View Full Version : From the Osker Files

06-17-2004, 09:13 PM
File #33241
Case:The missing blanket (bum bum bum)

I've slept on every couch and bed in the house but no sign of my blanket. I cant sleep for 3 hours straight without it I can only sleep two. That kid seems very suspicious today but so does dad which one has it??? Keep coming for DAY 2 log.

(pleez post ur opinion on this thread if u dont seem interested in it send me an PM and tell me what i shuld change or why u dont like it or if u do like it pleez feel free to post complements):D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-17-2004, 09:22 PM
Seems like a cute story, can't wait to see what Day 2 Log brings in this exciting thriller! :D

06-17-2004, 09:25 PM
the next will be longer i promise u that

06-17-2004, 10:55 PM
It's probably not the suspicious kid OR the dad. But we'll have to wait for Day 2 (if the narrator gets enough sleep:eek: )

06-17-2004, 11:08 PM
Very cute... But (not to be fussy... but since we have people of all ages and from all over the world) please use full words -- you instead of u, You're insted of ur, please instead of pleez, etc.

I didn't PM you because I've noticed a few others on here starting to do the ame things and someone needs to remind people... so I'm not picking on you. :)

06-18-2004, 09:18 AM
Of corse we are interested , andwe cant wait to see where your Blanket , turns up! Found Cats all have thier own Blankies!

06-18-2004, 12:05 PM

I found my old blanket that I got from the Humane Society and I've been using that then I found the boy's silky Christmas hat its not as good as my blanket but it will have to do for now. I found daddy saying how much easier it is to sleep now so that might be a clue. The boy though has only done one suspicious thing he turned up the thermostat that means its to cold for him he might be using it to keep warm. Mom hasnt done anything but sleep all day because she had to work last night. well my log is coming to a close.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-18-2004, 12:44 PM
Hmmm.....daddy sleeping easier is a very good clue I think. The boy turning the heat us is a good clue too. If he had the blanket he wouldn't be cold and wouldn't have to turn the heat up, right?

However, poor blanketless kitty might want to consider adopting the nice silky christmas hat instead. Leave that old blanket behind, just like he left the humane society behind. New life, new blanket, right? ;)

06-18-2004, 01:08 PM
I agree with Tubby & Peanut's mom. Forget about the Humane Society blanket. Maybe they took it back to give to another deserving and lonely kitty.

I think you should swipe a nice bath towel or maybe a throw blanket. After a couple of rolls on it, it should smell just like the Humane Society blanket.

06-18-2004, 06:38 PM
no i mean the blanket he got from the humane society he kept it hes looking for his new blanket

06-19-2004, 05:53 PM

Moms in bed sick and needs to stay wram so she is closed in her room so I can't investigate more on Daddy so I'll have to try the boy's room. I'm extremely desperate now to find it before day 7 because the boy is having his friend over in the morning to spend the night and if I pretend to be asleep on my blanket he leaves me alone. Before daddy went to work this morning he told the boy to take care of Mom and something else i couldn't hear (I was crunching food in my mouth) so I followed him around all day and gave him lots of kisses so he would think I was being lovey-dovey. So about 3:30 he went into the computer room and came out. When he came out he closed the door tight obviously so I couldnt get in. What is he hiding???

06-19-2004, 06:19 PM
what's that boy hiding?? it's a cute story!

06-20-2004, 10:47 AM
The Found Cats are intriqued , as everyone once , in a while something , of ours diappears , and we never see it again , but then something better , always comes along , like our Cat Tree!

06-20-2004, 10:26 PM

Finally during the night the boy got up and opened the door. He brought me in with him and then shut it tight. He turned on the light and there it was.... a huge tent it had tons of boxes and laundry baskets and.... BLANKETS!!! But none were mine :( Well hes off the list. Now to Kenny running about laying on the couch. I saw my old friend/rival today the neighbor's cat Bobby. Everytime I see him I jump around go in circles and he just keeps walking or lies down because hes on the other side of the giant cage (the porch is what they call it... for some reason). I doubt he has something to do with it but you never know. Well later in the day the boy came home from Bobbys man servant's house and told dad something and they started to prepare for something in the same room as my tent which i found out later has been taken down :confused: why did they do that. well what mysteries to tomorrow bring hopefully mom will feel better.

06-24-2004, 11:22 AM

Well today Bobby was brought in and stuck in the computer room.... so thats what they were preparing for mom is still sick and Im down to 2 ppl either its Bob or Daddy. I managed to get in Bobs room and hide for a while while the boy was feeding him. I looked around and saw nothing but before I could go any furthr the boy caught me and brought me out. The rest of the day Mom and the boy spent outside working. I slept, relaxed, napped, ate, and pooped the rest of the day but nothing else exciting.