View Full Version : shedding....grrr

06-18-2004, 01:27 AM
my dogs are shedding so bad!!! I don't know what to do about it and my dad hates them shedding!! so I guess what I am asking is there ANYTHING I can do to make not so bad??? :confused: If not is there a cleaner that picks it up real well??? I really don't know what to do I am vaccuming twice everyday ..... please if you have any avdice it would be greatly welcomed .... thanks in advance:)

06-18-2004, 01:31 AM
I just finished brushing my two out really well tonight.. Simba is shedding horribly.

I have no advice though, sorry.

06-18-2004, 01:33 AM
Do you brush them regularly? If so, that should help with them shedding in parts, instead of all at once.

My two went through their 'big shed' a few weeks ago. You gotta love that nifty undercoat rake. ;) But, I know what you mean, having two long-haired dogs myself. We were vacumming everyday!

Some shampoos also help decrease the shedding.

Dogs shed, it's a fact. :)

Found this link for you. Hope it helps somewhat:


06-18-2004, 02:01 AM
Duct tape works really well ;)

Kaedyn started shedding a couple weeks ago. It was HORRIBLE! When I was too lazy to comb him, I stuck the vaccum on him instead. :p Thank GOD Kai didn't shed as well! Gosh..he probably has twice as much undercoat as Kaedyn..But other than combing as much as you can, I don't think there's much you can do.

06-18-2004, 07:29 AM
Just keep brushing and brushing and vaccuming and vaccuming. It ususally only lasts two to three weeks, at least with my Mandy.

06-18-2004, 12:18 PM
thanks everyone .... they do get brushed regurlly..... It just seems like there is hair everywhere!! I think it is going to become a monster and eat me.....lol....... I guess I will keep brushing and and Vaccuming I think I might have to go looking for some shampoo to lessen it ..... agian thanks everyone :)

06-18-2004, 12:38 PM
I have a Blue Chowchow. Grady "Cole" (http://www.mydoghome.com/gradycole/)

You can imagine how he must shed this time of year. My girlfriend and I sit down and brush him very well for about 30 min. every three days. We also use a product called miracle coat which is like a conditioner. You may want to try it to help the hair stay healthy. Brush before the spray. We have white carpet with little to no hair on.


06-18-2004, 01:04 PM
thanks Mable!!! and welcome to pt!! :D your dog is Gorgous!!!!!!!!!:D and I think I will havew to try that stuff

06-18-2004, 02:17 PM
Mable, yu have a beautiful dog!

I have a husky mix so you can imagine the clumps that come out of him. he sheds just about year round but this time of year it is horrible. Count your blessings LOL
Anyways even any old shampoo will help loosen some of the hair, it just happens naturally between the wetness & scrubbing. I have tried a few different shampoos & sprays that are supposed to help but they really don't & the ones that do help only help a little & they need to be used often. I found that it is not really worth the time or money.

Brushing daily & vacuuming works the best. Oh & the right tools (brushes combs) help tremendously. If you are unsure of what tools may be better for your dog, just ask a groomer they will tell you. Good luck

06-18-2004, 02:29 PM
Just wanted to comment that if you have a dog with lots of undercoat clumps make sure you brush them all out BEFORE the bath. If you bath them with all those clumps in usually it ends up becomming matted and even harder to get out.

If you have some money to invest and a dog with lots of undercoat a high pressure dryer is a life-saver!

06-18-2004, 02:39 PM
Needless to say my girls are both shedding terribly right now. I have to brush them everyday and still there is hair everywhere so I know just how your dad feels:)
All I can say is keep brushing and keep vacuming!

Welcome to PT Mable your Grady Cole is stunning...looks so much like my RB Keisha:) I would love to see some more pictures and hear all about him!

06-18-2004, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
Just wanted to comment that if you have a dog with lots of undercoat clumps make sure you brush them all out BEFORE the bath. If you bath them with all those clumps in usually it ends up becomming matted and even harder to get out.

If you have some money to invest and a dog with lots of undercoat a high pressure dryer is a life-saver!

Thanks for adding that, gosh I can't believe I forgot to mention to brush good before the bath.

That is the main reason why nanook has not had his bath yet, I like to get a really good brushing every day for a couple/few days before his bath. Glad to say that as long as the weather co-operates he will be getting a bath this weekend!

06-18-2004, 02:45 PM
Dana, is going through the shedding right now too. I am vacumming up whole dogs! Been thinking about making me another dog with the hair!

Absolute brushing is in her future!


06-18-2004, 02:56 PM
TRAYI52, you have a ferret! What a cutie, we need to see more of her.

06-18-2004, 03:52 PM
Yeap, I do need to get more pictures of that girl, as I do need to get more of Dana, Buffy, Gaucho, and Charlie.

Why are all my critters so camera shy, of couse Baby just loves the camera. So she trys to steal it!


06-18-2004, 05:57 PM
I was a groomer for several years so I know all sorts of nifty tricks to deal with shedding. :) Usually, dog shampoos don't do much for shedding, but moisturisers and creme rinses do. They work to loosen the hair. While the creme rinse is soaking, get a rake (you can pick one up at petsmart or petco) and and slicker brush. Both will work on getting that undercoat out. When rinsing, get a hose with a sprayer nozzle thingy on it. One that you can adjust to spray, stream, etc. Set it to 'stream' and watch the hair drop off! :) It doesn't hurt the dog, and a lot of them wind up with a leg thumping. ;)

Just remember to NEVER brush against the grain of the hair, but always in the direction the hair grows. Also, when brushing, lift the hair and brush in layers. Works better than just brushing the top coat.

If you need any other tips, let me know! :D

06-20-2004, 12:08 AM
thanks everyone...... :D