I have never ever in my entire life talked to anybody about this. I can't say certain letters right - like J. I can't say J, to most people it would sound like hay. Or the SH and CH sounds - just doesn't work for me. I would really like to take speech lessons to learn how to talk....now that I'm 42. :rolleyes: The only other thing I dislike is my skin. I have what dermatologists call "adult acne" - bleh. :p No matter what I do I still continue to get zits. I'm really hoping menopause will finally cure it for me. Menopause - bring it on! ;)

My likes - being tall and.....well....I guess that I like that I think I'm a good person. For some reason I understand people and what motivates them, so it makes it easy for me to empathize with them. I don't think I have a mean bone in my body....unless you're messing with me or mine that is! ;)

Now, as for the lazer hair removal, I'm in the process of having it done to my upper lip. I'm a little confused because they said it should take about 6 treatments, and I'm going on a year and a half now! The hair is lighter and all, but it sure isn't disappearing like they told me it would. I'll just keep going back though. I paid to have it removed and I'm not stopping my visits until it's all gone - for good! I had always trimmed it, but one of my biggest fears was that I would be an old lady in a nursing home - unable to trim my mustache so it wouldn't get done. :p I, too, would say that it doesn't hurt. The rubber band snap is a good description, but that's only when they don't put enough of that gel stuff on. Just add a bit more of that and no problem. :D

06-18-2004, 04:46 PM
Ok well let us start with the negatives, I also hate my weight, having social phobia, that I am a worry-wart, that I get so stressed so easily about nothin much. I hate having so many insecurity's about myself., my looks, etc etc.

That I am having problems with my skin right now(those raging pre-menopausal hormones).

Postive things, I like my hair, my teeth, lips and eyes and that I have a good sense of humour, and that I can be a caring person.

BTW I also never get jokes either, well some of the time I do, but I alway's pretend I do and laugh anyway, otherwise I feel such a fool. I also find it hard to play card games. I am not good at them, except for the easy one's like fish, snap. lol.

06-18-2004, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom

Now, as for the lazer hair removal, I'm in the process of having it done to my upper lip. I'm a little confused because they said it should take about 6 treatments, and I'm going on a year and a half now! The hair is lighter and all, but it sure isn't disappearing like they told me it would. I'll just keep going back though. I paid to have it removed and I'm not stopping my visits until it's all gone - for good! I had always trimmed it, but one of my biggest fears was that I would be an old lady in a nursing home - unable to trim my mustache so it wouldn't get done. :p I, too, would say that it doesn't hurt. The rubber band snap is a good description, but that's only when they don't put enough of that gel stuff on. Just add a bit more of that and no problem. :D

The upper lip takes longer, for some reason. I've noticed that too. I've been going since August 2003.......so about 10 months now. Most of the hair is gone, and the upper lip is probably 60% gone, but it seems that I'll need quite a few more appointments for it. Its ok though.......every appointment after the 5th is free....so I will keep going until every bit of hair is gone. I'm guessing I'll need about 4 more appointments.

06-18-2004, 05:21 PM
Hate: My weight...though I concentrate my hatred for the portion around the middle lol. I really don't care about being really skinny I just want to get rid of my gut. Oh, and the double chin haha. :o I don't really like my nose either, it's too big. I wish my teeth were whiter and straighter. I hate my skin as well, I want to be one of those people with flawless skin, that'd be nice. Sometimes I hate the freckles then sometimes I don't mind them. I'm 5'4" I wish I was a bit taller too. I'm TOO SHY. Really I wish I could just go up and talk to people, I hate being so shy...it makes me even more invisible than I already am. I come across as rude too because I'm shy. Oh wait, I guess I am rude though huh? Sometimes I think I let people get on my nerves too easily too. I'm also the type to hold it all in day after day then one day just explode. Not a good thing. ;)

Oh and we're supposed to list love too? Well that'd take me all day to think of something for that. :rolleyes: The sad part is that I complain enough but apparently don't care enough to fix any of those things, as I never do anything about it lol.

06-18-2004, 05:39 PM
I'm also the type to hold it all in day after day then one day just explode. Not a good thing. ;)

Haha.. at first I thought you were talking about going to the bathroom. :o

06-18-2004, 06:19 PM
Wow... this thread makes me do something I hardly EVER do.. find things i LIKE about myself.

The negatives are easy: My tummy, my thighs and my nose. I'm insecure, and thus have a tendency towards jealousy when in a relationship. I tend to be very hard on myself, in just about every way possible. I blame myself for just about anything that goes wrong. I'm shy, almost to a fault, and I'm so afraid of conflict that most times I will just let things go instead of speaking up. Because my opinion of myself is so low, I tend to let others walk all over me.

The positives: My eyes, they change colour on a whim. My gf has called me Pretty Eyes since we met. :) I used to have "fever pits" on my 4 front teeth that I finally got fixed,so now I actually like my smile. :D My hair colour is pretty nifty too. I'm a strawberry blonde, with a little more strawberry than blonde, but I have natural highlights and multi-colours. I know I'm talented in the arts. I play half a dozen instruments, amd pretty good on stage, I can sing (my friends tell me I should head to American Idol hehe). I can write and I can dance. I'm generous (sometimes too generous) and basically, if you're my friend, you're my friend for life. If I love you, I'll love you forever. On the other side of that coin, I neither love nor trust easily. :)

I guess that's about it. This is a great thread, btw! :)

06-18-2004, 09:37 PM
Great thread!

Ok.... the negatives:

The thing I hate most about myself is my horrible skin! I was always told by my mother that I would "grow out" of having acne ... then go figure, when I reached adulthood, they decided to have a thing called "ADULT ACNE"!!! Geez, lucky me!!!!:rolleyes: Not only do I still break out like a teenager, but I have very red and blotchy uenven skintones on my face ... I get that from my Dad's side of the family. It takes a special kind of makeup to really hide it ... and I'm still searching for that... hehe!!!

Also, I hate the fact that my hair is so thin and baby fine, that as I get older, I am getting balder! :( When I was young, I always had LONG hair ... and it distracted from the thinness, but now it just looks horrible the longer I try to get it. I recently got an extremely SHORT haircut (thinking that I'd feel better) and boy was THAT a mistake! I am just now starting to get some hair, but it is so thin and fine and flat.... uugh! Ok... enough on the hair.

I HATE having to wear glasses, and YES I have tried contacts several times, but I just cannot wear them!
:( The thing I hate most about wearing glasses is that my eyes were always my best feature, and now with my strong prescription I feel like a BUG! :rolleyes:

I hate the fact that I am so insecure in so many ways ... but God is still working on me in this area, and I am getting better!

Of course, as I stated in my other thread ... I hate the fact that I have gained so much weight .... but I am accepting that pretty well.

Positive things:

I was blessed with a nice singing voice, but unfortunately I no longer attend church (which saddens me) so I don't keep my voice in shape!

Like I stated earlier .... my eyes are my best feature when I have them made up nicely, and I like my lips as well. I was lucky to have fairly perfect teeth .. only wore braces for 4 months just to correct some slight crowding. I have been told that my dimples are an asset , so I will pick them as a good thing too! ;)

I am an extremely sensitive and compassionate person ... and many times go out of my way to make total strangers feel loved.

06-19-2004, 01:46 AM
Instantly l could come up with a long list of things I hate about myself but I'm struggling to find things I love or even like about me. Now I'm depressed.:(

I guess one positive is that my husband always tells me I'm very thoughtful and try to take other's feeling in consideration but that usuallly causes me a lot of stress and sometimes heartache so I don't know if I really like that about me or not. Gee, this is depressing. It's been along day, I think I should try this some other time.

Oh wait, I just thought of one. I just got all my hair cut off last week and I like my new short hair.

06-19-2004, 02:13 AM
jazzcat, I'm sure there are tons of wonderful things that are great about yourself! You sound a lot like me a couple years ago, but thru the love of my friends I have managed to like myself a bit more than I used to. Overcoming self-loathing or even a mild dislike of one's self is one of the hardest things to do. I'm always being chastised for putting myself down or appologising for everything.

I know there's got to be a few people on here who know you pretty well that can help out with the greatness of you! :) Don't despair! I know you've got to be a fantastic person.

06-19-2004, 11:30 AM
Jazzcat .... LORI!!!! I for one think you are fabulous! You are always so kind and thoughtful on PT, and you have a great sens of humor, and judging from your avatar ... you are VERY pretty too!!! I'm sure there are many, many things that are just wonderful about you ... you are just having some "down" time right now! I know you have a talented eye for color and decorating!!! ;)

06-19-2004, 02:11 PM
There's alot of characteristics I don't like about myself. I'm judemental, critical, a perfectionist, very stubborn, very set in my ways, impatient, get bored too easily, too serious, ummmmm I could probably come up with alot more!:eek:

I do love that I care alot about animals, have very different views than most, I'm not materalistic AT ALL. My eyes are probably my best feature and I guess I like my hair if it's curled nicely.

:) :)

Lisa & Sash

06-19-2004, 02:23 PM
Kim, I too wear glasses - blind as a bat without them! Someone invented the most wonderous thing when they invented the ultra thin lenses! Have you checked them out? I too CANNOT wear contacts. I have an astigmatism that makes the world look funky when I see it through contacts. That and I can't read anything with them in! I have to hold the paper VERY far away. Its like, all of the sudden I am in need of reading glasses. Itoo have that wonderful affliction known as adult acne. I wouldn;t know about flat, thn, straight hair! :D Mine is thick and frizzy. :D

Jazzcat, goodness, I can say so many wonderful things about you! I think you are beautiful based on the picture in your avatar. I know you have a great and compassionate heart.

Heinz57_79, I have to say that I've enjoyed your sense of humor!

The rest of you... well I haven't had occasion to talk with you often, so I don't know you well enough, but I still think you are all beautful and insightful. You all have beautiful hearts that love and devote themselvs to animals. What better thing is there?

06-19-2004, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
The rest of you... well I haven't had occasion to talk with you often, so I don't know you well enough, but I still think you are all beautful and insightful. You all have beautiful hearts that love and devote themselvs to animals. What better thing is there?

I just love your attitude, catnapper!

Robin :)

06-19-2004, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by RobiLee
I just love your attitude, catnapper!

Robin :)

Please tell that to hubby when he says all I do is complain and pick on him and the kids! LOL

06-19-2004, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
Please tell that to hubby when he says all I do is complain and pick on him and the kids! LOL

Are you sure you aren't talking about my husband?! That is what he is always saying to me....LOL

06-19-2004, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by jazzcat
Instantly l could come up with a long list of things I hate about myself but I'm struggling to find things I love or even like about me. Now I'm depressed.:(

Oh wait, I just thought of one. I just got all my hair cut off last week and I like my new short hair.

First...I bet you look so great with short hair!! :)

Second, I'm with Kim...you are so wonderful, Lori!! You're so kind, considerate, funny and loving. You always have something nice to say here, I can only imagine how kind you are in person. :)

06-19-2004, 04:12 PM

*My hair. Its thin, but will actually be nice once in a while with the aid of "product". ;) The thing I hate most is that I'll do it someway other than straight and it'll be cute, then it'll NEVER do it again. I really like the cute surfer girl buns and my hair did it MAYBE twice and looked OK...I get my hopes up that I'll actually like my hair and then it looks horrid. :( I can't use the products to protect my color, because they wiegh it down, so my color fades. Its a waste of money! :mad:

*The area on your legs between your ankles and knees. I feel like a chicken with my legs so twiggy! It may sound good to some, but I feel like a frog or something.

*I'm getting better, but I'm too eager to please. I work for two crazy, scary people that will NEVER be satisfied in their lives if God Himself were to come and work there. I am constantly hurt by their mean comments about others and shortness with me.


*I do like my eyes. I think they reveal a lot about me and what I'm thinking.

*My love for people and animals. :)

*That I can virtually handle any type of person...my psychology mind/school and my job are making me really good at dealing with the difficult people in life, happily.

06-19-2004, 04:33 PM
Kellly, you've forgotten to add how upbeat and positive you are! I admire that so much about you! No matter what life tosses at you, you are still seeing the good things.

As for my hubby... Grrrr.... last night he was saying all I do is *itch at the kids about stupid stuff. Ok, so if not doing your chores, yet getting handed $100 is justified, I'll keep quiet! :Rolleyes: Then hubby said that my mom tells me I do it too much too. What? since when did my mom tell me that I *itch too much? Then he said, "No, mom uses the word 'whine' instead. They are one in the same" Ummmm... no, whining carries a whole lot nicer connotation. Well, not completely nice, but I would rather be a whiner than the other! Sigh.

Did I forget to add that I whine to my list of things I hate about myself? I should have added too that I'm far a too picky eater. I really annoy myself when all I want to do is sit down and enjoy a meal. But nooooo... I have to find something wrong! Too spicy, too cold, too --- UGH! Sooo.. now I'm adding to my list of Hates! Ut-oh... gotta run and add to my list of likes. How about my silliness? I love that I can be silly and have a childlike sense of awe at the little things?

06-19-2004, 05:22 PM
catnapper, you are just killing me here. I'm just giggling away at you....no not at you...with you! I love your posts!

Robin :)

P.S....When you are eating out somewhere do you complain about the food too? My dad is like that! Drives us crazy! I would not want to sit at a table with you and him together :p ;)

06-19-2004, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
Kellly, you've forgotten to add how upbeat and positive you are! I admire that so much about you! No matter what life tosses at you, you are still seeing the good things.

And how good she is about making people feel better. :)
I used to talk to her quite often on AIM about how I was feeling and she always made me feel good. :D

06-19-2004, 06:02 PM
I hate my eyes, they like vision wise, I am only 16 and almost legally blind. my dads sight it better then mine. and I hate my skin I am REALLY pale, and its not possable for me to tan, I am also really prone to skin problems because of it(I am on several differnt medications for several different skin problems)

now what I love about myself? my hair, it makes me or breaks me, litterally a bad hair day makes me all around look hoorid, howver a good hair day is a whole different story lol also my eyebrows, they are naturally not bushy I never have to pluck them. my shape lol mywieght only gos to my stomic not my hips so I can be carring plenty of extra weight(I am not but I have before) and still look thin.

06-19-2004, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by RobiLee
catnapper, you are just killing me here. I'm just giggling away at you....no not at you...with you! I love your posts!

Robin :)

P.S....When you are eating out somewhere do you complain about the food too? My dad is like that! Drives us crazy! I would not want to sit at a table with you and him together :p ;)

giggle away! I like to make people laugh! :)

As for eating out. You don't want to know. EVERYTHING has to be ordered special. I got a Chicken Cheese Steak for lunch yesterday (for those of you who have no idea what that is - its basically a Philly style cheese steak only substitute the steak with chicken.) Hubby got a regular philly steak and I ordered the chicken. As always, I had to order it special (for the record, its ordered like this: chicken cheese steak. plain. only chicken and cheese. no peppers, onions, or sauce. on a hard roll...toast the roll.) For some reason, the shops around here INSIST on putting marinara sauce on the steaks - I'm from philly and they never make 'em that way there. I order it that way - saying the ame thing three ways just because I've ordered it plain and it still comes to me with onions and sauce. How is that plain? ok, can you see how uptight I am about this darn chicken cheese steak already?!?

ANYWAY, the place I order from one sandwich shop because they make it just the way I like them. As always this one was perfect. No complaints, except that I had half the meat hubby had. I paid more because of the cost of chicken at the moment and I get half the meat! So not fair. So I whined about that for a moment. :rolleyes: See... I can't just eat and be happy I got fed. I have to find something to complain about! I can't stop! Its a compulsion! Somebody help me!

06-19-2004, 06:18 PM
I just got home from work and you're making me hungry!! I've been avoiding this thread because I don't even know where to start.......

06-19-2004, 06:29 PM
hahaha you sound like me catnapper I order everything special, I order a teenburger I say ONLY bacon, lettus, cheese, and tomato. when I go with my friends and we both order a teen, the cashier often says(points to mine)"this is the one with hardly anything on it" lol if I order I cheeseburger I order it plain, as in bottom half of bun, pattie, cheese,top half of bun. lol well you get the picture.

06-20-2004, 12:59 AM
If it is any consolation Catnapper and Kim, that is what I was talking about , skin problems, I too have that yucky adult acne, always occuring on the chin and nose, everywhere else is fine, and boy do I get some beauties, I call them the pimples from HELL, never had it as a teenager, but sure making up for it now. I see other women my age, crystal clear complexions and it makes me mad, there is always a tube of clearsil in my bathroom these days.

I am also just like you too in the food department, at Macdonalds I always have to wait for my food as I order it without sauces, I guess people think I am being calorie conscious, but no I just hate the stuff.

On the negative side also I am impatient and a perfectionist as well, things I would like to change about myself,and I can be too judgemental, I have learn't not to be so much on PT, but now I just have to put it into practice offline as well.:)

06-20-2004, 01:45 AM
Ok well...first thing I hate...my skin. I am 100% positive I will have skin cancer. I burn SO EASILY. Honestly. I could be in the sun for 2 minutes and get a bad burn. I get burned in 30 seconds! I have never tanned. My skin is sooo sensitive. Sunscreen only makes my skin worse.

I hate: my face. It is ALWAYS red. Sometimes, I don't mean to blush, but I do. My face always goes red in phys ed class. Even people who are working harder than me at whatever we are doing, my face is always red, and is for the rest of the day. Even if I'm outside, and I have a visor on, my face gets red. Even if I'm in the shade. I can't stand the heat, and yet, I can't handle the cold.

I don't like: My body basically. I hate my hair. I don't like my eyes. I don't like my voice.

I don't like that I get mad easily and lose my temper. I don't like that one minute I can be happy, and the next, I'm in tears. I don't like that I am always having mood swings, and I seem to be so emotional sometimes. I cry over things nobody does.

What I do like: I love that I am able to go up to a complete stranger my age and say HI! I'm not shy when it comes to that. I get jokes all the time, and get a lot of things. I usually find myself explaining a joke to somebody. Or even a saying. I catch on quickly. I love that I am totally unique and usually couldn't give a crap what other people think of me.
It's weird, even though I don't like my self alot, I really love myself. I love my mind, I am very disciplined when I want to be. If I ever had a kid, I would want her to be JUST like me. And I guess thats a good thing.

06-20-2004, 02:35 AM
Kim & KayAnn...thank you! :) You're sweeties...

06-20-2004, 06:46 PM
I guess I'll also start with the negatives. I hate my lifelong cellulite on my butt & thighs. I could stand to lose about 20 Lbs. but am at an age where size doesn't matter as much as it did when I was younger. I also detest those darn whiskers that crop up on my chin & upper lip. I accuse hubby of implanting them into my face while I'm sleeping.:D I pluck, and obsess until they are gone...but they come back again and again to haunt me. I also have a red face which is caused by a condition called rosacia (there is medication available) but I hate going to doctors. I also hate that I don't keep up with the house as I used to. Chock that up to burnout as I have a cleaning business. I can clean someone elses home spotless, but to come home and clean here?? Ughhh. :rolleyes: I do have my spurts, but not as often as I should. Too many creatures, foster and otherwise to clean up after all day. I do make sure the litterpans are always scooped, and the pets are all fed, but then when it comes to me...I'm too tired. So this gets to my eating habits. They could be a whole lot better, but often I'll be out for a few days in a row trapping kitties so don't have time to cook. Junk food. Yup...gotta admit I like it, but I also love a healthy meal. But hubby works different hours than me, and I don't HAVE to cook heee, heee, hee! On the positive side I have great compassion and empathy for most living creatures. I have to exclude cockroaches, ticks, fleas, mosquitos, and animal/child neglectors or abusers. I think I can safely say the world would be better if they were all exterminated.:D But an injured animal of any kind, no matter what I'm doing, that comes first. Or a litter of kittens born outside...I cannot think of them growing up outside so I have to stick it out until they're all trapped, mama included. It complicates my life tremendously but I think I'd die of boredom if I didn't do this. Earning my halo in a small way. ;) I also have a very big heart for handicapped animals and have quite a few under my roof right now with various birth defects that were all street rescues. They are my special favorites! I am also very creative arts/crafts wise, and have a pretty wild and funny sense of humor. Enough so that I think we ended up fired from a job due to a comment I made to my cleaning partner! We were cleaning for this (quite odd) couple who had just redecorated their home. They had purchased a huge clunky leather sofa set that had straps around the arms. It really looked like it should have reins and spurs too. That coupled with ornately carved ebony tables with inlayed mother of pearl chinese style designs. We were both cleaning in the living room and I whispered to Lenora "what do you think of the Japanese Cowboy decor"? She started to laugh sooo hard and couldn't stop! She was doubled over on the floor, cleaning rag in hand almost peeing herself, when the woman of the house came up from the cellar. We composed ourselves to a degree, but only cleaned one more time for them. Oh well... they were too wierd for me. They were "Adams Family" types...and we'd warm up to going there by the theme song. :D The youngest daughter used to pick her nose in her bedroom and stick the snots to the mirrored closet door. Too gross for me. :rolleyes: That's all I can think of right now....wore you all out trying to read all this huh? :D

06-20-2004, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by CamCamPup33
Im really tall for my age. At 14, most of the kids that i know are like 5'4 or something, but me, nope, im 5'7. And growing.. I hate being so tall. Although many people told me not to look at it as a disadvantage, i just can't help it.

I hate being skinny.
Im 14 too and Im 5'7, and I also hate it. People at school are always telling me "you need to STOP growing!" "your too tall, SHRINK!" lol I get these comments. Everyone is short at my school. :p :p I also hate it when my friends call me a "toothpick" lol. They think I'm skinny, but I *don't* think I am.

I also hate my voice when I talk. I was leaving a message on my mom cell phone, and I went to play it back I sounded like a little child talking with this soooft voice.

I really like my eyes. When Im outside with the sun shining my eyes look like a bright blue. I love it!

My love for animals, and my friends.

I love how my friends always turn to me when they need help or are having a rough time. They say Im understanding.

I like my hair. I love the light brown color.

06-20-2004, 07:07 PM
I have a bad addiction called Pet Talk...but can't figure out if it's good or bad yet? :confused: :confused: :confused: I'd rather sit on my butt here than clean the house! But I made a big dent today and the place looks much better. :D I wish I could hire me.*sigh*:rolleyes:

06-20-2004, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by QueenScoopalot
I have a bad addiction called Pet Talk...but can't figure out if it's good or bad yet? :confused:


06-20-2004, 09:25 PM
I hate: my face. It is ALWAYS red. Sometimes, I don't mean to blush, but I do. My face always goes red in phys ed class. Even people who are working harder than me at whatever we are doing, my face is always red, and is for the rest of the day. Even if I'm outside, and I have a visor on, my face gets red. Even if I'm in the shade. I can't stand the heat, and yet, I can't handle the cold.


OMG that happens to me too and it is SOOOOO annoying! people always say "your face is like beet red" I dont know why I dont even know that my face is red until people tell me lol and it drives me INSANE! another thing is that cold even just a little turns my skin purple and makes my hair stand on end, do you know how unatractive a purple hairy person is? lol :eek:

06-21-2004, 12:27 AM
Thanks to everyone for your nice comments. I didn't mean to sound so down the other night when I posted. Guess I was just having one of those moments.

06-21-2004, 05:25 PM
Just to add...

I feel for you guys who can't wear contact lenses...
I can't wear contacts either. For one, the astigmatism(sp?) in one eye makes it dern near imposible to get GLASSES right much less contacts *sigh*. For two, Im alergic to something in salt. *Iodine most likely* and most of the stupid salene solutions used to clean contacts use iodized salt. It makes my eyes puss up and it is really really gross. I can't even have salty food without getting ill so I understand the picky eaters thing too :)

A note: Ive learned so much about you guys because of threads like this. I feel like I've known you all for a long time even though we havent even met! This is why I'M addicted to PT lol.

06-21-2004, 11:05 PM
cali! My skin turns purple too! One time in school someone was like "Look at your hand! EW!" and I looked and I'm like "yeah whats wrong with it?" Because I was so used to them being purple. Not to mention my feet and legs are purple! My face doesn't go purple though.

And no kidding. I don't even KNOW my face is read until people tell me!